Scarlet Johanson X Teen Reader - Tumblr Posts
First Heartbreak
Synopsis: Reader’s boyfriend breaks up with her and the avengers cast comfort the reader.
Warnings: Fluff, Some curse words, crying, reader’s heartbreaking
Word Count: 839 words
Pairings: The OG6 x reader, Tom Hiddleston x reader
Author’s Note: This was my idea and this is my work. Please enjoy and do not forget to like. If you take ANYTHING from my fanfics and do not give credit or ask for permission, you will be blocked and reported, and I will let others know.
I have the copyright of this work.

y/n - your name
y/b/n - your boyfriend’s name
You were always a firm believer in love. You were only 18 but you have always desired true love like your parents.
So when a boy asked you out, you had big hopes. It was all going well. He was the perfect man. You met his family he met yours. Though you did not see him all the time due to you being an actress, you always tried. He hated to see you go, so whenever you came you two would spend your entire day together. They were the best moment of your life.
Now here you are, in your trailer on the set of The Avengers, sobbing your eyes out, reading his message over and over, again and again trying to think what could have possibly gone wrong.
Two years of love and joy just destroyed in 1 simple short message.
Hey, I do not think it is working between us, you are always away and I have found someone else. Sorry.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror. Puffy eyes, messed up makeup. You braced yourself and quickly called your makeup artist to fix your makeup.
A few minutes later your makeup artist arrives. The first thing she notices is your tear-stained marks and puffy eyes. She doesn’t question you but you know she is going to, so you quickly come up with an excuse and say that you are homesick. She comforts you and when your makeup is done, she brings you your favorite snacks.
When you are called on set for your scene, everyone can sense your unhappy mood. When someone asks you about the sad mood you use the same excuse you have been using the entire day “I am homesick”.
Finally, the shooting ended and Robert invites everyone to his home for a party. You would usually say yes but today is different.
“I am sorry rob but I can't come, I have so much homework pending but you all enjoy it.” You said to Robert
In response you get an “ Ok, I understand but you will host the next party then.”
You let out a huff of laugh and said “All right, you got it.”
“She has been acting differently all day hasn’t she,” Chris Hemsworth said
“Yeah” Scarlet responded
“Hey, I have a plan. Why don’t we go to y/n house and host a party there and help her with her homework ” Chris Evans said
Surprisingly everyone agreed.
You got home and immediately broke down. You tried to think why did it happen, everything was going great. You suddenly hear your doorbell ringing, thinking it’s your sister who you called and told her to come to your home, you just went and answered the door, but it wasn’t your sister it was your castmates. Their happy faces soon turned sad seeing you crying, they walked in and ask you what happened.
“And don’t lie.” Jeremy Renner said
So instead of lying this time and making an excuse you just told them what happened
“Y/B/N broke up with me.”
“What, why?” Mark Ruffalo asked in shock seeing as you and y/b/n were dating for 2 years and whenever someone asked you about your relationship you always responded with “We are happy and he is the best.” And now here you were crying for that same boy
You showed them the text seeing as you still can’t believe that you two have broken up
“What an asshole, who breaks up with someone over a text,” Scarlet exclaimed
“I know right” RDJ agreed
“Hey, y/n listen to me, if he can’t even break up with you by meeting you in person or even on a call, then I don’t think he respects you. 2 years of relationship and he ended that in a single text. I don’t think you should cry because you deserve better. I know it's hard, you loved him but we will be here you know why because we care for you and we love you.” Tom Hiddleston said
“And will always love you.” Chris Hemsworth added
“You guys are right, I shouldn’t waste my day crying over someone who doesn’t even respect me.” You said
“Yeah.” Everyone exclaimed
“So, if that’s over can we eat food it's getting cold.” Mark Ruffalo said making everyone laugh and the party starts.
You were still sad but you knew that you have the full support of your new family.