Shishitoren-vc | Togame & Ximena - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Ximena Knew The Joke Might Be A Tad Bit Much Given The Situation But She Was Always Using Humor To Cope

Ximena knew the joke might be a tad bit much given the situation but she was always using humor to cope with stress and difficult situations. And this was a difficult situation. "Yeah, sorry." A small sheepish smile comes to her lips. "I guess I should be saying thank you instead. How are things?" That felt like a stupid question. "Has anyone else come to see you before me?" She hoped the answer had been used, so many of them were able to get away because of Togame. If they hadn't she'd kick some ass and make sure someone did.

Guilt gnawed at her. "Is there anything I can do to help? I know there's a commissary right?" Her aunt had talked about putting things on her uncles commissary tab when she was younger. She hadn't understood it then. "I can put some money on the tab, you have food you like and the sorts." It would be a small token of appreciation for what he had done.

Ximena Knew The Joke Might Be A Tad Bit Much Given The Situation But She Was Always Using Humor To Cope
It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Togame Ended Up In Jail... He Was Just Glad It Happened Because He

It was only a matter of time before Togame ended up in jail... he was just glad it happened because he had protected his friends from taking the fall rather than because of a fight he had been caught in. It felt right to be here because he protected his friends, no matter the fights that had already broken out because he was around. It seemed violence followed him everywhere...

His only reprieve was the hope that one of his friends would come and visit him... and when he got the notification that there was? He couldn't help but step lighter even if he did still move at his usual slow pace. Sitting down at the seat on the other side of the glass from her, he takes up the phone and when he hears what she has to say, he can't help the small snort that rises, shaking his head. "That's the first thing you gotta say to me?" he drawls, his manner of speech slower than one might consider normal.

There was no heat behind the words though or blame, if anything the small smirk on his features spoke of how he found it funny

It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Togame Ended Up In Jail... He Was Just Glad It Happened Because He

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6 months ago
Ximena Had Been Accustomed To His Slow Drawn Out Way Of Speaking, Had Come To Love It Actually. But There

Ximena had been accustomed to his slow drawn out way of speaking, had come to love it actually. But there was something in the way he said this that felt a lot more hesitant than his usual cadance. It wasn't that she wanted him to say that he liked her back the same way she did him, but then again she didn't quite know what was to come of her confession.

Her fingers curled around the receiver a little more tightly, willing him to say something, anything. And when he did, she leaned closer to the plexiglass that separated the two. "Who do you think you are telling who what I can’t and can do. Togame, I don’t care if you love me back. I just wanted to let you know that I did. That you have someone that cares. And I’ll keep coming back every week to prove that to you or just to prove you wrong. Either way. You’ll always have me by your side. And you’re a pendejo thinking I’d ever forget you."

Ximena Had Been Accustomed To His Slow Drawn Out Way Of Speaking, Had Come To Love It Actually. But There

“ truth is that i’m so damn in love with you that i don’t know what to do with myself."

from ximena

 Truth Is That Im So Damn In Love With You That I Dont Know What To Do With Myself."

Togame wasn't expecting this, and it left him on uneven footing. Staring at her for a good long while, Togame soon lowers his gaze entirely, his expression twisting into one of sorrow... after everything that had happened between them, after everything he had done... she still loved him?

 Truth Is That Im So Damn In Love With You That I Dont Know What To Do With Myself."

"You shouldn't..." he speaks in his typical slow fashion. Even his voice is filled with emotion. Typically his expressions were micro-expressions, hardly seen unless he was feeling strongly about something, which made it obviously clear that he was feeling quite strongly in this moment. "You should just forget about me, Xim... I wont' be out of this hell hole for another two years... you can't wait for me that long.."

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6 months ago
There Was A Slight Regret She Had After Admitting How She Felt About Him. This Wasn't The Time Or Place

There was a slight regret she had after admitting how she felt about him. This wasn't the time or place but if she didn't now, she never would. Now that it was out there, she fully expected him to tell her that she was being stupid. That she needed to leave and never come back.

When his eyes met hers, Ximena was taken aback for a moment. Unsure if it was a good or bad sign. His head bowing back down, was something she took as a bad sign. She might have just lost someone she held dear and she began to feel her heart begin to crack.

Then the words he says into the receiver make their way through cables, and into the receiver in her hand on the other side of the plexiglass where she sat. They make her sit up straight and her heart bounces like a basketball in her chest and a smile, a kid like one, comes across her face.

There Was A Slight Regret She Had After Admitting How She Felt About Him. This Wasn't The Time Or Place

Togame's question makes her sigh, the way his green eyes fill up with tears making her wish she could hold him. Gripping the receiver in her left hand, she shrugs. "Time is irrelevant Tog' but you're right," Her shoulders dropped. "I don't know about waiting." Holding her right hand she places it against the thick plastic that separates them. "Because you know I'll be here every week, just like I have been these last couple of months, to me it won't be waiting. It'll just be able to finally hug you. I'll be here unless I'm sick or something horrible has happened, that is the promise I am making to you here right now, Togame. Until I can finally hold your hand, I will be here in this chair, on this phone, on this side of the glass, every week. Whether you like it or not, because I love you."

There Was A Slight Regret She Had After Admitting How She Felt About Him. This Wasn't The Time Or Place
Ximena Had Been Accustomed To His Slow Drawn Out Way Of Speaking, Had Come To Love It Actually. But There

Ximena had been accustomed to his slow drawn out way of speaking, had come to love it actually. But there was something in the way he said this that felt a lot more hesitant than his usual cadance. It wasn't that she wanted him to say that he liked her back the same way she did him, but then again she didn't quite know what was to come of her confession.

Her fingers curled around the receiver a little more tightly, willing him to say something, anything. And when he did, she leaned closer to the plexiglass that separated the two. "Who do you think you are telling who what I can’t and can do. Togame, I don’t care if you love me back. I just wanted to let you know that I did. That you have someone that cares. And I’ll keep coming back every week to prove that to you or just to prove you wrong. Either way. You’ll always have me by your side. And you’re a pendejo thinking I’d ever forget you."

Ximena Had Been Accustomed To His Slow Drawn Out Way Of Speaking, Had Come To Love It Actually. But There

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5 months ago
Her Hand Doesn't Move From The Plexiglass, Feeling The Warmth, Or At Least Imagining It Hopefully, On

Her hand doesn't move from the plexiglass, feeling the warmth, or at least imagining it hopefully, on the other side. He pretended to ignore his small moment of emotion and tears, knowing that it would mean more to act as if it didn't happen, given the situation that he found himself in. After another moment, she pulls her hand back from the barrier that keeps them apart.

Her Hand Doesn't Move From The Plexiglass, Feeling The Warmth, Or At Least Imagining It Hopefully, On

"Well, good behavior has never been your strong suit." It was a tease, a small joke that would hopefully provide some levity to the moment. "But Like I said, I will be here every weekend. No matter what, one year, two years. It doesn't matter to me, Togame." The small moment of happiness she had felt over their confessions of each others love was quickly dampened by a guard telling her she only had two minutes left. A small panic filled her. How hard time passed by that fast? What else was there to tell him?

Turning her attention back to Togame, she smiled, not wanting to let him realize how sad she was that their time for this visit was ending. "Is there anything I can send you in? I'll put money on your commissary so you can use the internet, and get some snacks." She knew that from her aunt who had a son she visited regularly for the last couple of years. "Remeber, its all numbers, Togame. 168 hours, 7 days, 10080 minutes. Whatever it is, I will be back here every weekend."

"Time to go, sweetheart!" The guard came back, ready to rush her out. She placed her hand on the glass again. "I promise, okay. I'll be back before you know it."

Her Hand Doesn't Move From The Plexiglass, Feeling The Warmth, Or At Least Imagining It Hopefully, On

He watches as the smile spreads across her features, watches as she reacts to his declaration of love. How could he not love everything that Ximena was? She was an incredible woman, and he was devoted to her enough to take her place and everyone else's in jail... but he hadn't done it for every one else. He had done it purely for her, and her alone.

He was just glad that even in prison, he could still make her happy.

Watching as she presses her hand against the glass, he moves to do the same, large hand shadowing over her own... and her spoken words? Had the tears that had built in his eyes fall past his eyes and down his cheeks, lips wobbling a bit as he nods. Though he's quick to swipe away the evidence of his crying, knowing if he was caught it'd ruin things for him in here.

He Watches As The Smile Spreads Across Her Features, Watches As She Reacts To His Declaration Of Love.

"Alright..." he speaks softly, "Just two years left... one on good behavior," he manages a small smile at that... they both knew he was capable of following through on the good behavior bit, but fighting also tended to follow him around. It wasn't a question of if he'd get in a fight, it was a matter of when he'd get in a fight.

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