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Introducing Juli Cárdenas Rivera Silva Vicente!

Class: Fall 2022

Ring: Fye

It is time! Since trios are the new thing, whatever that means, we have three main characters. Our lovely last person is Juli Cárdenas Rivera Silva Vincente, a long but wonderful name. She usually goes by Jules, though. Jules Cárdenas Rivera, to be exact. Long names are quite a hassle, as I can assure you.

However, I digress, it’s time to talk! Or, rather, read about the young Juli. Today’s story shall focus on Juli’s packing for Evenfall. The young woman didn’t really have any plans for college, after spending most of her high school career floating along, the only real passion she had was for her music. Which isn’t a bad thing, of course, of course! But, Juli aspired for something more, something bigger.

Fortunately, she was going to Evenfall, a place full of life.

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