Sicktember 2024 - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

5 months ago

Sicktember is definitely going to become Sicktober as well lmao

Feel free to keep sending suggestions! Some of these I fr have absolutely no idea what to do with 😭

As Sicktember draws ever closer, I’ve been doing a lot of brainstorming and got some amazing suggestions from some of you! Here is the mast

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5 months ago

Sicktember Day 9: Overdramatic patient/caretaker

Thank you to anonymous for the outline suggestion for this prompt! It was super fun to write :) I honestly got pretty carried away with this one hehe 🩷
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Rating: T

Media: Final Fantasy XV

Characters: Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladiolus

Summary: Prompto has very recently become friends with Noctis, and he is fearful of not being good enough to be around a prince, especially since Ignis seems to not approve. This uncertainty all comes to a head when Noctis winds up very sick one day when he’s alone with Prompto.

CW for vomiting and medication 🚨

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5 months ago

Sicktember Day 10: The Sniffles

This one was totally improv and wound up being short and fluffy! I hope you enjoy :) 🩷 More coming soon!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Rating: G

Media: Genshin Impact

Characters: Kaveh and Alhaitham

Summary: Kaveh has a cold that seems to be disturbing Alhaitham, but he’s surprised to find that maybe the scribe actually might care about him? Maybe? A little?

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5 months ago

***Day 18: “My body is one big ache.”

If you haven't gotten a suggestion yet, I think this prompt is begging for Noctis to be suffering (in any order, really) from his back acting up, which he decided to hide and ignore, which results in him getting hurt during a hunt. This then triggers a migraine which leads to a super upset stomach and vomiting. Yeah, his body is one big ache. Ha!

Also, not sure if you forgot to put it on the list, but last month I gave you a suggestion for Prompt 25 - Summer Flu (Insomnia holds a Summer Festival, Noct is super sick the night before with the stomach flu, Ignis is up all night helping to take care of him, Noct still makes an appearance at the festival and the public is concerned, yadda yadda...).

Totally understand if you don't want to use it, though, and that's why it was omitted!! Just figured I'd toss it out there again. just in case. ;)

Looking forward to what you cook up for us next!

Hi anon! First off I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize I forgot to update the master list for day 25, I fixed it! I love your prompt for that and definitely still plan to use it :)

Second, omg I love this one for day 18! I will write that one down as well.

I apologize again and thank you so much for the suggestions! 🩷

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4 months ago

Sicktember Day 11 (ALT): “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

Thank you anonymous for the outline for this prompt! It was so wholesome 🥺 It’s crazy that I originally started writing fics for k*nk reasons but now like…….. I love writing sappy fluff and soft hurt/comfort stuff 🩷
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Rating: G

Media: Final Fantasy XV

Characters: Noctis, Ignis, Prompto, and Gladiolus

Summary: Noctis starts feeling ill and it slowly worsens throughout the day. Ignis runs to town to get medicine, but Noctis is asleep before he can get back. Hopefully, he sleeps through the night…

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4 months ago

🚨 New update! 🚨

Tumblr unfortunately only allows 10 links in a post, so from Day 11 onward, there will be a star next to the prompt if it has been finished and posted. Please head to my ao3 account to see them all! I will link my Sicktember series as well.

I’m also still taking submissions if you’d like to suggest some!

Thank you guys so much for the support! 🩷
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Sicktember Update! 🚨🚨🚨

As Sicktember draws ever closer, I’ve been doing a lot of brainstorming and got some amazing suggestions from some of you!

Here is the masterlist so far (Everything with *** at the beginning is a prompt I do not yet have a specific idea in mind for yet. Feel free to suggest!)

⭐️ Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick.” (Kavehtham)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 2: Too much of a good thing/Overindulgence (FFXV)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 3: Campus Crud (FFXV)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 4: “Great, I got a cold for my birthday.” (FFXV)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 5: Rogue Organ (TighCyno)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 6: Dizziness/vertigo (FFXV)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 7: Borrowed hoodie (TighCyno)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 8: “The closest doctor is probably hours from here!” (Genshin modern AU: camping: 4ggravate)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 9: Overdramatic patient/caretaker (FFXV)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 10: The sniffles
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

⭐️ Day 11 (ALT): “I didn’t mean to wake you up.” (FFXV)

Day 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up/coughing up a lung.” (FFXV)

Day 13: Mononucleosis (Sambastian)

Day 14: Clean sheets/fresh pajamas (FFXV)

Day 15: “Who decided ____ is sick people food?” (Kavehtham)

Day 16: Toxin/poison (FFXV)

Day 17: Brain fog/spaced out (TighCyno)

Day 18: “My body is one big ache.” (FFXV)

***Day 19: Hypochondriac Tendencies

Day 20: Medication Bribery (Kavehtham)

Day 21 (ALT): Doctor’s Note (FFXV)

***Day 22: “You didn’t use my cup, did you?”

***Day 23: Under a Spell

***Day 24: Tales from the Waiting Room

Day 25: Summer Flu (FFXV)

Day 26 (ALT): Flushed Cheeks (FFXV)

Day 27: “This is non-negotiable.” (Kavetham)

Day 28 (ALT): Hospital Bed (FFXV)

Day 29: Sick on a Roadtrip (VenXiao)

***Day 30: Past Prompt of Your Choice!

Also yes, I am finally branching out to writing more than just Genshin and FFXV! I’m gonna be ushering in some other fandoms as well. So far I have one prompt I have chosen to write as Sam and Sebastian from Stardew Valley :)

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