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imo funny 9/11 jokes are the ones that rip apart/mock…
the transparency and hypocrisy of the US government and military and its allies
the way brands have continually tried to profit using 9/11, sometimes resulting in INSANE commercials, products, and memorabilia (Hooter’s 9/11 pin, i will never not think about you)
empty headed nationalistic americans who wear flag bandanas and insist it’s the Worst Thing to Ever Happen even though their own government has done literal genocide and terrorism multiple times
stupid conspiracy theorist shit (see: guy i knew in college who said the planes were edited in to hide the fact the buildings exploded because of secret gov science experiments??)
the REALLY weird fanart people have made for it, especially way after the fact, like with my little pony characters and shit
9/11 jokes that are actually really gross and shitty imo
mock the people who died in what was a legit fucking harrowing attack, as well as 9/11 survivors, victims’ families, locals who suffered health issues due to proximity, and the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed, tortured, traumatized, and displaced in the ensuing wars.
trivialize or erase the fact we used a tragedy to invade and brutalize multiple countries while broadening the US surveillance state, destabilizing an entire region, opening fucking Guantanamo Bay, devastating multiple economies, and exponentially worsening already rampant racism and islamophobia at home and abroad.
the racist and islamophobic ones. do i even need to say this one?
mock people for being justifiably traumatized by the attacks or even just acknowledging that hey, that was a sincere tragedy. people died.