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do you have any idea maybe regarding yandere for the blue lock boys? sorru im still on anon, still feeling pretty shy :(
CW. dark content. yandere. manipulation. kidnapping. stalking. creampie. mentions of crimes. dubcon photography/filming. m!masturbation.
AN. 18+, minors dni. hii dw it’s fine that you’re on anon! i wrote a bit more than i planned oops

he knows you like the back of his hand—every single trait and habit you have, including how to get you wrapped around his finger. it’s dangerous being so easy, you know? you should be glad he’s taking care of you—he loves you so, so much, he’d be heartbroken if you even thought of leaving him. nobody adores and cares for you like him, you’d have to be a terrible person to leave him all alone. guilt tripping, using your insecurities against you, manipulating every single emotion and thought in your head—it’s an effortless act and nothing is beyond him. anger him and he’ll flip it all in two seconds—you’re nothing without him. slowly—bit by bit—he’ll cut off everything in your life that isn’t him. friends, hobbies, family—you only need him, you should be obsessed with him, craving and needing him just the way he aches for you.
+ SAE. reo. kuon. kenyu. TABITO.
not a moment goes by that he’s not by your side. he’s practically glued to your skin, leeching onto you till no one thinks of you without immediately thinking of him. just like he needs to be near you, he needs to be the only one you see. at first you could spend time with friends, he’s not insane. but eventually it starts to irk him, he dislikes the way people look at you, talk to you, smile at you—it pisses him off. he’s not above kidnapping you, he doesn’t really consider it a crime—you’re just moving in with him! he’s paying for everything; is it really unreasonable to ask that you never leave or go outside? his obsession tends to crawl under his skin, making him feel hot and itchy and the only thing that helps is fucking you stupid on his bed. balls deep in you with fat globs of semen leaking out of your hole—you’re his to fuck, his to pump full of cum. if he so decides to take a few pictures—maybe even a video—for your little “friends”, it’s just because they’ve been getting on his nerves and need a reminder of who you belong to.
+ NAGI. niko. aryu. hiori.
wild card, unhinged—some would call him insane, but he thinks that’s rather harsh. there’s nothing he won’t do, he considers himself somewhat of a hopeless romantic. he’s a firm believer that you can’t gain anything without an equal amount of loss, and you, you’re the greatest fucking treasure out there. crimes, manipulation, destruction—he’ll do anything. he’s also incredibly difficult to read—one day he’ll be glued to your hip, telling you to never leave his side, next day he’ll push you away and observe from afar. if you don’t get that, it’s on you. you should know his behavior by now, shouldn’t you? if you keep messing up he’ll have to resort to punishments, and you don’t want that.
+ isagi. BACHIRA. rin. ego.
love at first sight, hopelessly in love kinda guy. he’ll twist your words and warp at his own memories till nothing coming out of his mouth is the truth. you’ve been dating since day one, you’ve always loved him. in reality, you barely know his name, always finding him a bit creepy when staring at you. give him an inch and he’ll take a mile; you gave him your umbrella because he forgot his? no, you knew he’d forget his, because you always think of him! he’s someone who’s satisfied with anything you’ll give him while also craving every part of you. it drives him mad, and at some point no words will be good enough when they’re not the ones he wants. “come on, don’t be difficult. just say it; i love you.” with tears in your eyes and questions of how he even got a key to your place—your words die in your throat at the deranged man in front of you. once you’ve said it, he’ll never let you go—now he knows for sure you feel the same!
+ chigiri. bachira. nanase.
already a close friend of yours, he’s incredibly sneaky and calculating with his actions. a two-faced creep who follows you home at night, only to comfort you the next day when you cry about some stalker who won’t leave you alone. sometimes he makes mistakes, you swear you saw his eyes when you woke up in the middle of the night from some noise in the kitchen. that’s stupid, how can you accuse him of that? he’s your friend, he’d never do something so disturbing. you start getting overly paranoid, feeling like you’re never really alone. calling up friends and family, you try to seek comfort in your close ones. but one by one, they all stop talking to you, not believing a word you say. he says you’re getting delusional. “there’s nothing there, don’t you think you’re taking this too far? don’t bother your family with this kind of stuff.” he starts to become impatient, spewing out words he wasn’t supposed to. how would he know you’ve been calling your family? ah, right. at least he can drag you to your new home, he thought he’d have to wait ages!
+ kunigami. NIKO. eita. rin. kira.
regardless of what it takes, he needs you to love him—whether it’s hidden beneath an obsession or addiction, doesn’t matter to him. there’s not much he can give you in endless quantities—money seems too artificial, even for him. he’s a simple man with a simpler mind, he’ll fuck you till you can’t go a single day without begging for his cock in you. he’ll oblige with a sigh; what would you do if he weren’t here? not that he minds, not at all—he fucking loves dumping loads of cum in you. fucking for hours on end with cum dried on your skin and sweat trailing down his forehead when he fucks you from behind—you’re high on his touch, and that might as well be love in his eyes.
+ raichi. barou. SHIDOU. reo. oliver.
completely infatuated with you. he’s captivated by every little thing you do—you’ve got him on a tight leash without even knowing. a freak that jerks off every night thinking of you, tight fist milking his cock while he whines your name for the nth time with dried seed on his bare chest. he knows he’s a creep, so he can’t bring himself to be near you, making him even creepier. the thought of getting caught in the act is terrifying, adrenaline running through his veins each time he watches you go on your morning walk. but he loves it, almost addicted to the image of you looking at him with disgust. he palms himself to the thought every day. he’ll never get enough of you.
+ isagi. reo. kenyu. niko. gagamaru.