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Ok, but, have you considered, Nana has two parents.
It is absolutely possible for two Arcobaleno to be Tsuna’s grandparents. You could have it be a genuine relationship, a one night stand, an “Unholy spawn of Flame, how happen?”
Or even better, one Arcobaleno grandparent, and one great grandparent?
@north-peach @wolfsrainrules @in-the-gardens-of-inspiration
Okay but headcanons for each of the Acrobaleno as Tsuna's grandparent on Nana's side? I loved your reply about Reborn as.
--In all of these, in varying ways, Iemitsu might have Tsuna with Nana, but he sure as hell doesn’t get away with his bullshit. None of them will have it, and all of them have different Consequences™ for him trying it.
All are painful. All are effective.
--Nana? Nana was taught to act a certain way but she’s a Boss Ass Bitch™ and the world is never ready for it, it’s great
--Tsuna will be taught to ALSO be a Bad Ass and no one can tell me he won’t. That’s a baby Sky with a grandparent that is the strongest Flame of that kind’s user, and all the instincts that come with that especially when the kid if actually of their blood. He’s gonna be a tiny little bad ass in one form or the other.
yes, even Skull. Fite me.
--This means that Tsuna has Hibari blood in him, as does Nana. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUNNY THAT IS TO ME.
--He grows up around Kyouya. Kyouya claims him as a tiny little toddler looking at tiny bby in his Aunt’s arms, and he will literally fight anybody over him, that’s his tiny sky fuck off.
--Tsuna does in fact have the Hibari FITE ME instinct, it’s just so unexpected, because he’s a Hibari that picks his battles and it shows. That his Grandfather taught him to fight??
--Tsuna is very very good at hand to hand, is an absolute mismatched mess of fighting that flows so well together it looks like a single style. Fon is very proud. Tsuna is having fun. Kyouya thinks this is amazing cause it makes him unpredictable in a conventional sense and he loves it.
--He has Fon’s ever present calm. It gives Reborn the jitters cause he recognizes it but can’t place where, and he has a feeling he’s fucked up somewhere but can’t place how.
--Verde is kinda distant, but he pays a hell of a lot of attention. Just because he’s not there often doesn’t mean he isn’t watching.
--He makes it a mission to FUCK UP Vongola Ninth for trying to seal his baby grandson. He succeeds.
--Okay, but Genius! Tsuna???? I’m living.
-- Spanner and Shoichi losing their entire minds over him. ALSO BONDED ELEMENTS IN THIS AU?????? P L S.
--Tsuna has this bad habit of pulling things apart and putting them back together to see how they work, but he accidentally charges them with Sky Flames and it has wild effects that everyone (himself, Spanner, Shoichi, and Verde and later on maybe Gokudera) are INTERESTED IN.
--this immediately makes Lal Grandmother, and she’ll argue it, but she loves Tsuna dearly, and absolutely melts when he calls her it, not that it shows.
--this means Tsuna grows up going to Mafia Land, and running into Skull and I love that immensely.
---Collonello is teaching him firearms and army survival shit and living his best life. (Lal is 100% helping and calling it ‘making sure you dont fuck it up and get him killed’)
---Tsuna loves Skull, and her motorcycle and wants to learn i m m e n s e l y. Collonello is kinda jealous and retaliates by teaching Tsuna to drive a tank.
--His childhood is adventurous and rough and tumble and he loves it.
--He’s so well versed in Mafia at this point, and the island loves him. Reborn can’t pull his thing in this au, cause the guards would laugh and wave him in and Tsuna would rock it anyway, including the cannon event Reborn made Tsuna attempt.
--OKAY BUT PLS VIPER TEACHING TINY TSUNA TO COUNT WITH MONEY --cries in oh no thats cute fuck---
--Tsuna growing up with very eccentric assassins cause Varia family is very important and they CANT not check out their Mist’s grandson okay-
--oh shit that’s a tiny primo what the fuck
--what the fuck kinda protections are THESE, fuck off that’s NOT quality
--Varia brawls drop to zero when Tsuna is sleeping or Xanxus will get PISSED, as will Viper and Tsuna will cry and everyone hates that even if they dont say it.
--Xanxus loves him very much, he’s an OLDER BROTHER NOW thats HIS Tiny Idiot, who reaching for his flames and gave him a heart attack by grabbing them with tiny pudgy toddler fingers and then didnt get burned okay,
--wanna see Skull actually truly rage?? Touch his family. Go ahead. Sign that death warrant.
--Tsuna is a tiny little grease monkey mechanic having the time of his life
--Tsuna is able to take apart and put together engines with his eyes closed
--He is totally an adrenaline junkie and he loves stunt driving with his whole heart
---He has accidentally, and then later on purpose, enhanced Skull’s bikes and things with Sky Flames
-- He grows up with Skull’s unbiased Flame use thing, so he does....a lot of shit most Skies would be like “Bitch what the FUCK” about. Cause Skull has some info, but is also aware of what caging the ‘belief’ factor of Flames will do, cause he can do shit with his Flames that made Reborn and the others s t o p, so he never stops Tsuna from experimenting.
--Tsuna is therefore a tiny Flame monster, ESPECIALLY when he figures out Sky Flames are actually EVERY OTHER flame added together and he can in fact pull them apart if he concentrates.