School Ships - Tumblr Posts
I'm really bored rn so I guess I'll draw a fanart of my classmates (just because I can). Is it wierd to have a gay OTP in your iwn class? Could you tell me your school shipping-stories in reposts?
I know that noone will read it, but still wanna tell you a story bout my classmates. They're my OTP, and maybe, if you're interested, I could tell you 'bout them sometimes. So they're boys - Vlad and Jack, a tall dark haired asshole and a thin blond dumbass. They're best friends (just dudes being guys). But once we had a school party, everything was fun and chill, but then a slow romantic tune kicks in. Two older guys immediately started dancing with eachother, and all my gang of allies was so happy. Well Vlad (who, apparently, is in the closet and claims to be homophobic) was just sitting there with unpleasant expression. And suddenly Jack comes to him, and goes "wOulD yOou mAYbe wAnT to dANCe wItH me?.." And Vlad just BLUSHES and goes "OH YOU DUMBASS". The saddest thing is, that it maybe would have worked out, if I didn't choke on fucking air, and they didn't acknowledge my presence. So I made my own ship sink