Sketchbookandtonyadventures - Tumblr Posts

I’m so glad and grateful this blog existed. If I hadn’t come across L is Weegee’s videos on YouTube of him voice dubbing this blog last year…I don’t think I would have gotten as into (or even got back to rewatch) dhmis again and make fanart of it. I’m so so happy to be apart of this fandom. This blog will always have a place in my heart. Thank you Mod :)

I Should Probably Put An Official End To This Blog. The Plan Was To Do Self-contained Posts After I Was

I should probably put an official end to this blog. The plan was to do self-contained posts after I was finished the final arc, but if I can’t muster up enough motivation to actually draw the arc, then it’s a good sign that I’ve moved on from the thing I made as a counter to Padlock in 2014.

I’ve had a lot of fun. Thank you all for following.

My main DHMIS blog where I will continue to post art is @creepypuppetbrigade.

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