Sarah Rees Brennan - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

That reminds me. Junior year of high school, we were reading Le Petit Prince in French class, and on the day we were supposed to discuss the ending, my grandmother (who was very sick) had just decided to stop taking sustenance from a feeding tube--meaning she was going to die in a matter of days, and by her own choosing (albeit from a very limited set of crappy options). I was behind, so I speed-read the ending of Le Petit Prince during class. It did not go well. I got to That Part, and it surprised the hell out of me, and I burst into tears (while the teacher was talking about something completely different, too, b/c I was reading under my desk). 

So I ran outside into the hallway and sat down on the tiles to sob all by myself. Then my favorite English teacher came by. She knew me pretty well - a couple of other kids and I hung out in her classroom during lunches and talked about homoerotic interpretations of American lit (as you do) - and even though she was pretty no-nonsense, I thought she might offer some compassion. 

So, she was like “what’s going on?” and I choked out something like “we were reading The Little Prince...and...and...” 

She nodded sagely and said “it’s the literature.” Kind of like ‘ah yes, we’ve all been there.’ And just walked on by.

I mean, that was pretty bad-ass. I felt a little resentful that she didn’t stay to figure out what was really going on, but now I can appreciate that her reaction to seeing someone sitting in a corridor crying over a book was that this was a perfectly reasonable and ordinary occurrence & no other explanation needed. That’s a good English teacher right there. 



SO I’m basically dead

the whole I love you  and link cutting part… i just could not.



I read it in the few minutes I have in the band hall before class. Here’s how it went:

Me: *is standing and reading Unspoken* *reads aforementioned part*

Me: *actually screams* 

Band Kids: *look at me like I’m the crazy one (keep in mind these are BAND KIDS)*

Me: *curls up into a ball, clutching book to chest, falls on side*

Callie: Heyyyyy…are you okay?

Me: *is actually sobbing curled up in a ball on ground* YES!

Callie: *stares*

Me: NO!

Callie: *drags me to my feet and wrenches book out of hands*

Me: *hisses and grabs book back* *is still crying* *keeps reading anyways*

and my band director… the looks he gave me… and my section leader… and everyone really…

I was in physical, mental, and emotional pain after that book. I mean that wholeheartedly. My chest physically hurt. And my mind felt like I was having Jared or Kami’s mind removed from it. And my emotions…


okay. yup.

@sarahreesbrennan :


this is how you make me feel

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8 years ago
13 Days To #TellTheWindAndFire

13 days to #TellTheWindAndFire

Theme - Rebellion

“Do the buried really think that they’re going to start a revolution in my name?”

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8 years ago

I am breaking down. Pleeeeeeease. Please let us know what is going on, Sarah. <3 <3 <3 

Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle, The Greatest Elven Guard Of The Border Who Ever Lived!

Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle, the greatest elven guard of the Border who ever lived! 

I’m grateful to @sarahreesbrennan for inspiring me with her beautiful stories and characters. I’m very excited for the news, hope to read soon new adventures of Elliot, Serene and Luke! 

(Sorry for my lame English, I’m not a native speaker)

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5 years ago
The Murderous Man-hating Elf, Intense Gay Kid, And Elliot.
The Murderous Man-hating Elf, Intense Gay Kid, And Elliot.

The murderous man-hating elf, intense gay kid, and Elliot.

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3 years ago

Beautiful Fanart. reblogging for @ladyaster3​

Serena? Elliot Asked.

“Serena?” Elliot asked.

“Serene,” said Serene. “My full name is Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle.”

Elliot’s mouth fell open. “That is *badass.*”

- IN OTHER LANDS by @sarahreesbrennan

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6 months ago

Does anyone have any takes on the MBTI types of the characters from the book „Long Live Evil“ by Sarah Rees Brennan?

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