Scp 963 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
The Ethics Committee Wasn't Being Super Ethical Rn And Made Me Into A Millipede

The Ethics Committee wasn't being super ethical rn and made me into a millipede

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1 year ago
What Do You Think Im Thinking Abt? /jI Know I Said I'll Post Serious Art Soon But I'm More Focused On

what do you think im thinking abt? /j I know I said I'll post serious art soon but I'm more focused on finishing bits of my Bright rewrite before I post anything more than just doodles...

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1 year ago
Happy New Year :]I've Probably Gotten 3 Complaints On Hosting Localized Miniature Firework Shows In People's

happy new year :] I've probably gotten 3 complaints on hosting localized miniature firework shows in people's offices/containment cells but that's okay!!!! who wouldn't love miniature fireworks ;]

Dr. Corvus is my bright rewrite, should've mentioned that

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1 year ago
I Come Back Again To Offer You More Doodles That I Did On Magma With A Friend ! And With No Pen Pressure...
I Come Back Again To Offer You More Doodles That I Did On Magma With A Friend ! And With No Pen Pressure...

I come back again to offer you more doodles that I did on magma with a friend ! and with no pen pressure... :[

I bring you: Corvus Brothers, Talloran, and Draven

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1 year ago

I love how the amulet looks! It’s a really nice design! It’s a nice detail!

I'm gonna be SO HONEST with you,,, I still struggle with that fucking thing. I want to put it in a choke hold I SWEAR TO GOD (/j)

I Love How The Amulet Looks! Its A Really Nice Design! Its A Nice Detail!

Like, at first it was simple. Then the second one is what I used for a while and I was like!!! "woah!!!!!!!!!!!" and then the third came around and was like?? ";] fancy!!!" and then the third one has a variant of it's own since my friend colored in the amulet once,,, AND THEN THE FORTH ONE??? JUST EXISTS SOMEWHERE IN SOME SKETCHES I DO? BUT IT'S LIKE,,, A SHINY POKEMON ON IF YOU GET IT OR NOT...

I hate that fucking jewelry piece, it doesn't adhere to a stable design. /hj

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1 year ago
Pre Escape Jaylynn At Site 19

pre escape jaylynn at site 19

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1 year ago
Originally I Wasn't Going To Post It But I Changed My Mind. Big Puppy!!!!!SCP-939 + Jack Corvus :]- O5-6

Originally I wasn't going to post it but I changed my mind. Big puppy!!!!! SCP-939 + Jack Corvus :] - O5-6

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1 year ago

CW// Flashing Lights <:]

This is why you don't send one brother to assassinate your other brother. At least one's immortal !!!! :] - O5-6

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11 months ago
Dr. Myriad - Naturalist, Shapeshifter, SCP-963's Host

Dr. ████ Myriad - Naturalist, Shapeshifter, SCP-963's Host

Personnel File - Easier to read Personnel File - Tag

Summary bits under the cut!

Dr. Myriad is the host to SCP-963, an indestructible amulet that, when direct skin contact is broken with it, instantly kills the culprit. At this point, the deceased's form and memories right before death are recorded inside SCP-963, both accessible by Dr. Myriad, who may shapeshift into any recorded subjects at will.

In the event of Dr. Myriad's death, her body will completely liquify into a viscous mass of flesh and retreat into SCP-963 for a healing period in which his Primary body is reformed wearing it, taking about 1-2 hours. During this period, a slit shape will appear in the ruby of SCP-963, which Dr. Myriad is able to view their surroundings from.

Dr. Myriad itself finds great freedom in self-expression through the shapeshifting abilities of SCP-963, though struggles to come to terms with its side effect of immortality. Outbursts due to stress have manifested in off-the-grid escapades, pranks, and in some extreme cases, containment breaches, but the extra energy is currently being funneled into their work. Many coworkers find them still quite agreeable and easy to work with despite these outbursts. Dr. Myriad utilizes its shapeshifting to assess the behavior of their assigned SCPs, most often plants, animals, and the occasional sentient object. They have been essential in understanding the processes of several SCPs, especially those with intricate social structures. Any concerns the Doctor has with containment procedures WILL be addressed by it, regardless of authority rule. While Dr. Myriad's loyalty to Foundation regulations is questionable at best, she is still a great asset to any site under threat due to past Field Agent training, flexibility in threat assessment, and lack of self preservation while protecting others. She could escape the Foundation on her own if she wanted to. But still, they remain. They have something still keeping them there. Or someone.

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11 months ago
Happy Trans Day Of Visibility From Dr. Myriad!

Happy Trans Day of Visibility from Dr. Myriad! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

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11 months ago

if myriad could pick three pokemon to have in a team. what would she pick 👀

If Myriad Could Pick Three Pokemon To Have In A Team. What Would She Pick

She would have her GOOPERS... Hisuian Goodra (Marbles), Furret (Goo), and Ditto (SlipNSlide)

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11 months ago

What’s myr and theo’s relationship like ? :0

Myr always tries to visit her brother at least every month, trying to do something fun, catch up, make the best of their situation, because she thinks she understands how hard it is on Theo. She knows of the hazard put on him, but not how badly it affects him. Myr sees him as their little brother even if they don't remember how old the other is anymore. They feel like they need to hold onto the time they spend with him, show him mercy and joy in his elongated lifespan, hoping he'll be freed. The only 'real family' she has left. Theo loves her very much, but always holds a pit in his stomach knowing that their moments together will end. Despite the memetic hazard affecting his perception of time, he can sense the start and end, always dreading the end.

Whats Myr And Theos Relationship Like ? :0
Whats Myr And Theos Relationship Like ? :0
Whats Myr And Theos Relationship Like ? :0

Theo can sense the holes in his memory, but it feels like gaps within gaps, unable to be entirely completed, attention shoved aside to something else. One of his oldest memories was the dream of starting a bakery on the outside with Myriad, but no longer knows if or when it's going to happen. Even in her company, he misses his sibling so much. It feels like they used to be close. He can't tell the next time they're going to meet, and some people just disappear from his life. He doesn't know how long any of them have lived. He dreads the day she disappears too.

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10 months ago
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him
With The Mycelium Weapon Newly Woven Into His Body, Micah's Veins Flood With New Energy. It Tells Him

With the mycelium weapon newly woven into his body, Micah's veins flood with new energy. It tells him he needs its first blood spilled to be Myriad's. But upon arrival, he finds his sibling half-melted from a heavy wound to the head, pleading for a swift death so they can reset. Seeing them vulnerable, Micah pulls the mycelium back. He wants to use his hands instead.

Something past rage fuels his iron grip on Myriad's throat, their flesh easily collapsing, already liquifying in his hands. Myriad only tugs weakly at his shirt in retaliation, struggling as the life melts from their eyes into the mass. Micah's grip only relaxes when his fingers press against the floor beneath him, resting in the puddle of his sibling's flesh. He feels the mycelium snake and writhe out of his body as he rises, eager with the adrenaline rush. Myriad would wake up again later that day, fully regenerated without as much as a bruise on her neck, but she'll still remember the sheer horror in her brother's eyes.

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9 months ago

Post horse -🐝

Had a feeling I'd get one of these after I mentioned the horses HAHA... Okay okay, I'll post horses! The top stuff is more recent though as I finalized the horse designs... - O5-6

Post Horse -
Post Horse -
Post Horse -
Post Horse -
Post Horse -

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8 months ago
An Artfight Revenge For @mattastr0phic :]- O5-6 Won't You Look At That, Didn't Forget To Post It This

An Artfight revenge for @mattastr0phic :] - O5-6 Won't you look at that, didn't forget to post it this time...

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7 months ago

It'd be hot to put your babygirl (myriad) in a cowboy outfit

just sayin....

It'd Be Hot To Put Your Babygirl (myriad) In A Cowboy Outfit

My beautiful, sweet slime cowboy

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