She Relally Truly Cares Aobut Iris ............ - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

thinking about mizuzki okiura 41 sleepy 205 wiwth thatt sort of bitttersweeet feeleing in your chest that fills yoyu up on the inside annd it doesnt hoook your breath leieke sadness does ...... its sort of leike having honey in yotue chest ^_^ a ltile sticky a little too sweet annd kind of grosss feeelging .............. i ts ok

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mizuki route ........................................... she has seeen . so much evene with iris annd ota still ebing alive its not rellly iris its ntot ever going to be her again mizuki is going to have to deal with the fact thatt the iris that she knew is gone annd even if she doesnnt kwnow i think she cn feel it annd then shed ebe leike ''no no its still iris this is jsut what shes like now'' annd i want her so so bad to be right ota must bee so confused annd sort of lsot annd leike ......... mr okiura ............................ ms nadami ................................... she had to . mizuzki had to she had to ... annd shes 12 annd has almsot no support system or way to deal with antyhing that she might be feeleing beacsue of the constant stress and pain throguhout the very very beginning of her childhood thats persisitingg even nwow AND !!!!!! thte oenly two contsnats thatt i think she has left . thatt are nearly unchanged are her teacher annd date ...................... annd hitomi must be goging throgh .......... so much .................. i wkwnow she is usppporting iris i jsut tihnk that there might be that sort of voice twinging at the back of her minnd thats eleike ................. i dont think she wodudl dknow . i do think that she wdould wonder if ther e is anythging more behind iris 's change in behaviorur annd mannerisms annd everthhging i think she would she relally truly cares aobut iris ............ she woduld supppport her almsot no mattter what annd in that way i think she woduld wonder howw .... did this happpen ?? annd that number i chcose ??? it is the oene that aiba likes ^_^