Sidekick X Villain - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Prompt #30

“My sleep schedule is fucked,” hero started, scratching their hair. “So I’d like to request a day off.”

“Sir, this is a Wendy’s…" the cashier’s voice faltered, lightly trembling.

“Mm… well… I’d like to quit my job.” hero blurted out, a couple of chuckles making their way out of the hero’s mouth. “I heard villains make a hundred thousand a month…”

The cashier jumped. One hundred thousand?! A month?! That would pay all of the bills they owe to their landlord in just a second.

The hero formed a weary smirk on their lips. “Surprising right? That’s not all though, I heard-”

“Just tell me what you want!” The cashier snapped, already annoyed by the hero’s shenanigans.

“Be my villain sidekick.”

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11 months ago

Summary - Supervillain kidnapped Sidekick, letting Hero get away. Sidekick gets restless and angry, and Supervillain decides to play with their food.

TW - Swearing, manipulation, kidnapping

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When Sidekick woke up, their vision was blurry and faded. Memories of the past flooded into them, and their vision slowly regained. Slowly, they made out the ash-gray walls and the long dining table they sat at. Using context clues, they figured they were in a dining room. It was large and eerie, the ash-gray walls looming over them. The shadows of servants scurrying were on the walls, illuminated by the dim Moonlight cast from windows. They acted like finger puppets, each movement controlled by a puppeteer. They tried to move around, but their body ached. Moving just their hands, they realized they were tied up to the chair. They looked down at their body. Instead of their uniform, they had new, comfier clothing. It reminded them of a pajama set. Still, they shivered. it was barely warm enough for the cold aura.

“You’re quite oblivious, aren’t you?” The sudden voice knocked them off guard, and they looked in front of them. Across the giant dining table, there sat Supervillain. They looked majestic and royal, like a cruel king compared to a measly villager. “Always trying to act smart by seeing the smaller details, but too naive to see what’s in front of you.” Sidekick didn’t dare speak. After all, lowly peasants don’t speak when in the presence of a god. The servants all around them were living proof. “I always found it quite humorous. Don’t you?” Supervillain spoke elegantly, their voice as smooth as wine. They waited patiently for Sidekick to respond, but when they didn’t, they just continued, a frown evident on their face. “Disappointing. I was hoping you’d have more… resistance like Hero. Try to get out while kicking and screaming. Maybe some badmouthing here and there.”

“I’m not Hero.”

“I realized that,” they said, “but it makes it more appealing. I like challenges. You seem more quiet.” Supervillain snapped their fingers and a servant appeared, setting down a wine glass in front of them. They opened up a wine bottle and poured it for Supervillain. Sidekick distracted themselves by staring at the wine slowly emerging in the glass, its ruby color like crimson blood dripping from a wound. When the servant finished, they set the bottle on the table and sat behind Supervillain’s chair, staying by their side if they needed anything more. “Like a ragdoll,” Sidekick thought.

“You know,” Supervillain started, casually taking a sip from the glass, “I’m honestly surprised you haven’t asked any questions like a typical person.”

“I know what you do to people who step out of line.”

Supervillain set down the glass and gave a devious smile. One could mistake it for innocence if they didn’t see the devil in their eyes. “Clever. Very clever. Though, I assure you, if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it by now.”

“I heard you have a habit of playing with your food.” Sidekick glared but made it softer than they would with any other villain. “Manipulation’s what you’re known for, is it not?” Supervillain scoffed, seemingly offended.

“It’s not manipulation if it’s right in front of you. I’m simply toying with how the human mind works.” They took another sip. “I’m known for giving people what they want in exchange for something I want. It’s a deal, not manipulation.” They paused, then ended with a smirk. “But, then again, simple-minded people see things so dangerously. Never risking a thing and keeping themselves closed off from the world. Never let themselves get close to others to ensure they’re never tempted by said deal. I always found it amusing, don’t you?” They swirled the wine in the fancy glass, licking any residue off their teeth. “Manipulation is controlling and influencing something for your desire. Deal-making ensures both parties get what they want in the end.”

“Yet only one party gets what they truly desire. The other gets what they think they want, but they regret it in the end.” Sidekick spoke, not thinking through their anger. They glared again, this time with hatred. “What do you want from me, Supervillain.”

“Ah…” Supervillain grinned, satisfied with their response. “It took you longer than I anticipated to rile you up, but better later than never, as they say.” They snapped their fingers again, and the servant rushed to the kitchen. After a few moments, they returned with another wine glass. They set it in front of Sidekick and poured them a glass. The servant bowed to Supervillain and scampered away, leaving Sidekick and Supervillain alone. “Would you mind elaborating on your words? I don’t think I understood you the first time.”

“You trick people. You know it, I know, the whole world knows it.”

“Yet it works, doesn’t it? After all, it worked on every soul who lived to regret it, and the people who regretted it in their last breath.” Sidekick’s breathing hitched. It felt worse hearing it come out of Supervillain’s mouth. “However, we’re getting side-tracked, aren’t we?” They took a swig at the wine, finishing it off. The wine glass in front of Sidekick remained untouched.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Sidekick said, seething with rage. “You like it when people ask questions, so here’s mine. Why am I here?”

“Well, since Hero decided to abandon you and save themselves, might as well have fun with it.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Oh, trust me, darling,” Supervillain said, “You will.” The following silence was awkward, a staring contest between the two. Sidekick’s gaze kept shifting between every small movement Supervillain took. They seemed relaxed yet stern, ensuring they had the upper hand. Of course, trying to find a way out was useless, but Sidekick wouldn’t lose hope.

Groaning, Sidekick tried to argue. “Hero didn’t abandon me. You set fire to a building we were patrolling in and they panicked. You can’t just blame them for that.” They breathed heavily, the fact Hero could’ve abandoned them purposely was starting to infect their mind. “They wouldn’t. There was a lot of smoke and ash, they probably thought I already got out.”

“It’s embarrassing how you keep trying to hold onto hope.”

“It’s called trust,” Sidekick retaliated. “Something you clearly don’t feel.” Supervillain glared, and Sidekick quickly shrunk under their deathly gaze.

“You’re getting annoyingly bold, aren’t you.” Supervillain thought about this. “Good. I like a cute bravado from people. Just more enjoyable to see them crumble at my hands.” Sidekick’s pupils shrunk a little. They looked at the table, their reflection haunting them in the bright red wine. “So, little Sidekick…” Without Sidekick knowing, Supervillain got up and stalked towards them. Supervillain’s hand grazed their cheek, but Sidekick refused to flinch. They didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing their fear. “You wanted to know what I’m going to do with you, right?” Reluctantly, Sidekick nodded. Chuckling, Supervillain walked being Sidekick’s tied-up figure and messed with their hair, twirling it around their fingers.

“I’m going to break you.”

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

for once I actually feel proud of my writing- I liked how this one came out. also, huge thanks to @avvail for the writing prompt! Check them out, they make great ones for hero x villain tropes.

prompt #75

The sidekick can feel a horrible, high pitched ringing in their ears. Fire and flame lick at their skin, charred and dirty with thick smoke. They can barely manage a hoarse wheeze, before something hard presses down on their back.

“I was hoping to catch Hero,” the supervillain murmured under their breath, and the sidekick’s throat closed up under those intense eyes. “But I suppose you’ll do.”

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11 months ago

Random Prompt

Free of use - Credit not necessary, but appreciated.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

“I have people worth fighting for. I have the agency–”

“A corrupt system.”

“Hero and Other Hero–”

“Simple attention-seekers who manipulate the public.”

“As if you don’t manipulate yourself,” Sidekick said, matter-of-factly. Supervillain groaned, rubbing their forehead.

“We went over this. You’re just refusing to listen. It’s called making deals. It’s also known as ‘business’. Manipulation is for those too weak to handle themselves. Hero, Other Hero, Superhero, everyone there’s a manipulative idiot who’s too weak to support themselves, so they rely on those even weaker.”

Glaring, Sidekick scoffed. “You have no proof of that. You don’t know them.”

“But dear,” Supervillain approached with a sad expression, though Sidekick could tell if was fake. “Have you ever thought that maybe you’re one of those weaker people?”

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