Serennedy - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 2: domestic

Serennedy Pride Week Day 2: Domestic
Serennedy Pride Week Day 2: Domestic

I'd eat ham and cheese empanadas all day if I could

(text in comic)

Leon: Hey

Leon: what'cha makin? (smells good...)

Luis: Empanadas. Try one.

Leon: mm... can I have more?

Luis: No 🩷 (they're for dinner)


yes, Leon ate the whole thing in one bite (I would too)

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8 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 3: cowboys

Serennedy Pride Week Day 3: Cowboys


Serennedy Pride Week Day 3: Cowboys
Serennedy Pride Week Day 3: Cowboys

they make it to the saloon I guess

Serennedy Pride Week Day 3: Cowboys
Serennedy Pride Week Day 3: Cowboys

and then they started a homestead together or something!

(text in image)

Leon: There should be a saloon close by.

Luis: Then let's go, sancho!

*Luis acting all shy*

Leon: Look at me...


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8 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 4: t4t

Serennedy Pride Week Day 4: T4t
Serennedy Pride Week Day 4: T4t
Serennedy Pride Week Day 4: T4t
Serennedy Pride Week Day 4: T4t

reference is from someone on Tumblr I don't remember their user but all credit goes to them for this hilarious comic:

Serennedy Pride Week Day 4: T4t

(text in comic)

Leon: Hey Luis, how many scars are you supposed to have after top surgery?

Luis: um 2! why?


Leon: I need to go to the hospital


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8 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 5: swing

Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing
Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing

reference for the last pic:

Serennedy Pride Week Day 5: Swing

fun fact! big cheese is 1920s slang and it meant that someone was an important person. so when Luis calls Mendez "the big cheese" he saying he's an important person (Saddler's shitty missionary).

(text in comic)

Leon(narrating): I invited a girl to join me at the dance.

Leon(narrating): She didn't show up...

Leon(narrating): I just sat outside.

*Leon looks to the side*

Leon(narrating): Then I caught a(n) attractive man staring at me.

Leon(narrating): It was just us too out there.

Leon(narrating): Quietly listening to the music playing inside.

Leon(narrating): About a minute later, the man suddenly got up and stood in front of me holding his hand out.

Luis: Care to dance?

Leon(narrating): I thought, "oh what the hell."...

Leon: Uh... Ok.

Leon(narrating): I might as well have some fun while I'm here.


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8 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 6: knives

Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Knives
Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Knives
Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Knives
Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Knives
Serennedy Pride Week Day 6: Knives

Leon refused to let go of Luis after

(text in comic)

Luis: ...because if we made it all this way. You know it means we're almost-

*Luis gets stabbed*

Leon: Luis!

*Leon wakes up from the nightmare. he quickly looks over to see if Luis is there. Luis is there safe and sound.*

*they cuddle*


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7 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 7: childhood nostalgia

Serennedy Pride Week Day 7: Childhood Nostalgia
Serennedy Pride Week Day 7: Childhood Nostalgia
Serennedy Pride Week Day 7: Childhood Nostalgia
Serennedy Pride Week Day 7: Childhood Nostalgia
Serennedy Pride Week Day 7: Childhood Nostalgia
Serennedy Pride Week Day 7: Childhood Nostalgia

F in the chats for Luis😔

(text in comic)

Leon: Ha Ha!

Leon: Luis, is this you?

Luis: Oh wow! Where'd you find this?

*Leon laughing is ass off*

Luis: Oye! Stop laughing!

Luis: Don't make me go look for your baby photos!

*Leon immediately shuts up*

*Leon chasing Luis who is running away with Leon's baby photos*


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7 months ago

serennedy pride week Day 8: final hold

what if they got trapped and never made it out and then died of starvation together while holding hands?

Serennedy Pride Week Day 8: Final Hold
Serennedy Pride Week Day 8: Final Hold
Serennedy Pride Week Day 8: Final Hold
Serennedy Pride Week Day 8: Final Hold

lol this one kinda lazy I didn't know what to do I really just wanted to put everlong lyrics in one these comics

(lyrics in comic)

And I wonder...

When I sing along with you...

If everything could ever be this real forever...

If anything could ever be this good again...


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7 months ago

serennedy meme

Serennedy Meme


Serennedy Meme


Serennedy Meme

take this as an apology for my last post😔🙏

Luis had to sleep on the couch(yes they're both alive and happily married)

(text in image)

Him kicking me out bc I said "holy pepperoni" when he took off his shirt

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7 months ago
Serennedy Pride Week Wrap-up Inspired By This Post By @/kod23pm!!! PLEASE Please Click And Zoom In On

Serennedy Pride Week wrap-up inspired by this post by @/kod23pm!!! PLEASE please click and zoom in on everyone artwork if you can!! ((And also let me know if I’ve missed anyone!))

Artists in order (left to right): @dibukae @pikabysss @resident-silly @sxvethelastdance @euphoriumn @past31bvnn @courtofparrots @alitan99 @thegrimygrim @ekurie987 @crispy-dib @gigi-does-art @phurpurr @buffapeaks-tmblr @losrgeek @troublemakergalaxy @energon-goodies @patos-chan @raccoons-garbage-can @thecapitalistraccooninyourinbox @geddy-leesbian @mooseonahunt @allen-kunekune @mr-kennedys-elf @rainwaterapothecary @gayhorrorboy @kingflups @ruler-ofhottopic @clayderogatory @transgenderrbt @goodpointsandbadpoints @vespereargentum @thouarta @hamartia-grander

Message under cut!

THANK YOU S O MUCH EVERYONE FOR JOINING SERENNEDYPRIDEWEEK AAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!! There are literally ZERO WORDS I could use to describe how I’m feeling right now other than !!!!!!!! BECAUSE LIKE!!!! Look at all of the art you guys created!! What the hell!!!! I was SO worried nobody would join and now I’m sitting here with sore wrists from putting all this art together!!!

You guys are some of the most kindest, talented, and amazing people in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD and there’s literally nothing I could say that could properly express my gratitude for you guys joining in on this silly event and all the support and just AGDBDHBDHXHSNS YOU GUYS AND YOUR CREATIVITY AND LOVE FOR THESE STUPID GUYS IS SO <<<333 YOURE ALL SUCH INCREDIBLY TALENTED ARTISTS AND WRITERS MAN!! Like it’s honestly getting me a lil emotional with just how talented you guys all are HDNEHXHXJ

I can’t wait for the next big event like this but until then, good luck on your adventures and Thank You for joining <<<<3333

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7 months ago
Serennedy Got Polygoned

Serennedy got polygoned

@wisecrackingeric-2 I had to edit him in as soon as I saw your post

Serennedy Got Polygoned

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6 months ago

serennedy sketch

Serennedy Sketch

they are holding hands

Serennedy Sketch

drawing these hands made me physically tired (they didn't. it's almost midnight(past my bedtime))

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6 months ago
Don't Worry Guys Leon's Just Gonna Give Luis An Aggressive Hug!!
Don't Worry Guys Leon's Just Gonna Give Luis An Aggressive Hug!!
Don't Worry Guys Leon's Just Gonna Give Luis An Aggressive Hug!!
Don't Worry Guys Leon's Just Gonna Give Luis An Aggressive Hug!!
Don't Worry Guys Leon's Just Gonna Give Luis An Aggressive Hug!!
Don't Worry Guys Leon's Just Gonna Give Luis An Aggressive Hug!!

don't worry guys Leon's just gonna give Luis an aggressive hug!!

(text in comic)

Leon: Luis!?

Luis: Sancho!

Leon: Luis...

Luis: Sancho!! ^-^

Leon: LUIS!!!


Luis: ¡Mierda! not again!


( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡

if Luis survived and was in death island

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5 months ago

I'm gonna draw serennedy angst and there's nothing you can do about it.😈 your tears and dispair only fuel me and give me power😈

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5 months ago

serennedy mini week Day 1: anniversary

Serennedy Mini Week Day 1: Anniversary
Serennedy Mini Week Day 1: Anniversary
Serennedy Mini Week Day 1: Anniversary
Serennedy Mini Week Day 1: Anniversary

idk how many days I'll be able to do cause I have school and stuff :/

(comic description)

Leon Kennedy is walking then he stops. he is staring Luis Serra's grave. he places flowers on his grave.

Leon: Happy anniversary...

Leon then drinks some alcohol sitting next to Luis' grave.

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5 months ago

serennedy mini week Day 2: tied up

Serennedy Mini Week Day 2: Tied Up
Serennedy Mini Week Day 2: Tied Up
Serennedy Mini Week Day 2: Tied Up
Serennedy Mini Week Day 2: Tied Up

Leon thinks he's funny

(text hm in comic)

Leon: so uh...

Leon: "Barthelona"--

Luis: ¡cállate estúpido hijo de puta!


(for those who don't understand, people in Spain can pronounce some Spanish words in a way that seems like they are saying "th" like with Barcelona or zapatos)

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5 months ago

since I don't really have the time to draw it, I'm just gonna say what I planned to do on serennedy mini week Day 4 for the runaway prompt.

imagine it's like around world war 2 and Leon gets drafted into the war. Leon and Luis are secretly together.

Luis suggests they run away together(idk where). Leon agrees they should run away and so they run away. the end :)

I'll probably draw this eventually. I'll probably have to do a little research too

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4 months ago

serrenedy but it's the story from MCR's concept album three cheers for sweet revenge where Leon makes a deal with the devil and kills 1000 evil souls to see Luis again after his death 😃

(I'll try to draw this when I have time)

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6 months ago

Do you ship it?

Do You Ship It?

reason: they held hands ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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