Sim Makeover - Tumblr Posts

Cassandra Goth / The Goths
Before and After
I just think she’s neat :)

townieee .. made over this one a while ago. She mainly exists to be an artsy friend to Diego Lobo and I love her !

My new sim started dating Jacob Volkov so I decided to give him a makeover ... he’s a bit more of a moodyboi™ but that is my sweet spot in characters anyways soo... here he is.
Also I’m now on the hunt for an accessorised cc Hairstyle similar to the EA one he had before just with a lil more dimension O-O

redoing all the makeovers in OS and finally got Nancy to look just how I imagine her 🤔 (bare face felt necessary to convey the vision, as did the orange power-suit)

dina & nina caliente, 2024

Not to sound narcissistic but I’m in love with my own Jennifer Burb makeover

I think the Pleasant twins look so cute <3

For some reason I like giving Lilith blue underliner, I just think it's neat :)

I love Angela's blush, I tried to give Lilith some blush but I couldn't find anything that suited her. I think this necklace looks so nice with her dress too

Is there even a point to being an alien if you don't wear galaxy blush? 😤😤😤
👽 Ramblings below 👽
I'm kinda torn with what to do with her major wise. The first time I properly played with a premade I played with her and I didn't really care about what was cannon. So I made her bi, changed her major to drama, had her join Tri-Var, had her become a ballet dancer, got her married to Gabriel Green and have quadruplets.
I'm still gonna make her bi, join a sorority (except probably Tri-Fruhm this time? So she doesn't have to "transfer uni", though I see her as getting along with the Tri-Var girls more so IDK ) probably end up with Gabriel and have quads. But I feel a bit bad about changing her major when that's what maxis had in mind for her (and plus ✨ girls in STEM ✨). But on the other hand, career wise, I can only see her as a professional ballet dancer?
I could have her keep her major then realise she actually wants to dance after uni? After all not everyone gets a job in what they study. I could also imagine that applying for physics is something she did because it's like easier for Sixam natives to be allowed live and study in SimNation if they apply for studying something considered more "useful" to SimNation? And that it's easier to change your major after you've got a place in that case. Like she likes physics but her true passion is dance and that's why she came to earth to study? Since Sixam kinda feels like a more STEM based society? I'm leaning more towards the second one, because it's more interesting and it's fitted more around her circumstances.

I think I might give her a more baby blue eyeshadow, this one's a bit to grey for what I wanted. 🤷🏽♀️
(Also the reason why she and some of the Pleasantview women and girls are in Strangetown in these photos is because I was setting up Ajay when I felt like getting pictures of them)

⭐ I wish his stars matched the stripes on his coat, but the other yellow ones weren't golden enough. At least they match his shirt. ⭐
I think wanna change his hairstyle, I've seen others give him long dreads and I'm thinking of doing the same. As long as they don't cover up his ✨ pointy ears ✨

I gave Bottom some face paint because ✨ she deserves it ✨
💚(Purple and green are her colours)💜

I love that her glasses and lipstick match, I love that colour on her. 💖
Also I gave her a beret because Veronaville is already a fusion of Tutor England and like Italian Renaissance architecture? (I don't know much about architecture), so why not embrace the euro-fusionism with a beret? Especially since it suits her so well 💖

Tessa's eye's remind me of Hypnotoad, lol. 🍄🐸🍄
Also I gave her some blush because she all ready had lipstick, but I kinda see her as like 3 or 4 because Lisa's bio says "Now that Tessa has started school,". So I feel like her make up looks to "make upy" and her hair is too long to look "just stsrted school" age.
Idk should she keep the lipstick? I put eyelashes on almost all female sims. And I put blush on some kids to represent a "youthful glow"? (I can't remember the phrase for it, but you know how sometimes kids have a sort of blush to their cheeks?) But the lipstick? Idk. Maybe I should make her blush less pink so it looks more natural?

I always headcannon Sofia as a preteen so I always give her some make up and accessories. I imagine that when she's not in her uniform, she has a similar fashion sense to Penny Proud. I remember really liking that show as a kid.

Almost all my photos have that plant in the background because a sim blender is essential and I almost never bother to change it's apperance.
(Also don't look at her neck for too long otherwise you'll notice how strange it is)

I did end up changing Tessa's hair and this one is much cuter! Plus I did get rid of the lipstick. :)