Sanremo 2023 - Tumblr Posts
In che senso Giorgia quarta e Ultimo secondo
Capisco Mengoni primo ma Giorgia meritava davvero di più oggi
happy super saturday eurovision nerds

Non Ama ad un passo dal supplicare Gino Paoli di tagliare con le chiacchiere e cantare l'ultima canzone
Uno di noi
Rosa Chemical really said "if I can't win Sanremo, at least I'll win fantasanremo"
OVVIAMENTE era Fiorello l'amico "misterioso"
Che non ci delude e asfalta tutti, lo amo
ornella vanoni è mia nonna "dov'è gianni?" "sono già stanca" "non voglio i fiori voglio i carciofi" "dov'è fedez che gli devo parlare" È TUTTO COSÌ A CASO
Non loro dolcissimi che alla fine cantano con lo stesso microfono, le lacrime a fiumi proprio
italians are just built different because there's no way any other country would survive an annual music contest that lasts for like a week (mostly on weekdays!) for up to 7 non-stop chaotic hours, featuring rules that don't make that much sense and that somehow is both parts gay as hell and homophobic
Mengoni super cucciolo che riconosce quanto alcune donne siano state derubate di questa top 5 palesemente, è per questo che ti vogliamo super bene
Ora vola all'Eurovision vestito di pelle però grz
canadian here: what the FUCK is sanremo and what the FUCK happened this year specifically? all i know is that some guy tongue kissed some woman's husband on live tv after twerking on him during his performance?
sanremo is an italian song contest that takes place every year for 5 nights in a row from 8.30pm to 2am where the singers make it their personal mission to make it the gayest event of the year while the execs make it their personal mission to make it the most homophobic event of the year. everyone is especially focused on wrecking as much havoc as possible. so far this year we got men kissing with tongue, anal plugs, leather daddies, incestous vibes, tits, women in leather suits kissing, boring ballads, le foibe, the cops band and as of rn we're witnessing an epic divorce. everyone is sleep deprived and held hostage by the host. i have no idea what time or day it is and neither does anyone else. the winner goes to eurovision