Shinobu X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

Can you imagine….Yandere!Shinobu?

TW: yandere/obsessive behavior, jealousy, anger/rage, pervy behavior (?), unrequited love, a depressive episode, mentions of blood/wounds.

Nurse!Shinobu who takes such good care of you. From the time you get to the Butterfly Estate to the time you unfortunately have to leave.

Nurse!Shinobu whose smile seems to hold some truth to it when she sees you come through the gates, whether it's on your own two feet or in the arms of another slayer.

Nurse!Shinobu who has a room entirely for you, everything from your favorite blanket to your favorite snacks are stored there.

Nurse!Shinobu who personally, and only, cares for you. Giving you the best medicines and treatments, fussing over you even when you cheekily tell her you’re fine.

Nurse!Shinobu who hates seeing you in pain, she just about cries herself anytime you flinch, wince, or cry.

Nurse!Shinobu who is so gentle when you do show any signs of pain, even if you try to hide it, she knows you. She knows everything.

Nurse!Shinobu who mixes your medicines with something else to make up for the bad taste. This earns whines and cries from a certain blond when he finds out about the special treatment you're receiving.

Nurse!Shinobu who notices you're coming around much more, with hardly any wounds, maybe some scratches and bruises scattered along your body, but nothing more that would require immediate medical attention.

Nurse!Shinobu who loves that you're frequenting her estate, happy you're coming to see her, to talk to her.

Only her.

Nurse!Shinobu who spends hours with you, telling the kakushi that they may contact her only when necessary. She wants to spend as much time with you as she can, unbothered by the demands of her job.

Nurse!Shinobu who suddenly notices you stop coming to her when you arrive at the estate. no longer having the joy of watching you smile sheepishly when she lightly scolds you for being so careless.

Nurse!Shinobu who sees you headed straight for a kakushi, and is furious. Her smile widens, watching you snuggle up to the blushing, stuttering kakushi, her eyes darkening dangerously.

Nurse!Shinobu who buries herself in her work, no one ever sees her anymore. Only coming out when the Master calls for Hashira meetings or missions. Otherwise she's in her office, surrounded by books and papers, writing down in her journals furiously.

Nurse!Shinobu who finally emerges after weeks, her smile wider than ever. A smile that grows when she sees you being rushed through the estate gates, covered in blood and wounds.

Seems as though the gods, if she believed in any, are working in her favor.

Breaking!Nurse!Shinobu who orders the kakushi to lay you in your the room and tells them to leave. She'll do her best and you'll be as good as new.

Breaking!Nurse!Shinobu who wraps every single one of your wounds delicately, taking care with each one. She takes her time, looking over your entire body to make sure she didn't miss anything, but relishing in how close she is to you, admiring you in ways she only dreamed about.

Breaking!Nurse!Sinobu who's never done things she shouldn't. She's always followed the rules, strictly. She's always been the good girl, she takes pride in that, but as she gazes down at your sleeping form, at your plush lips, she wonders, for once in her life, if rules were made to be broken.

Breaking!Nurse!Shinobu who wonders just how easy it would be for her to steal a kiss. All she has to do it lean over and press her lips to yours, that's all. Just one kiss. And she'll come back for more.

Breaking!Nurse!Shinobu who care for all her workers, all her kakushi- except one- but she cares for you even more.

Breaking!Nurse!Shinobu who gets an idea. It's horrible, she knows this, but it's so wonderfully genius at the same time. It's an idea that bring her joy and sadness, especially when she adds her beloved workers to the mix.

But she'd do anything for you.

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3 years ago

lady shinobu <3 oh to be a stupid little demon captured by her. fuck fuck i wanna see the gorgeous demon slayer killing with her elegant blade, silently stalking her with my blood art. hiding during the day to sketch her beauty and following her throughout the night, watching her dirty her blade with filthy demon blood, silently wishing she’d kill you too, maybe she’d talk to your disgusting demon self if she caught you. oh she’d paralyse you with her poison and sweetly ask with that fake yet ethereal smile how many you’ve killed. i’d fall in love at first sight and her scent, her blood must be so fragrant ♡ i wouldn’t mind being her demon pet, for her poisoning tests and experiments. walk willing into her laid trap, waiting for her to torture and kill you cause it’s your lady shinobu!!!

Lady Shinobu

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2 years ago

Demon Slayer Masterlist

Started: 9/9/22

Last Updated: 10/10/22

Requests: Open

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Demon Slayer Masterlist

• Hashira •

Kyojuro Rengoku

-Doing a skincare routine with S/O | Fluff -Fem!Reader awkwardly confessing | Fluff -Kyojuro comforting gn!S/O | Fluff

Tengen Uzui

-Doing a skincare routine with S/O | Fluff -Fem!Reader awkwardly confessing | Fluff

Giyu Tomioka

-Doing a skincare routine with S/O | Fluff -Fem!Reader awkwardly confessing | Fluff

Sanemi Shinazugawa

-Doing a skincare routine with S/O | Fluff

Kocho Shinobu

-Doing a skincare routine with S/O | Fluff

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• Demons •


-Painting nails with S/O short HC's | Fluff


-Painting nails with S/O short HC's | Fluff


-Painting nails with S/O short HC's | Fluff


-Gyutaro relationship HC's -Painting nails with S/O short HC's | Fluff -Gyutaro with a tall, masculine S/O | Fluff -Gyutaro with a fem!Reader | Smut

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Match up info:

Tell me: fandom (I do Death Note, Genshin Impact, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist and Creepypasta), gender preference, personality, likes, dislikes, description of yourself I am not doing smut matchups. These matchups are purely romantic.

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What I will write: Fluff, NSFW, SFW, poly, mlm, wlw, gender neutral, yandere, etc.

What I wont write: Pedophilia, suicide, extreme kinks, more than four characters in something (it just becomes too much), being drugged, drugging someone else, homophobia, or racism.

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Here is my Grand Masterlist, where all of my fandoms are listed.

Be sure to include: Gender of reader (I do female, male and gender neutral), plot, character(s) you want (no more than four per ask), and what you specifically want (fluff, angst, smut, etc.)

Thank you, and request away if you’d like <3

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2 years ago

Hi sweetheart ♥ May I have a request for kny hashiras with a reader (prob. female or gn) that is very into skincare? :) Would reader had to chase them and tie them to the chair when they want to apply a facemask on them? or would they be like -yaaas spa day with bae -3- (I remember my ex was legitimately staking me and waiting for a moment I apply lipbalm so he would kiss me right after, and when I noticed he do that cause he had dry lips I offered him a lipbalm a he DiDNt nEeD oNe CauSe hE mAnLY mAAn :D :D :D )

Hi sweetie! Yes, you absolutely may! I usually only do four per ask, but since I only currently write for five hashiras, I suppose I can stretch this rule :D

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Content: Kyojuro x gn!Reader, Tengen x gn!Reader, Giyu x gn!Reader, Sanemi x gn!Reader, Shinobu x gn!Reader (all separate)

Warnings: Sanemi lol

Notes: I'm gonna be honest, I know the bare minimun of skin care lol

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Hi Sweetheart May I Have A Request For Kny Hashiras With A Reader (prob. Female Or Gn) That Is Very Into

❥ Kyojuro Rengoku

He would absolutely love doing skincare with you!

He probably does some kind of routine, although basic

Probably just washes his face and calls it a routine-

He probably took part in his mothers skin care routine when she was alive, but after she died his father relentlessly bullied him for trying to do "girl things"

Smh we do NOT stan Shinjuro in this house

Anyways, if you ask if he wants to do it with you, he'll happily join

All that training and sweating tends to attract pimples and blackheads, so a routine would be good for him!

He'll let you apply anything on his face, he trusts you completely

Or he'll put on something you give him, and then share a giggle as he just kinda...smears it instead of rubs it in. He doesn't understand why you're laughing, but he'll laugh with you

You'll also probably laugh when putting a headband on him and his hair is still trying to stick up around the headband

Kyojuro is positively glowing after the routine, though!

He kisses you and thanks you for the routine, before asking if this can be a thing you two do now

Is overjoyed when you agree, he missed having smooth skin

I love him so much

Even though he scared me a little when I first saw him

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Hi Sweetheart May I Have A Request For Kny Hashiras With A Reader (prob. Female Or Gn) That Is Very Into

❥ Tengen Uzui



He'll probably be the one to bring you into his routine, which would also probably be shared by his wives, so all five of you will be doing this routine


Tengen would happily apply whatever to your face, and make sure you get the routine down

He also has specific times that he does his routine, and expects you and his wives to follow that routine with him

It's a great way to relax at the end of the day, and keep things flashy!

Tengen would probably be a beauty guru in modern times

He would happily let you apply stuff to his face, or any of his wives tbh

Having your hands on him after a long day helps him relax more. You can hear him let out a soft sigh as you gently rub a cream into his cheeks

Everyone in this relationship helps each other out, even in skincare <3

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Hi Sweetheart May I Have A Request For Kny Hashiras With A Reader (prob. Female Or Gn) That Is Very Into

❥ Giyu Tomioka

Now, this one will not be as compliant as the other two

Granted, you wont have to hold him down, but you will probably have to keep your eyes on him

He'll agree at first, then when you look away to get stuff, he disappears

The bastard has naturally smooth skin, and doesn't see a need for a routine

That's why you need to trap him in the corner of the bathroom, have your stuff out, then ask so he can't get away >:)

He wont enjoy it, but he wont complain about it at all

Instead he'll stare at you until you're finished and you've taken everything off

Then he'll let out a small sigh and walk off

When you ask him if it relaxed him, he won't be shy about saying "no, it actually stressed me out"

Instead, he'll settle for being in the room when you do your routine. That does calm him down and is like his own little spa

Now if you painted his nails, that's a different story-

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Hi Sweetheart May I Have A Request For Kny Hashiras With A Reader (prob. Female Or Gn) That Is Very Into

❥ Sanemi Shinazugawa

Okay. First off, why? Second of all, you'll have to hold him down.

Actually, if you want to do your skincare with him, either ask him in the right mood, or have Tengen and Kyojuro hold him down

If you ask him in the right mood, he'll probably just settle for a face mask, wash his face, then call it a routine

Might, just might, let you rub a cream or two into his face, depending

He sees skin care routies as pointless, but not necessarily feminine-only like Shinjuro

He knows Tengen does a routine with his wives, but he doesn't make fun of him for it. He actually likes how silky smooth they all look, but he doesn't envy them. He's comfortable in his own skin no pun intended

Sanemi is the best gender neutral supporter ever btw-

I mean, all the hashira's are, but Sanemi especially

I love 'Nemi

Now, if he's not in a good mood? He's gonna thrash around while Tengen and Kyo happily hold Sanemi down while you do the routine

He's cussing all of you out and you're all so happy as he has creams and whatever on him

Also! Pivoting off of Hanka's original request with their ex, Sanemi would 100% wait for you to put lip balm on before messily kissing you so that it rubs off onto his own lips

All in all, very wishy washy with it and may or may not complain

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Hi Sweetheart May I Have A Request For Kny Hashiras With A Reader (prob. Female Or Gn) That Is Very Into

❥ Shinobu Kocho

Shinobu definitely has her own routine, although it's most likely not as extensive as Tengen's

She used to do it with Kanae, and now she shares it with Kanao and Aoi. She'll happily share it with you, too :D

You wont ever need to hold her down. As the Corps supreme medic on top of being a Hashira, she's practically always stressed, so the routine helps her relax at the end of the day

It'll help her rela even more when you join in

If she's too tired to actually do it, she'll probably have you two travel to a spa and hot spring with Mitsuri, where you can be part of their girls day away from the guys

Damn now I wanna write that...

It doesn't really matter to her what you two do, as long as you both feel refreshed the next day, she's completely happy about it

Will happily try new products with you, always willing to step out of her comfort zone to do something new

Shinobu has this thing where whatever she puts on her lips, she'll kiss you so you have it, too. Whether thats lip balm, lip gloss, or lipstick, she'll do it

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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