Sebarial And Szeth Totally Got Me - Tumblr Posts
If Cosmere characters played Terraria...
Previously, Stormlight characters played Stardew Valley. Now, let’s say the Cosmere characters all had access to the computer game Terraria. What would that be like?
1. Adolin: Very excited by all of the swords
Shallan: Adolin, love, you don’t have to carry around ALL of your new swords.
Adolin: I can’t leave any behind!!
2. Wayne: Very excited by all of the hats
Wax: Why are you fighting with the sparkle wand?? You HAVE the ice sword!
Wayne: Don’t ya see the wizard hat I’m wearing??
3. Steris: Takes care of chest organization & base building while Wax fights
Steris: And THIS chest is filled with all ingredients needed to make buff potions that lend bonuses to combat skills, whereas this chest contains ingredients that make buff potions related to defense or speed.
Steris: The appropriate crafting stations are right above as well.
Wax: T-That’s amazing!
4. Renarin: Keeps throwing himself into fights totally unprepared
Adolin: W-wait! Did you buff at all?
Renarin: (using a wooden bow against the Eye) Come again?
5. Sebarial: Spends all his money getting the best gear
Sabarial: Well, it took 50 platinum, but all of my gear is now “Warding.”
Palona: While you were doing that, I beat Skeletron.
Sabarian: Heeey, my strategy worked!
6. Szeth: Speedruns
Szeth: What is speedrunning?
Szeth: I simply killed all of the bosses immediately and in order.
7. Raoden: Builds ideal houses for all of the NPCs in their preferred biomes
Raoden: All the walls are bright colors! Everything is clean!
Raoden: And I dyed all my clothes orange immediately, of course.
8. Vivenna: Builds simple but effective homes for all NPCs
Vivenna: I also put all of the paintings away into boxes, where the colors won’t scare them.
Siri: Vivenna…
9. Denth: Puts all the NPCs in NPC prisons.
Denth: You know what I hate most about being a mercenary?
Denth: If you build tiny, prisonlike homes for all of your Villagers, people think your gameplay reflects your character.
Denth: Instead of it just being the simplest and most effective way of housing them all!
Tonk Fah: Hey, is it time to drop the Guide in lava yet?
Denth: Don’t mind him.
10. Kaladin: Protects the NPCs
Moash: Kaladin, please. They literally just respawn with new names if they die.
11. Vin: Gets a grappling hook as soon as she feasibly can
Vin: [soaring through the caverns]
Elend: (dying from fall damage for the 19th time): How do you do that so well???
12. Eshonai: Plays on the hardest difficulty
Eshonai: It’s the only way to experience everything the game has to offer.
Eshonai: I also play on the largest world!
Venli: The biomes literally just repeat.
Eshonai: So many new caves to explore!
13. Lift: Plays on the easiest difficulty
Lift: Because I’m just a little kid!
Wyndle: Y-You just SHREDDED the Destroyer!
14. Dalinar: Becomes deeply invested in the lore.
Dalinar: “You feel an evil presence watching you.”
Dalinar: …
Dalinar: But what do those words mean?
15. Kelsier: Uses glitches
Kelsier: And by spawning a thousand ducks from this duck statue, I ensure that only the head of the Destroyer spawns! No probes at all!
Vin: Wow, how did you learn that?
Kelsier: There’s always another secret.