Sf9 Youngbin - Tumblr Posts
hello !! wb MTL to be a sub?
Hi hi! Hmmm good question. Here’s my opinion. I might cause some controversy here but really the only member I see being a sub is Inseong.
Sub to the core:
Okay, okay here me out first. He’s really chill and maybe a bit lazy so would enjoy having a s/o that would take charge (this doesn’t mean he’s not fucking you good though 🌚). I personally think the same with Chani but he has a lot of pride so would always want to dom regardless.
Sub with dom tendencies:
Yoo Taeyang
These guys are sweet and sentimental, they like being subs but on occasions they also like being dominant to show you a different side to them. This pleasantly surprises you and you wish it happened often 😈.
Dom with sub tendencies:
Okay so these guys prefer to dom but sometimes enjoy letting you take over. They find it sexy so would actually enjoy it. But don’t get carried away, they’ll still be wanting to lead or at least initiate most of your “activities” 👀.
Dom to the core:
These guys will rarely ever let you dom, like they’ll think about it but nah they want to lead. Maybe if you catch them off guard 🤭.
Sleeping Dogs: PROFILES [Inseong]
based on my SF9 as: Mafia post found here
so this is a way for you all to get portions of each boy’s backstory prior to Sleeping Dogs; don’t be fooled though, there’s more to these stories than you think, and the scars, oh they run deep.
+ admin L
They are one of the most feared gangs in all of Seoul, their names spoken only in hushed tones. Nine brothers with an unbreakable bond thicker than blood, who will kill all those who oppose them.
But, in order to understand how these boys’ stories and hearts are intertwined, one must first know who they were as individuals.
Enter: The Red Dragons
Youngbin // Inseong // Jaeyoon // Dawon // Zuho // Rowoon // Taeyang // Hwiyoung // Chani

D.O.B: July 12th, 1993
STATUS: Alive; Second in Command
NOTES: Kim Inseong was the star student. Perfect grades with the perfect future ahead of him. But just as Angels fall from Grace, so did the boy with stars for eyes.
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Sleeping Dogs: PROFILES [Jaeyoon]
based on my SF9 as: Mafia post found here
so this is a way for you all to get portions of each boy’s backstory prior to Sleeping Dogs; don’t be fooled though, there’s more to these stories than you think, and the scars, oh they run deep.
+ admin L
They are one of the most feared gangs in all of Seoul, their names spoken only in hushed tones. Nine brothers with an unbreakable bond thicker than blood, who will kill all those who oppose them.
But, in order to understand how these boys’ stories and hearts are intertwined, one must first know who they were as individuals.
Enter: The Red Dragons
Youngbin // Inseong // Jaeyoon // Dawon // Zuho // Rowoon // Taeyang // Hwiyoung // Chani

D.O.B: August 9th, 1994
STATUS: Alive; Medic
NOTES: With a neurosurgeon for a father and cardiothoracic surgeon for a mother, Lee Jaeyoon was destined to save lives, but who would save him?
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consider this: sf9 have the best smiles like,,have you seen them? like inseong/hwi’s super gummy smiles? jae’s dimples (and how his mouth opens ALL THE WAY when he laughs)? how the corners of youngbin’s eyes crinkle at the corners? taeyang’s right eye scrunches up more than the left? CHANI’S BOX SMILE? just???? radiates happiness
180527 fancafe update

To SF9, Fantasy
For being together throughout this 600 days For staying together for all these countless days Our members, and also Fantasy Thank you so very much. I’m looking forward for our future. I’m lacking a lot but I’ll return your support with my hard work. I love you ♡
From. Youngbin

To everyone that loves us
It’s been 600 days since we were born as SF9. The fact that these nine people gathered together and are able to make so many beautiful memories is making me very happy. I hope I can share all this happiness I feel with all of you, Fantasy. I’m always thankful to you. ^_^
Fantasy’s Taeyang

To our Fantasy, as much as I’m thankful, I’m always feeling sorry towards you. To think that it’s been 600 days since we debuted. Time really flies. And inside that time, there has been a lot of memories made. I think the biggest reason why we’re working so hard is because of you. Because of your endless support, I was able to keep going strong. I know that 600 days is not a short time, but please stay with us for a long long time more.
Thank you Fantasy! ♡ (Rowoon)

To. Our people
Congratulations on our 600 days of becoming SF9~! Thinking about the past really, the time passes so quickly! So many memories! To our fantasy who have been beside us, crying, laughing and always supporting us, thank you so much I love y’all always! Let’s continue like this happily!
Kkyu~♡ (Zuho)

To. The reason why SF9 is here today~ ^_^
Fantasy, it’s been 600 days since we started spending time together 😮 Wow ~ There are so many things that happened throughout these 600 days, and I’m looking forward for more things we’re going to share in the future >ㄴ< ♡
Please take care of us in the future too (bows) ❤_❤ (Chani)

My lovely Fantasy, this is Inseong!
It’s been 600 days since SF9 debuted, time really flies by so fast. I’m really thinking all of this is possible because of Fantasy. I’ll work hard to make sure there’s only happy things happening from now on.
I love you! ♡ 🐰

Everyone to me…
I am very happy!! That’s why I am not eating banana and I’m writing this letter!! Let’s be happy and go on together in the future!
Everyone let’s be together!
🌞 (smiles) (Dawon)

To. My Fantasy
Hello everyone~!!! It’s been 600 days since we debuted, I can’t believe it hehehe Thank you so much for staying with us all this time I always feel like you are here next to us all the time. Thank you for always cheering and supporting us!! Let’s go for 600 years, Fantasy ♡
FANTASY = ♡ (Jaeyoon)

Hello everyone
It’s 600 days kekeke Time flies really fast. It’s like the KTX hehehe Thank you for staying with us all this time~ I don’t have anything to give, but I’ll work harder and repay your love with amazing performances!!
+ when brought together, the titles of the messages form the sentence ‘thank you for being with us for 600 days’


proud leader youngbin after answering most questions right
SF9 take you to prom

- Calls you his beautiful baby
- Pulls you as close as possible
- That one couple you find making out in the bathroom
- Takes a million photos
- Wins award for hottest couple

- Goes to a fancy dinner beforehand because you both know the food is gonna suck
- Wins award for cutest couple
- Dances the entire night
- Looks adoringly at you
- Only eats dessert

- Leaning your head on his chest as he sways you
- Slow dancing even in fast songs because he doesn’t want to let you go
- Total gentlemen when meeting the fam and picking you up from your house
- Holds your hand the whole night
- Kissing while slow dancing

- Calls you his sweetie pie
- Hirers a vintage care to pick you up in
- Complete gentlemen the entire time
- Sticks to the outer edges to avoid being bumped into
- Wins award for quirkiest couple

- Can’t stop smiling at you
- Is always asking if your ok because he knows that your shy
- Hugs you from behind
- Wins award for cutest couple
- Only eats dessert

- Pulls you as close as possible
- Best dancers on the floor
- Shows you off by dipping you
- Calls you his princess
- Orders the vegetarian meal to piss off the chefs

- Takes a million photos
- Leaning your head on his chest as he sways you
- Stutters but is charming
- Smiles everytime he twirls you around
- Wins award for hottest couple

- Looks adoringly at you
- Total gentlemen when meeting the fam and picking you up from your house
- Kisses the back of your hand
- Wins award for quirkiest couple
- Orders the vegetarian meal because your actually a vegetarian

- Sticks to the outer edges to avoid being bumped into
- Leaves early to get Korean takeout
- Only dances when it’s a slow song because you both think you suck at dancing
- That one couple you find making out in the bathroom
- Kissing while slow dancing

dawon cute icons!
like and reblog if u save!
don't repost elsewhere!
SF9 - '여름 향기가 날 춤추게 해 (Summer Breeze)' MUSIC VIDEO youtu.be/bU5K0kqaAME via @YouTube
Everyone needs to stream this!! Omg I’m so proud of #SF9 they did amazing, the concept and the video is just absolutely beautiful!!

Here are some imagines I took from the mv, that are my favourite.