Shes Already Thought About How Shell Kill Her Dumbass Friends So Whats A Few Random Happy People To The List Gonna Do? - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #6

Wednesday!Yuu won’t Hesitate

W!Yuu is sent to RSA for a week in exchange with an RSA Student for a Mutual Understanding Relationship, and she already has plans to commit arson to the school… and then Crowley’s office

RSA Student: Hi! I’m (Random Name)! Why are you dressed like that?

Wednesday!Yuu: Like What?

RSA Student: Like your going to a Funeral. Why are you dressed like somebody died?

Wednesday!Yuu: Wait

NRC Students and Staff (Can already tell RSA won’t be able to survive a day with W!Yuu): Have Fun!

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #6

Thing and Tsunotarou are the only ones upset about the situation since Thing isn’t allowed to come as he’ll not a Student while poor Mal-Mal won’t be able to talk to his Child of Macabre about the Gargoyle’s or her Morbid Tales (While the school is just laughing at W!Yuu’s ‘misfortune’ to be in a Happy, Bring and Cheerful School full of Sparkles and an ACTUAL spectrum of Colors)

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