Sephzackweek - Tumblr Posts

I want little Seph (EC) to be friends with little Zack (CC)
(ZS Week day 1 prompt "Childhood")

ZS Week Day 2: Broken/Healing
I've had this fic idea in my head for a long time where, after Sephiroth sheds the last of his humanity and old memories to do Geostigma (then gets beat up by Cloud again), Zack decides the best course of action is to try find, purify and piece back together the Sephiroth that used to be. This is far easier said than done, and you could argue the old Sephiroth can never exist again but you can't tell me Zack wouldn't want to try it anyway. "The Sephiroth I used to know" and that
(How successful Zack was did tend to vary depending on how angsty I was feeling hahah)
Thinking this through was actually a big part of what got me tumbling into Zack+Seph in the first place. Because Zack had *known* Sephiroth it got me thinking about their relationship to each other and something clicked that hadn't before. "Oh, actually, I really like this, actually," I thought. Had no idea back then how much really like I did lmao

ZS Week day 3: Weapon Swap. A lil one for today ^^