Sheena Fujibayashi - Tumblr Posts

Tales of Symphonia the animation - The United World Episode III collector’s edition booklet.
Download link:
That’s it folks, it’s the last booklet! I could also scan the Exsphere Editions booklets but they’re less interesting as they’re short scenario books with some pics (that you can already find in the CE booklet anyway), so I won’t bother doing it.
I’m thinking about sharing the Tales of Phantasia CE booklets now, or maybe the Yggdrasill Editions ones. I need to check them again to see what’s more interesting.
So stay tuned everyone, and thank you for following me! And remember: Viva! Tales of!

All my tales of femslash pieces!

tales of ladies + fancy dress

I know this picture is online but here’s a HQ scan of it.

Tales of + Games

Is it a sin to be weak hearted? Not everyone is strong. Not everyone can stand being despised.

One more scan from the Tales of Symphonia the Animation (Sylvarant Episode) staff memorial book.

I'm slowly making my way through my first play through of Symphonia! I think I made it to around the halfway point yesterday.
Corrine and Sheena are such a cute duo X3
Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.