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6 months ago

About my Reagent OC, Hunter!

About My Reagent OC, Hunter!

Reagent Hunter is an Outlast Trials AU of my existing sona character, Hunter Hirnfresser.

Hunter is the angel of death who appears to the living as a 26-year-old male named Hunter Hirnfresser.

In this AU, Hunter is attracted to the trials because of all the death surrounding them. His plan is to investigate why so many people are dying in this area, and also to collect the souls of those who have lost their lives in the trials.

Hunter finds more than he bargained for as his human disguise leads him to being put in the trials as a reagent. He experiences how torturous and deadly the trials are first hand, and makes it his personal mission to stay in them to collect the souls of those who are killed in them.

In trials where it’s a task to kill other people (the snitch, the judge and witnesses, etc), it’s a breaking point for him. He hates the idea of killing someone just to have to move on their soul, so he talks to the victims like they are his friends, or even like they’re children. Which gives off this impression that the trials are absolutely destroying his sanity. In a way, they are, but he believes if he is nice to the people he's tasked to kill they will be less scared of him when he comes back to move them onto the afterlife.

Hunter has been killed and released multiple times, but because he’s death, he does not permanently die and also always returns to the trials willingly. When this happens, he wipes himself from the memories of everyone involved. Easterman, prime assets, ex pops, other reagents, everyone. It works on all except one person…

No one is aware he is the angel of death.

Relationships with People Involved with the Trials:

Dr. Easterman - Hunter has a wicked hatred for Dr. Easterman and openly mocks him throughout the trials and while in the Sleep Room. Easterman always has a sense that he’s met Hunter before whenever he returns but ultimately doesn’t remember him.

Leland Coyle - Hunter wipes the memories of everyone involved in the trials, but the one person it doesn't work with is Coyle. Coyle remembers Hunter every time he returns from outside the trials or dies. He has seen Hunter return to life without the use of rigs, items from Dorris, syringes, or medical intervention. He's watched the wounds on Hunter's body heal completely without medicine. Coyle knows Hunter is not... normal, for lack of a better word. He's always trying to corner Hunter or get him alone so he can interrogate and torture him. Hunter is very aware Coyle suspects something is up with him and actively taunts him during trials, always being uncomfortably close to being caught by him. Hunter often says someday he knows Coyle will get him and he'll end up being the next snitch in the Kill the Snitch trial. Hunter also has no idea why Coyle is the only one that ever remembers him and the interest in each other is mutual. Also, Hunter has an attraction to Coyle that disturbs the other reagents in his group. He always plays it off like he's just joking around... he's not.

Mother Gooseberry - Hunter has an affection toward Gooseberry and calls her "mom" when referring to her. Out of every prime asset and ex-pop, Gooseberry is the only one Hunter feels any kind of sympathy for. Hunter wants to get close to her and just be a friend to her, someone she can talk to. He finds her history both intriguing and disturbing, often wondering how she ended up being what she is now.

Franco Barbi - Hunter is horribly disturbed by Franco. He finds everything about him gut-wrenchingly unsettling. Franco is the only prime asset Hunter takes extra steps to avoid at all costs. Unlike he would with Coyle, Hunter does not taunt Franco in trials. In fact, he’s almost entirely silent during his trials aside from a few terrified screams if Franco finds or grabs him. Unlike his wishes for Gooseberry, Hunter does not wish to talk with Franco. He finds his taunts, his killings, his ways horrifying. He refers to Franco as "Bambi" a nickname a fellow reagent started calling him and he picked up on.

The Pusher - Hunter hates him. Simple as that. He thinks he's a huge inconvenience. Hunter will actively seek to attack him with bottles and bricks, even if he's not being pursued by the pusher. Often calls him "the doctor" by mistake.

The Night Hunter - Hunter is kind of creeped out by him, but indifferent to him being in trials. He doesn't have much interest in him but finds his taunts and the things he says amusing.

Other Ex-Pops - As for the rest of the ex-pops, he only feels bad that they are here in the trials and have been experimented on. He often calls the small grunts by name (if he finds out what it is) but calls the big grunts "big man/lady", berserkers "blind man/guy", pouncers just "lady", and screamers... screamers. Out of all of them, the big grunts are the ones that terrify him the most and he will scream and run when spotted by them, even if running isn't the best idea.

Cornelious Noakes - Hunter likes watching Noakes tinker with things. He understands he doesn't want to talk and make friends, so he doesn't push him to do so. Hunter often sits by his desk just to watch him work on rigs and trial items. Noakes doesn't seem to mind the company.

Emily Barlow - Hunter doesn't really like her and doesn't trust her. She is hard for him to judge, not knowing if what she says is a facade or a trick. Hunter avoids her, never even looking in her direction. Emily hasn't noticed that he avoids her.

Dorris - Hunter was very put off by Dorris when he first met her. however, as time went on, he grew to like her. Hunter can sympathize with her being treated poorly for having an attraction toward other woman because he himself is bisexual with a preference leaning toward men. Hunter is much more open and riskier when it comes to his sexuality, which tends to cause problems for him. Dorris takes a liking to him every time she meets him after her memory of him is wiped. She smuggles in black nail polish for him so he can keep his nails painted!

Other Staff - Hunter is a huge flirt and is always flirting with the guards, even if it's mostly to get a reaction out of them. He's seen as somewhat of a pest to them. He has gotten a couple of them to fall for him and go beyond flirting, but their secret is safe with him. As for the scientists, with how closely they already watch him, he doesn't want to interact with them out of fear of them finding out he's not what he appears to be.

I'll make changes to this as I need to but for now, there he is!

I feel like I'm very bad at drawing humans (almost all art I do is furry/anthro so I almost never draw them). But I'd love to do more drawings of him and maybe get some commissions from other Outlast enjoyers so... we'll see!

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