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Monrach Godzilla Profile Variant "Lucifer/Ares" :
Overview: Due to Lucifer's recent incident in Moscow, Ukraine, and Germany I am to write the profile of the most agressive Godzilla Variant Ever. Lucifer is the smallest of the Variants only about 45 meters in height, his story is simliar to Kronus( See Profile Kronus for context) due to exposure to Nuclear Weapons, Lucifer didn't stop attacking.
Lucifer under heavy restraint, sedatives to kill 500 elephants, and the most advanced form of stasis techonolgy we had still troubles of contianment for further study then he was safelily releashed into Gratious 165 far from Humanity as possible. Studies had shown that indeed, Variant Lucifer's brain waves are simliar to a psychopathic's. All Lucifer's emotions are static and lifeless, the never ending desire for death, destruction, and the complete anhiliation for everything that breaths. To keep it professionial as possible, my sister was in the incident in Washington 4 years ago and I'm happy she was able evacuate but after this recent incident I've been having nightmares of her being stuck in a room with Lucifer.
Lucifer's own atomic breath which causes a simimlair effect of an atomic bomb, but it hurts him through heavy use of it before he can properily regenerate. There are times when Lucifer uses his atomic several times in a row to cause maximuim destructrion, even if he nearly destroys himself to ensure nothing survives.
Godzilla variant relations: Lucifer's relations with other Godzillas are primairy neutral and never cooperates with any variant expect with the Richard Variant(See Profile "Horus/Heraclues/Richard" for context). When Richard is around Lucifer will show no aggresion towards humans, unless collateral. With other Kajiu Lucifer will be prone to attacking, even when he first encounter Monster Zero Variant King Ghidorah( See "Monster Zero" Profile for Context) he first used his atomic breath to stun King Ghidoarh before proceeding to crawl up the center head before decaptaiting the center head. Out of either fear or confusion on how Lucifer such a small Godzilla's small size showed such brutaillity flew away from the battle, and Lucifer devoured the center head he tore off. It has been noted that Lucifer will attempt to hunt Monster Zero variant when aware of Monster Zero's pressance and head to open areas in order to attempt of luring Monster Zero.
Little does Lucifer knows when Monster Zero is aware of Lucifer's pressance will not engage Lucifer unless sending his storms around the area to obsurce Lucifer's vision in hope of an easy attack, as Little did Monster Zero knew this made Lucifer fire blindily in the storm catching Monster Zero in one of the blasts and stuning him. Though Lucifer was close in claiming a second head this time Monster Zero evaded Lucifer by blasting him with his gravitiy beams all heads and flying away. Lucifer was agataited and attacked nearby fishing boats.
Mothra Variant and Incarnations seem to sooth down Lucifer when in proximity, this is temperarily once a mortha leaves Lucifer's area the becomes dormant.
G-Force Contact Prodecures: All Lethal force is authorized with mixes of tear gas and White Phosrous is to be deployed to slow down Lucifer as evacuations protocols are employed. Artillary forces are the only ground forces advised with White Phosrous shells to use 5 shell volleys before retrating to a safe distance to repeat. Multipurpose Jets loaded with lead flake bombs to decrease the chances of Lucifer Variant using atomic breath. Duck and Cover is advised incase of Atomic breath. Attack heliocopters will fire 65 millimeter tranq rounds 200 are highily advised. Once Variant is subdued, Lucifer is to be transported to nearest spaceport to launch back to planet Gratious 165.
Final Variant Conclusion: The Lucifer variant is an intresting Godzilla Variant, he isn't in constant pain like Leviathan(See profile "Leviathan/Bloop" for context), The seeming heroism like Heraclues, The Protector of the Earth like Jourmangander( See Profile "Jourmangander/Set/Shevia" for context), or the werid, childish, beast like Revees( See Profile "Loki/Revees" for more context). Lucifer is seems nothing more like an animial that feeds on nothing but death, violence, and deslolatation. I just hope tonight, I'll dream of Lucifer in a clown suit instead of these nightmares.

Since 1954

Minilla monday
Sketchbook art time! This time it’s Godzilla! I’m not entirely sure which one though, but I do know it’s the rubber suit one.

I fucking love how this came out it’s so good!
Also, here is the reference, a figure I got on my birthday: