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4 years ago
Cool August 1994, Scotland.
Cool August 1994, Scotland.

Cool August 1994, Scotland.

They both fell long ago, but each sees in the other his angel, his life.

Having met each other, they found a new meaning to live and fight.

P.s. Illustration to my AU, where Snape still meets a new love named Alex.

Sorry for my English!


Прохладный август 1994 года, Шотландия.

Они оба давно пали, но каждый видит в другом своего ангела, свою жизнь.

Встретив друг-друга, они обрели новый смысл жить и бороться.

P.s. Иллюстрация к моему АУ, где Снейп всё же встречает новую любовь по имени Алекс.

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3 years ago

Alex saved Draco Malfoy from Black Lake, Severus has nothing more to say than "thank you" 🤷🏽

P.s. This work was drawn a year ago, it is rather a sketch for a future illustration.

I also have art on this pairing in my profile.

Alex Saved Draco Malfoy From Black Lake, Severus Has Nothing More To Say Than "thank You"

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2 years ago

You want to undress…

Stop, don’t go down,

Get right into my heart,

Not into the jeans...

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist😩🌌🛐🖤

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2 years ago

1. Snape's eyes went dark from such a joke.

(they are not in a relationship at the moment, and it's not canon)

2. Devil's Snare? Yesss

P.s. I like to draw them in this style sometimes :D

1. Snape's Eyes Went Dark From Such A Joke.
1. Snape's Eyes Went Dark From Such A Joke.

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