Sidenote. Hate Describing Reid's Outfits In Alt Text - Tumblr Posts
hey simon mirren? what the fuck was this:

(it's a little hard to tell from the image, but elle's "it's totally you" reads to me as earnest, if slightly teasing)
am i supposed to think elle is being sarcastic? because it's not coming off that way to me—although caveat that i am autistic and bad at reading tone. is it platonic? it doesn't read platonic to me. and not because "oh my god a man and a woman complimented eachother. they must be in love" but. im sorry im legitimately trying to read this scene from any angle other than "there is mutual attraction" and i am not finding it! am i biased because i ship them or is this scene legitimately just Like That.
EDIT: forgot that this happens like a minute later. what the fuck!!! you cant do this to me!!!