Scarletsxnss - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
The Tag On Violets Collar Jingles As The Girl Gets Up Off The Floor At The Sight Of The Door Opening,
The Tag On Violets Collar Jingles As The Girl Gets Up Off The Floor At The Sight Of The Door Opening,

the tag on violet’s collar jingles as the girl gets up off the floor at the sight of the door opening, ‘slut’ flickering in and out of visibility in the light as it moves. it reads damien’s name && number on the back, and it can only be taken off with a key. some might think it degrading to wear, but to the blonde it’s simply another sign that she’s owned. “daddy!” her voice sounds out in delight. her sketchbook and pencils are forgotten in violet’s excitement to greet her captor boyfriend. thigh-high clad feet pad over floor covered in plush pink carpet to the door bearing its many locks. one blonde braided pigtail falls over violet’s shoulder as she peers at the bag of gifts with a tilted head, heels lifting off the floor in a small bounce of excitement.

she’s been good recently and a good pet deserves many rewards. additionally, being locked in one room for hours on end means the girl needs various forms of entertainment. she was hoping damien had remembered the new set of paints she’d asked for in particular. there was also a new video game the girl had mentioned — maybe he’d decided to surprise her with it. there was only one way to find out. adoration and worship are clear in violet’s eyes as she drops to her knees on the soft carpet, the tag on her collar jingling once more. “did you miss me, daddy?” she hums, nothing but love in those brown eyes. she licks one palm as damien frees his cock, grasping it in that small hand and stroking it.

starter for @sweetheartofmine! ( damien + ??? ) based on this!

Starter For @sweetheartofmine! ( Damien + ??? ) Based On This!

the moment damien set eyes on her, he knew he would grow OBSESSED. all the money he earned went to pulling her in. at first they were TRADITIONAL. dates turned into weekends. weekends turned into vacations. vacations turned into moving in. the deeper into the relationship, the more his obsession GREW. he spent money on decorating a room just for her—set the entire home with cameras and paid a premium to have an ankle monitor on her at all times. now she's HIS. no one else's. and he knew she'd like it that way. she was the perfect SLUT—loving and willing to wear his name around his neck. some might think he was SICK. but he liked to think that this relationship only made them both stronger. 

footsteps are heard as damien makes his way into the basement, humming as the locks twist open and the door gives into his force. "baby." he calls out. "i got new toys for you." the male calls out, grinning as he looks over at his pet girlfriend. in his hand is a shopping bag with a plethora of toys. some literal toys, while others are SEXUAL. "come show me some love and earn them." he grins, already unbuttoning his jeans.

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11 months ago
It Has To Be Said That Violet Hadn't Come Into The Relationship In A Mental State That Could Be Considered
It Has To Be Said That Violet Hadn't Come Into The Relationship In A Mental State That Could Be Considered

it has to be said that violet hadn't come into the relationship in a mental state that could be considered NORMAL. the girl had been MESSED UP from the start. so it seems only natural that their dynamic is DIFFERENT from others. blonde pigtails rest on both shoulders as her small hand strokes damien's cock, plush lips pressing kisses over it ( leaving pink lip gloss marks behind ). those pigtails had been carefully braided - violet puts every effort into being as PRETTY as possible for her DADDY.

her features light up with delight as damien promises he missed her. "i missed YOU, daddy," violet hums in return. being called PUP has the girl squirming excitedly, as well as his hands on her. pink-painted fingers give his cock a gentle squeeze as she grins up at him. "mostly i missed you, daddy. you know i HATE when you're gone." the petite girl turns her pretty lips downward in a pout, however she can't keep the delight from her face for long. violet loves to keep damien updated on the many hobbies that take up her downtime. "i've been working on my french braid! i think i'm getting BETTER." her head turns briefly from side to side to show him her work.

It's Wrong How Casual This Has Become. Seeing Her Collars And Cages Didn't Cause Him To Feel The Same

it's wrong how casual this has become. seeing her collars and cages didn't cause him to feel the same tinge of GUILT it once has. once upon a time, he was scared to show her to the world. confessing that he was like this felt like the ultimate SIN. now he's PROUD of where they were. the way her mind was DESTROYED by him only turned him on more. it was TWISTED in the best way possible. how could he feel bad when she has such a pretty smile when her hand wraps around his dick?

"i did miss you." damien hums in response, carefully setting the bag down to the side. now with his hands free, he runs his hands over her head. careful to not ruin her PERFECT ponytail, but enough to praise her properly. "you know i can't go too long without my pup." he grins, knowing he had so much power over her. "what'd you do today? tell daddy EVERYTHING."

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9 months ago
Violet Only Knows Love In The Form Of Total OBSESSION. Maybe That Was Why It Had Been So Easy For Her
Violet Only Knows Love In The Form Of Total OBSESSION. Maybe That Was Why It Had Been So Easy For Her

violet only knows love in the form of total OBSESSION. maybe that was why it had been so easy for her to go along with what damien had dreamed of for their relationship. keeping her hidden away from the world — because she was HIS — truly made perfect sense to the girl. and while she teases about him leaving her, violet is content to remain EXACTLY where he wants her to be.

the pup's ANKLE MONITOR presses into her skin as she sits back on her heels, in her PLACE at damien's feet. "why can't you just stay here with me?" violet asks with a pout. "a lot of people work from home, the remote thing…" her pretty lips press a kiss on the tip of his cock, those lips splitting into a grin when damien acknowledges her handwork. "thank you, daddy." the girl's voice is sugar sweet, making a small sound of surprise when she's pulled closer. "i love looking pretty for you, sir."

anxiety creeps into violet's chest at the mention of leaving the safety of her four walls. she isn't AFRAID of the stares of others. what SCARES her was something else. "what if someone tries to take pup AWAY from daddy?" she was very accustomed to their TWISTED way of living, but at times she still fears others may try to put an end to it. she can feel eyes on her when the two go for their walks. and sometimes she can hear WHISPERS as well. "daddy wouldn’t let anyone take his pet, right?"

Damien Watches Her With PRIDE. Their Relationship Was A Crazy One, But That Didn't Mean They Didn't LOVE

damien watches her with PRIDE. their relationship was a crazy one, but that didn't mean they didn't LOVE each other. the kind of love they shared was intense and unusual, but he can't deny feeling loved when he sees the PRINTS of gloss all over his dick. his mind refused to find anything wrong with this. he told himself that he was taking care of her. paying for every bit of her life only satiated his craving for complete CONTROL over her. 

"i know, baby, daddy hates leaving you. but you know i need to work hard to take care of my PET." there's a sparkle in his eyes when she mentions her french braid. "oh wow." his fingers gently feel the cute braids, then taking the opportunity to pull her CLOSER to his cock. "i'm so proud of you, baby, they look so good. you look so pretty for me." 

he remembers the days where he kept her in TOTAL isolation; no internet or connection to the outside world. it was a TWISTED kink, to want to keep someone captive, but he's slowly given her more freedoms—internet, games, television—and of course he liked letting her out on WALKS. "luckily i bought you that cute dress you wanted." he grins, playfully spoiling one of the surprise gifts. "maybe since you look so pretty, later we can put you in the dress and go out for dinner? i haven't put you on leash in a while..."

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8 months ago
One Might Think That A Person In Violet's Situation Might Be FEARFUL, RESENTFUL, Or TRAUMATIZED By The
One Might Think That A Person In Violet's Situation Might Be FEARFUL, RESENTFUL, Or TRAUMATIZED By The

one might think that a person in violet's situation might be FEARFUL, RESENTFUL, or TRAUMATIZED by the life they live. yet one look at the expression on the tiny blonde's face reveals an entirely different story. LOVE fills violet's eyes. pure, unconditional love. no one understands her the way damien does. no one else sees her soul and loves every ounce of her being. the two simply have a UNIQUE way of expressing their devotion to each other. even when moments are heavy with lust and clouded with passion, it isn't difficult to see that the couple would do anything for each other.

if the puppy girl had a TAIL, it would be wagging for her daddy right now. "you promise, daddy?" she beams up at him with the question. every one of damien's words is absolute to her. if he swore something to the girl, it simply must be true. he could tell her society had fallen apart into chaos & disease and she was only safe if she stayed in her four walls. and violet would believe it without a SECOND of hesitation. so if he promised they'd never be apart, it must be true. a flush creeps over the pup's cheeks as damien speaks of USING her. his words aren't necessarily TEASING or meant to be AROUSING, they're merely facts. it's only an added benefit that they affect the tiny girl. she can't be any closer to his cock at this point, rubbing her cheek against it. "that's what i was made for, daddy. i was meant to be your pet and be here for your pleasure."

damien's suggestion catches her off guard, brown eyes going a hint wider. but it isn't protest or incredulity within them. "i look PRETTY with your cum on my face, don't i?" as he speaks, violet's pretty little hand strokes his cock, feeling it twitch within her grip. her excitement is visible. "you're so smart, daddy. i love your ideas." her plush lips close around the head of his cock, hand falling away to allow him to feed it further into her mouth as he pleases.

Each Moment Between Them Is More ROMANTIC Than Anyone Would Understand. She Was A Captive, Sure, But

each moment between them is more ROMANTIC than anyone would understand. she was a captive, sure, but it was the ultimate form of LOVE between them. people love their possessions; she was his favorite. damien enjoyes the soft kisses—learning to enjoy the small talk and build up was difficult at first. the first few nights together was filled with endless fucking and damien being so rough that he didn't give his pet much time to speak. but he's learned since then; there's BEAUTY in these gentle moments, especially with her being so subservient.

"i'd never let anyone take you." he pets her head. "do you know how important you are to me, pup?" the male asks, being genuine as his eyes scan how small her face looks against his towering member. "without you i wouldn't have a pet to EMPTY into every morning." damien speaks as if it's a necessity—which to them, it is. "and i wouldn't have a slutty mouth to use after a HARD day of work." his petting hand now pulls her lips closer to his cock to emphasize his point.

"what about this..." damien thinks for a moment. "one walk with cum all over your face," the thought alone makes his dick TWITCH, "and i'll spend a whole night with you. maybe i'll even let you COCKWARM me."

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7 months ago
It Has Been So Long That Violet Has Nearly Forgotten What Her Life Was Like Before She Met DAMIEN. The
It Has Been So Long That Violet Has Nearly Forgotten What Her Life Was Like Before She Met DAMIEN. The

it has been so long that violet has nearly forgotten what her life was like before she met DAMIEN. the tiny girl had never believed in love at first sight, yet the first time she laid eyes on him, she KNEW. from that moment on, her world has revolved around him. and by some miracle, it was the same for him. as their relationship progressed, damien has shown her that they were meant to be together. and for that, he has earned her unconditional worship and devotion.

violet's heart flutters at the praise. only her daddy can fill her with love with such DIRTY words. arousal pools in the pup's panties as brainwashed eyes gaze up at the perfection towering over her. damien's DESIRE on her tongue is a reflection of her own. the taste is as familiar to her as the candy he brings her when she's especially good. it creates that same feeling of euphoria in her, if not greater. her daddy's pleasure is the SWEETEST joy in the world to her. there's nothing she wouldn't do for it.

utter SUBMISSION gleams in the blonde's eyes as damien takes control. her trust lies in those large hands on either side of her head, mussing her neat braids, holding her in the perfect position. during their PLAYTIME, she's anything he wants her to be. his puppy, his pet. his babygirl, his princess. his whore. his property. she's nothing but an object, a pretty set of holes. she's a fleshlight with doe eyes shining with naïve love and a mouth full of sweet, worshiping words she recites like a script. she's the perfect FUCKDOLL he's shaped her into.

those dumb doll eyes stay trained on damien's face as he's instructed, lost if he doesn't tell her what to do. maybe it's wrong for violet to allow him to manipulate her into being so mindless and dependent, but it feels so right when they call it LOVE. the tip of his cock hits the back of her throat as he thrusts and the tiny girl gags, tears spilling down porcelain cheeks. it's degrading to be used like that, yet damien's touch feels like heaven. he can ruin her in any way he pleases, and from the pieces he's broken her into, violet will offer him another smile. another word of devotion. anything so that he's pleased with her.

At First This Was A TWISTED Relationship That Damien Was Almost Ashamed Of. Taking A Girl And Keeping

at first this was a TWISTED relationship that damien was almost ashamed of. taking a girl and keeping her locked in a cage? hiding her in the basement was the easy part, but there were people in her life that would look for her. there wasn't a single day, in those first few months, that damien wasn't looking over his shoulder and trying to stay out of trouble. but overtime, he MOLDED her into the perfect pup. every night he'd see her, he made it his mission to change the way her mind looked. if someone were to find her now, he was confident that she'd convince anyone that this was what she WANTED. they were in love, after all. 

none of what they did seemed wrong anymore. she was his pup, so dutiful and willing—perfectly accepting of her daddy's love. "you would look so good in daddy's cum..." damien speaks from experience, leaving her with his cum all over her on the nights where he was feeling particularly POSSESSIVE and in need of claiming his property. and as his property plays and admires his dick, he feels a little pre-cum slide down his tip—just as needy as her—longing for the affectionate HUG that only her throat could provide.

now that her lips are wrapped around him, the time for sweet comments and loving gazes are over—for him at least. for her he continues to direct her, "eyes on me, puppy." as his hands hold either side of her head, gently thrusting into her, as if he's looking to BRUISE her throat with his cock. his dick is MASSIVE when compared to her sweet little face. damien is unapologetically towering over her sweet form, ready to CRUSH her under his force. 

"i love being so smart for you, puppy, you know i have to do all the thinking for you..." he speaks as if thinking for her is a BLESSING. and in a lot of ways, for them, it is. all she has to do is be a mindless HOLE for him to use. and in return? he gives her an easy life where her iq doesn't matter. all she needs to do is be pretty for her master.

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6 months ago

starter for @scarletsxnss based on [ relief ] from this post.

Starter For @scarletsxnss Based On [ Relief ] From This Post.
Starter For @scarletsxnss Based On [ Relief ] From This Post.

"oh, daddy..." violet's whine was accompanied by a squirm, the feeling in her abdomen painful yet so so sweet. her cunt dripped around damien's fingers as he pressed on her stomach with his other hand, her thighs shaking with effort. her bladder uncomfortably full, the girl knelt before her daddy, back arched to present her holes for him, face down against the plush pink carpet. the tail plug snug in her asshole, matching the set of puppy ears nestled among her blonde locks, dangled out of the way as damien's fingers worked in and out of her cunt.

"please please please. i need to piss, or cum, daddy, please." it was hard to think when her body was gripped by need like that, and it was even harder with her hyper awareness of the plug as his fingers caressed her walls. it felt so good to have both her holes stuffed. the pleasure made her head fuzzy, trying to rock her hips back into his hand in rhythm, lewd mouth open to pant like the puppy she was. "o-or your cock? just -- something, daddy, i need.." it was becoming difficult to know what she even wanted, trying to keep her hands behind her back as instructed, while her clit pulsed with the need to be touched and her thighs shook.

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5 months ago
Violet's Cunt Aches For Him. Damien's Fingers Aren't ENOUGH. His Teasing Makes Her Desperate, Her Whine
Violet's Cunt Aches For Him. Damien's Fingers Aren't ENOUGH. His Teasing Makes Her Desperate, Her Whine

violet's cunt aches for him. damien's fingers aren't ENOUGH. his teasing makes her desperate, her whine sounding out. "daddy..." she huffs, voice sweet as the word stretches out. his words are mean, taunting; he knows she can't think when she's deep in her pet headspace like this. her petite chest heaves with each breath. he makes her so DUMB so easily. her brain shuts right off and he has to do all of the thinking and work for her. the only thing in that pretty little head of hers is daddy and his cock.

while she loves the position and the way that it renders her helpless to his every whim, the blonde is lost without damien's eyes reassuring her. slender hands adorned with tattoos twist and fidget with the longing to reach for him. yet obedience keeps those pretty hands behind her back. the lack of leverage on her hands and arms leaves her even more immobile, only able to rock back towards him a small amount. "i love my daddy so MUCH. so so much. he makes puppy so happy. he's the best daddy ever." her words are simple, reflecting the mindlessness he brings her into. in her regular headspace, her artwork reveals her worship of damien when she cannot find the words to portray her feelings. countless hours spent painting, sketching, carving his likeness she has memorized like the back of her hand.

violet does not know if the precipice she lingers upon is orgasm or the relief of her bladder. both feel so sweet she only knows the difference in the two when they occur. whether her cunt spasms and clenches around him, or the pressure in her abdomen dissipates. bliss fills her with both sensations, she'd take one or the other with no preference. the two releases are linked both emotionally and physically to the pleasure her MASTER gives her. the puppy sub's knees go weak as she feels damien's cock press inside of her. a small gush of piss escapes as she struggles between holding it in and relaxing enough so that his thrust isn't met with resistance. violet cries out at the feeling, clenching down again and squirming. her walls quiver around him, the girth of his perfect cock stretching her cunt into the perfect fit. at his words, his permission, she lets out a moan that echoes his. "THANK YOU, daddy, thank you." her body releases its tension at last. the flood of fluid around damien's cock has the tiny blonde sobbing at the sensation of relief, radiating from her cunt throughout her body, spreading outwards to fill her veins.

Damien Loved TORTURING Her. Having Full Control Of Her Body Made Him Feel Powerful. It Also Made Him

damien loved TORTURING her. having full control of her body made him feel powerful. it also made him feel so LOVED, which many outside of them two wouldn't understand. love like this is grand and overwhelming, but the two seem to manage. she makes it easy by being such a good puppy. his fingers gently rub her folds, gently inserting into her. playing with her was torture—because it didn't give the CONNECTION that his cock could, when it was inside her slick cunt. "i bet it's so hard for you to know what's going on with your body. puppy is having a hard time, aren't you?" his tone is teasing, almost mocking, edging her closer to complete dumbness before he REWARDS her. 

if she wasn't bent over, she'd see how LOVINGLY he gazes down on her. she's his most precious possession—his pet that he adores more than anything. all of his teasing and degrading is for her benefit; she always CUMS and SQUIRTS better after he's teased her. "tell daddy how much you love him." damien adds, wanting to hear some reassurance for himself. that's what she was here for, wasn't it? to SERVE and LOVE him. 

while he awaits a response, he pulls his fingers away so he can taste her for himself. slick fingers taste bitter and SWEET all at the same time, even he's curious if she really needs to piss or cum. likely both. and now that he's TASTED her, he knew he needed her love all around his dick. he grips her hips and slowly aims his cock to slide into her sopping cunt, moaning out as he feels just how warm and wet she is. she always felt the best right before she had to piss. "go ahead, puppy... you can piss now..." 

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5 months ago
Part Of Hannah Didn't Think She Deserves, Or Needs, This New Space. She Works Perfectly Well At Her OLD
Part Of Hannah Didn't Think She Deserves, Or Needs, This New Space. She Works Perfectly Well At Her OLD

part of hannah didn't think she deserves, or needs, this new space. she works perfectly well at her OLD desk. she gazes around the office thoughtfully. she isn't so naïve that she didn't know why vincent had asked for it made. she knows he wants a space for them to share together. she just had been happy the way things had been and felt a little intimidated by the newness of it. fingertips trailed over the sex swing in particular in curiosity. she'd never seen one in person. at the sound of her boss's voice, she turns. with his eyes on her form, she isn't sure if he was speaking about her or the room.

she melts into his embrace. it's too easy. he just has that effect on her. the smell of him floods her senses and her eyes briefly close. his hands wandering don't even prompt a big reaction from her, she's so USED to it. "i didn't think it would be so much." a hint of insecurity sounds in her voice. "i know with the laws..." she trails off for a moment, eyes wandering. "it still feels like we're going to get in trouble." when her gaze find him again, it's steadying. he's her source of confidence and reassurance. his words bring a delighted little giggle from hannah's lips. "oh, i PROMISE. you can walk me on a leash from one to the other." her lips peck vincent's sweetly.

their gazes meet and she can see it in his eyes. hers fall half shut, a deep breath taken in. it doesn't take much for her to induce the change. she lets her body relax into his, arms framing his sides in the embrace before she gently pulls away. "i do like it, sir." walking across the room, hannah's head turns to look at him as she leans against the edge of the desk. while her skirt is short, it's not QUITE short enough to be revealing unless she bends over more. "what do you think about me bent over this one?"

@sweetheartofmine! starter for vincent and hannah!

@sweetheartofmine! Starter For Vincent And Hannah!

with the new fr*euse laws passing, it wasn't uncommon to see a boss use their secretary for RELIEF. productivity around the world had actually gone up quite a bit since the laws have passed and the world seems to be moving in a positive direction. what was unusual was a secretary getting their own office. hannah was granted a fairly large one. it was big enough to host a bed, s*x swing, and a chest of toys—not to mention her ACTUAL work space with a desk and filing cabinets. all of this was requested for, by vincent. and seeing as vincent was one of the top editors of the country, the company would be stupid to refuse his ask.

finally the office was stocked, cleaned, and ready for use. vincent proudly enters to see his SEXY girl, in a habitat that he could truly enjoy. "wow." he speaks, eyes trained on her as he approaches and confidently pulls her in for a LOVING hug. now his hands GROPE her, still just as confident, while his eyes look across the room. "they really went all out. but, you know, i am gonna miss bending you over MY desk. promise we'll keep the sex 50/50 between the two rooms?" her boss teases, before kissing her proudly.

even with fr*euse, vincent was practically married to his work, which meant he was married to her. "do you like it?" he asks, his eyes looking over her, nonverbally begging her to slowly turn off her brain and switch from secretary to PET, so they can make use of their new facilities. 

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5 months ago
Innocence Is In Violet's Eyes As She Gazes Up At The Center Of Her Entire World. She Only Feels Useful
Innocence Is In Violet's Eyes As She Gazes Up At The Center Of Her Entire World. She Only Feels Useful

innocence is in violet's eyes as she gazes up at the center of her entire world. she only feels useful and like she has a PURPOSE when she's serving damien like this. the wet sound of his cock sliding in and out of her mouth fills the small basement room, accompanied by her gagging. his sounds of ecstasy in her ears are so sweet, she'd never move from the spot if given the choice. good girl makes her melt, a moan escaping around his massive cock. her CUNT couldn't be any wetter, desire burning so intensely in her core she has to squirm. however, it's those three little words that mean more to her. he could do anything to her, as long as those three words leave his lips. he brainwashes her with them. they're all she needs.

damien's words keep violet focused. she happy blinks up at him, all of the love in her heart in her eyes. she sniffles as the tears roll down her cheeks, joining the saliva dripping from her chin. she doesn't mind the mess when she knows her DADDY is pleased. she's more than happy to be covered in spit, sweat, cum, and piss during their play sessions. she knows he'll clean her up when it's over. she doesn't have a worry in the world in her petspace. daddy takes care of everything. his words bring her even more reassurance that she's doing perfectly just as he's instructed.

her soft noise of surprise is muffled as her face is pressed into his crotch, senses invaded by the scent of his musk. his cum right down her throat makes her a little sad. she CRAVES the taste and feeling of it filling her mouth. she whines with a small pout on her lips as he pulls away. she's forgotten what damien had said he wanted. the creamy ropes hitting her face catch her by surprise. she blinks up at him dumbly as the slightly startled, confused look crosses her features. when he tells her she's pretty, violet melts again, the delighted smile beaming. she licks her lips, bliss evident on her face when she gains a small taste. her gaze follows his, but she hesitates. her heart sinks a little. is that all? she NEEDS his post-orgasm piss. she NEEDS to play with his cock until he's hard again. she NEEDS... "yes, master." lifting from the spot on her knees, violet pads in her socks over to where her leash rests. when she bends, he can see the soaked fabric of her panties beneath her skirt. walking back over, she presents the leash to him, kneeling before him once more.

The Feeling Of The SLICK Spit And Her Tight Lips Around The Shaft Of His Throbbing Cock Is Enough To

the feeling of the SLICK spit and her tight lips around the shaft of his throbbing cock is enough to send damien into space. it's the power of his hold and the roughness of his thrusts that make him feel so POWERFUL. the feeling is intoxicating. it makes him huff and groan as he uses the face of his adorable puppy. her face is more than enough encouragement. "ah... good girl... so fucking SLUTTY. fuck..! i love you." always determined to add those magic three words.

violet is his prized POSSESSION. he knows what it takes to EARN her loyalty. it's a mixture of total domination and unfettered love that keeps the two PURE. most wouldn't understand, but they do. and that's all that matters. "so pretty, baby... good job... keep your eyes on daddy a little longer..." the sight of her tears brings him JOY. her slobber is warm and dripping down his sack, adding to the disgusting sensation that her body gives him at all times. he loves going into this lovedrunk state—one where the world fades away and it's only him and his DOLL. 

"earn daddy's love, baby... keep looking at me." just as he speaks, his body tenses and his load finally BLESSES her throat. damien shoves her head down so that his warm cum can flow down her throat, before gently pulling out so the last ropes of cum PAINT her face beautifully. "oh... look at you." the master hums, feeling the instant relief of watching as the cum plasters her cheeks and chin. "so pretty, puppy... i think you're ready for a little walk." his eyes look over to the leash and collar. "go get your leash and let daddy get you ready."

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5 months ago

starter for @scarletsxnss based on this gif [ 1C ] from this post !

Starter For @scarletsxnss Based On This Gif [ 1C ] From This Post !
Starter For @scarletsxnss Based On This Gif [ 1C ] From This Post !

there's nothing violet loves more than touching her daddy. the height difference of nearly a foot means damien's body is made up of miles of golden skin compared to the tiny girl. straddling his thigh, her small body drapes over his. the unhurried, deep kisses shared between their mouths reflect the passion of their love. one small hand rests at the nape of his neck, fisted into the hair there. the other caresses his soft skin, bare as the pup's own.

while her world revolves around the rough, aggressive fucking of their everyday lives, violet's heart melts for the slower, softer moments. her hand does not fit fully around the thick cock her master possesses, yet it never stops her from playing with it. the strokes of her hand are slow, gentle in nature. it's a rare moment where she isn't hurrying to bring damien to a peak as quickly as possible. her tongue swipes over his, a soft sigh of contentment exhaled into his mouth. "how does that feel, daddy?" violet's words are little more than murmur, seeking reassurance in the swirled blue and green of his eyes when they break apart.

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5 months ago

starter for @scarletsxnss based on this gif [ 3B ] + this gif [ 8B ] [ from this post !

Starter For @scarletsxnss Based On This Gif [ 3B ] + This Gif [ 8B ] [ From This Post !
Starter For @scarletsxnss Based On This Gif [ 3B ] + This Gif [ 8B ] [ From This Post !

"OH!" the soft cry rings out as hannah's hips roll into her master's, the bells on her kitten ears jingling with her movement. her clit pulses with the friction, cunt colliding with vincent's shaft below where her hand strokes it. the wetness of her pleasure acts as lube and that makes her bite her lip, soaking both his cock and balls. love is evident on her face as she works him, hand moving in rhythm with how her hips roll.

eventually hannah cannot keep from craving a taste of vincent's perfect cock. climbing down from his lap to the floor between his knees, the kitten peers up at him with softness in her expression. her cheek rubs on his thigh before her hand grasps his cock once more. stroking it, her tongue flicks out in kitten licks over his shaft.

when she glances upward, it makes her blush to see him watching her intently. "you can't look at me like that. like i hung the moon. NOT when i'm sucking you off."

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5 months ago
Grace Doesn't Know Any Love Sweeter Than What She Shares With Bruce. Another Man Could Never Compare
Grace Doesn't Know Any Love Sweeter Than What She Shares With Bruce. Another Man Could Never Compare

grace doesn't know any love sweeter than what she shares with bruce. another man could never compare to him in her eyes. as an older brother, he does MORE than just teach and protect her. of course, she doesn't know any different. in her world, every pair of siblings shares the same relationship. she's convinced she's supposed to idolize him the way she does. the perfection she sees him as is perfectly natural to the girl. she loves him more than words can ever say.

grace has grown accustomed to waking in the middle of the night to find bruce's body wrapped around hers. she craves his touch, a physical sign of his affection, and welcomes the cuddling. it's never long before she drifts back off to sleep, content in his arms. he fills her dreams as well. his face, the easy way they get along. she swears she sleeps better with him. she feels so SAFE.

the girl lingers in the place between sleep and wake as bruce's voice finds her. she doesn't know it's him in this state. that's why she doesn't shy away from what she feels pressing against her, a small rush of arousal running through her body. spooning is LEWD in its own way. sometimes when bruce holds her like that she can't help but let her mind wander. she's never acted on it though. the face of the body behind her shifts in her subconscious. from a celebrity, to the boy next door who she's had a crush on for years, to visuals that are more random. a soft sound of assent sounds from her throat. it's more than okay. she works her ass back into him. when his hands find her breasts, she gasps, hips stuttering before steadying.

the words whispered in her ears are sweeter than what she expects. it's then that she recognizes the voice. grace is startled at first, more surprised than frightened as sleep begins to fade into awareness. "bruce?" she questions, eyelids fluttering. however, she can't make herself pull away. his body against hers feels better than she could have ever imagined. she's never FELT anything like that. she's innocent. and she's CONFUSED. she's supposed to want to stop it, right?

for @sweetheartofmine! based on what we plotted + this! for bruce and grace :)

For @sweetheartofmine! Based On What We Plotted + This! For Bruce And Grace :)

it felt as the two grew up, they only got CLOSER. the older they became only solidified their LOVE for each other. of course there's the typical sibling love—the kind that meant that bruce would DIE for grace; the kind that meant that she would always be his sister and that he'll love her forever. but the more they began to MATURE, he began to develop more feelings for her—the kind of love that siblings don't usually share. 

most days it felt like his body was ACHING for hers. late at night he'd sneak into her room, slipping into the covers so he could hold her. he wondered if she ever noticed the BULGE that grew in his shorts whenever her body was against his and he could smell her fragrance up close. eddie knew that he was a pervert—but this ATTRACTION was a different level of perversion. 

"grace..." bruce whispers as his hips seem to take on a mind of their own. his body GRINDS against hers, loving the way her form shapes to his—how her ass feels against his cock. "is this okay?" he asks, as if there's a sense of INNOCENCE in his words. truthfully, it doesn't matter how she responds because his hands already wrap around her and grope her full tits. after all, a good sister would LOVE to do this with her brother, right? 

"i love you." bruce adds, hoping to keep her satisfied with his actions—knowing that this isn't some stranger USING her; this was her loving older BROTHER. 

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