Sj Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

For the Important OTP Questions: Sam x Jack, 2, 16, 17, 23😊

Thank you for the prompts @tvshowsaremylife 

2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?

Jack. Because, you know, after years of waiting, it’s like he’s a teenager again. it’s not just about the sex, though - it’s just being able to touch her. He’s a very, very touchy-feely person.

16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?

Sam is more seductive when drunk, or at least thinks she is. A couple of glasses of wine and she gets the dutch courage needed to make a move. Not that she needs dutch courage, because he’s always game, but she’s a little more self-conscious that Jack.

As for who’s louder, it depends on who’s taking charge ;)

17) Who is more protective?

They’re absolutely equally protective. 

Jack tries not to let it show because he doesn’t want to offend her, but he is hugely protective of things Sam doesn’t even seem to notice anymore. For example, some jerk makes a comment about her being a woman in a position of power and it rolls of her now - she’s used to it, learnt to live with it and not bite. Jack, on the other hand, will not let it go so easily.

Sam is very protective of Jack when it comes to him being down on himself. She’ll try not to let him dwell on past mistakes because she knows he’s his own worst critic and won’t tolerate it when he puts himself down.

23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?

They’re both afraid of messing up, and neither really thinks they’re good enough for the other. Jack thinks he’s too old, Sam has a lot of hangups from her exes. They’re both afraid of losing each other but are kind of used to the fear, too. It makes them value the time they have together all the more.

They both think they mess up, so they both reassure each other. 

Thank you again for the asks! If anyone else wants to prompt for one of my OTPs, the original post is here

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4 years ago

7, 9, 27 for the OTP asks? 😊

Thank you @starrybouquet :)

7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? 

Jack. He got in there first because Sam struggled, initially, to get the words out. She finds it easier now they’ve been together for a while, adding a ‘love you’ to the end of phone calls that sounds casual to anyone who overhears but Jack knows how long/far it’s taken to get to that point so is thrilled every time.

He’s also the one who ends arguments with ‘because I love you’, though Sam will often roll her eyes and say it to him when he’s bemoaning the fact he’s older than she is and why would she want to be saddled with him when she could have her pick. 

9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?

If Jack wakes up from a cool dream, he just has to share it with Sam - usually because she’s in it. Sam’s more likely to wake up and hastily scribble some calculation down before she forgets it.

At first, Jack has the most nightmares, though not as many now he has Sam beside him. She doesn’t sing him to sleep but will cuddle into him and hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star like her Mom used to when she was little and that’ll help him go back to a dreamless sleep. The longer Sam serves in a command position, the worse her nightmares get. Jack holds her while she cries, soothing her with his hand rubbing small circles on her back.

27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?

They’re both equally likely to order takeout at two in the morning, usually after an evening of stargazing where time slips away from them and they realise they’ve not eaten in hours.

Sam will often wake up for a glass of water and, if for whatever reason she needs to go downstairs, she’ll try and do it without waking him because he’ll often sleepily insist on going with her ‘just in case’. 

Thank you again!! :)

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4 years ago

I'm curious. Nightmares for any character of the original SG-1 team, pls.

Sam’s biggest fear is failing. Letting everyone down. There’s so much pressure on her shoulders so much of the time... Sometimes it gets too much.

Sometimes she goes home and can’t sleep, and when she does sleep, she has nightmares about not being able to find a solution, of not being good enough.

She dreams of the SGC being attacked or vaporised when something goes wrong with someone’s experiment or a piece of alien technology.

She dreams of the replicator version of herself running loose through the facility, hurting or killing those Sam cares about.

With her face. Her hands.

She wakes up in a cold sweat sometimes, fearing the nightmare is reality and someone she loves is dead.

She’s alone most of the times she wakes up in the dead of night, wishes she was alone on the nights Pete’s there and tries to get her to talk.

Years later, after the first nightmare in the early days of her tenure on SG1, she wakes up and turns into the warm body wrapped around hers. She lets his voice and his hands and his lips chase away the darkness.

She doesn’t always fall asleep again afterwards, and on those nights, Jack stays awake with her. They don’t talk, they just lie there together, in the soft light of a newly dawning day and wait till the nightmares fade.

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