Sim Request - Tumblr Posts

Troy Stallings for @pjandmoregirl !!
You asked for a dude with similar vibes to my Julian and I think I failed that; however he does have plenty of piercings (and I swear he’s got tattoos as well they’re just hidden lmao)
Thanks so much for requesting a sim, please tag me whenever you use him, and also if he doesn’t quite fit your tastes feel free to change him up a bit!! Traits: Jealous, mean, and ambitious. He’s currently level 4 in the Arts Critic career, and has several skills. Ambition is Musical Genius.
Bio: “Troy Stallings is the local self-made bad-boy. He’ll give you a mean glare, an elbow nudge, and a huff of his nose to tell you who’s boss. Not that many would know, but he’s a newfound arts critic and is not afraid to let you know when your guitar skills are a bit plucky. Despite the length of the scar, he didn’t get it from a knife fight; instead he got it from a nasty tree fall when he was younger.”
CC Required - skin overlay / eyes / lashes / brows / teeth / nosemask / hairline / scars** / eyebags / eyelid detail (eyelids detail merged) / face structure (structure merged) / face light/pores (facelights and pores sdmerged) / mouth corners / lipstick / piercings 1 (university), 2, 3 / hand detail / tats / body hair / top - alternative top since that one is apparently patreon exclusive: tank top / pants / shoes / earrings / ear preset / mouth definition / cheek contour / sliders: 1, 2
**simsd+m link, very sorry but could not find that scar set anywhere else!
Private DL
hope you enjoy him !! :^D
hiiiiiii!!!! can i request a pale asian guy with long white hair, blue eyes (((like anime style))) with yukata///kimono?! have a blessed day :D
thank you for the well wishes, and here's your lovely boy!

Hinata Matsuzo
-young adult
-Proper, Bookworm, and Loves Outdoors traits
-Bestselling Author aspiration
Feel free to write your own story for Hinata, and please tag me if you use him!! I'd adore to see what you do with him :^) I hope you enjoy him, he was fun to make since he's a bit different than what I'm used to!
↓↓ Custom Content and Download below ↓↓
cc: hair / eyes / eyebrows / face structure (face structure SD merged) / mouth detail / cheekbone detail / abs overlay / hand overlay / eye shape / eyelashes / nosemask / mouth corners / hairline / skinblend / body hair / teeth
thank you to the awesome cc creators; with poses by @ratboysims and @helgatisha :^P
download (mediafire) no ads, ever!
alt download (google drive) no ads, ever!
hi i'd like to request a cat boy sim with green eyes and fluffly orange hair, thanks and have a nice day :)

your catboy, good anon!
age: Young Adult
gender: male
sexuality: ???
traits: goofball, lazy, and foodie
aspiration: friend of the world
cc, outfits, more info, and download below!

hair / eyes / ears+tail / choker / makeup 1 2 / shirt / jeans / skinblend / nosemask / lashes / mouth def 1 2 / eye shape / cheekbones 1 2* / collarbone / body hair / teeth / hairline
*structure sd merged; use ctrl + f to find
thanks so much to all of the cc creators responsible for their creations used for the sim! :^D hope you like your catboy anon, and please tag me if/when you use him! i left his name, job, and everything else up to you since you were pretty vague, and thank you so much for the request!
download here!!! (mediafire, no ads ever)
@clumsyalienn @simandy @simandy-ccfinds @miikocc @sunivaa

this is the official sim request post!! :0
request your own sim here: Sim Request Form
keep in mind the request might take a little bit, but i promise i'll get to it :D

Sim Request For @h3avenlyhyst3riasims
Name: Vernon Jackson. 24 years old (young adult), 6'5", 213 lbs. Strong and lean with a few tattoos. Gives off bad-boy vibes, wears grunge, alt, and rocker-style clothes– has plenty of torn and dirty clothes, mostly hand-me-downs. Also frequently paints his nails, usually neutral/dark tones like black, brown, blue, green. Piercings: snake bites, nose ring, left eyebrow. Long, dark brown hair, forest green eyes, and tan skin. Aspiration and traits: Chief of Mischief; slob, loner, and freegan. Deep, gravelly voice – good at singing and kills on the bass/guitar/drums. Anything involving heavy rhythm. Sexuality: gay (trans/non-binary inclusive) Has a harsh, unapproachable exterior but wishes he could make more friends. His childhood was kinda rough, taking care of his 3 siblings (two brothers and one sister) while balancing a part-time job and school, and looking after his over-worked mother. Never cared about his father, he was a deadbeat that didn’t pay child support or visit them unless it was to have another kid. Secretly loves the band Lord Huron and other folk artists, and gets pissed if you call them ‘country.’ Outwardly listens to Fall Out Boy, IDKHBTFM, Banshee, and plenty of 80s rock. Big fan of the following games: Monster Camp, Stardew Valley, West of Loathing, Detroit: Become Human, Red Dead Redemption 2. Has a few scars from fights he’s been in– bruised knees, cuts on his hands, etc. His teeth are also jagged and crooked. His nose is also pretty wide, with a slightly hooked bridge from having it broken once in high school. Likes to keep his face mostly clean-shaven; maybe has a little stubble here and there. The rest of his body is hairy, but surprisingly well-groomed. (thanks so much in advance for doing sim requests! i just followed you today because of them :) i just really love seeing other people’s sim styles, i think it’s really interesting how everyone plays this game different. hope you’re taking care of yourself and having a wonderful week so far! mwah ♥)
Name: Vernon Jackson
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Traits: Loner, Slob, Freegan
Thank you for the request! I feel like he also boxes in his free time but since he’d rather save money he just found a old punching bag in a dumpster and took it home, It’s def not a a good punching bag as it leaves his hands with cuts and bruises.
Hope you like Him!
Private Download
Feel Free to Request Your Own Sim Here

sim requests 3/? – halloween edition
in this little sim dump we’ve got another fish girl (@maisiemouse), a goth plantsim (anon), a banshee (@wannabe-cartoonist) , a classic vampire (@h3avenlyhyst3riasims), and a werewolf (anon)

5 sims, all in one household
no sims are actual occults, they’re all in the human state currently (i hate dealing w them in their occult cas)
only have everyday outfits
credits to all creators whose content is used! :+)
dl (sfs)

Wow thank you!!!! She is beautiful!!! I think they will find a common language with Mirai, given her peculiarity)

aaliyah chambers for @uri-simka
can't stand art ✩ rebellious ✩ slob ✩ night owl ✩ flirty
her custom content:
hair (gingerale for werewolf form) / eyebrows (lana) / faceshine (aaliyah) / noseshine / nosemask / lipstick (lana)
you're free to change her hair, make-up, etc., but don't change her facial features. tag me if you use her and don't claim or re-upload her as your own.