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1 year ago
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.
 Phyllorhiza Punctata.

Пятнистая австралийская медуза Phyllorhiza punctata.

Пятнистая австралийская медуза - один из видов пелагических медуз, распространенный в южном регионе Тихого океана, на Гавайях, в Австралии, на Карибах и в Мексиканском заливе. Средний диаметр ее колокола 45-50 см, но в водах Персидского залива, медузы вырастают до необычно больших размеров, свыше 60 см в диаметре. Ожоги вызываемые этими медузами слабые и не являются опасными для человека. Массовое размножение пятнистых австралийских медуз может представлять угрозу для популяций промысловых рыб, поскольку они поедают зоопланктон, икру и мальков. Каждая особь этого вида медуз может пропускать через щупальца около 13 000 литров морской воды в сутки, заглатывая при этом большое количество планктонных организмов, мальков рыб и некрупных пелагических животных.

Australian spotted jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata.

The Australian spotted jellyfish is a species of pelagic jellyfish found in the South Pacific, Hawaii, Australia, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. The average diameter of its bell is 45-50 cm, but in the waters of the Persian Gulf, jellyfish grow to unusually large sizes, over 60 cm in diameter. The burns caused by these jellyfish are weak and are not dangerous to humans.Mass reproduction of Australian spotted jellyfish can pose a threat to commercial fish populations as they eat zooplankton, eggs and fry. Each individual of this type of jellyfish can pass about 13,000 liters of sea water per day through its tentacles, while swallowing a large number of planktonic organisms, fish fry and small pelagic animals.

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6 months ago

Jellyfish on the Beach

I went for a morning walk and tons of jellyfish were washed up on shore, so this is a small jellyfish appreciation post:)

I saw some of which I am fairly sure they are Compass Jellyfish or Chrysaora hysoscella. They are so pretty, however, I have also heard they have got quite a nasty sting. Anyway they have such pretty shades of red, I just love them <3

𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ଳ⋆.˚𓇼 Compass jellyfish - Chrysaora hysoscella 𓇼⋆. ଳ ˖⋆.˚ 𓏲 ๋࣭

Jellyfish On The Beach
Jellyfish On The Beach
Jellyfish On The Beach

I also found some, I think, Barrel Jellyfish or Rhizostoma pulmo. They were also soooo pretty, but it was also a bit sad seeing them washed up like that, but that might just be me. Eitherway, they were gorgeous.

𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ଳ⋆.˚𓇼 Barrel jellyfish - Rhizostoma pulmo 𓇼⋆. ଳ ˖⋆.˚ 𓏲 ๋࣭

Jellyfish On The Beach
Jellyfish On The Beach
Jellyfish On The Beach


I also found really cool emoji thingies online so I will just put them in this post, if anyone is interested . . .

𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ଳ⋆.˚𓇼 ... 𓇼⋆. ଳ ˖⋆.˚ 𓏲 ๋࣭

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☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆

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