Skin Part 2 - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Supernatural Series Rewrite

Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist

Dean Winchester x named reader

Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you’re triggered by any of these then please don’t read)

Chapter warning: unwanted sexual advances (not from Dean)

(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there’s reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it’s the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)

Skin (Part 1)

Season One. Episode Six.

Skin (Part 2)


When you woke up the next day it was still just 4:30 in the morning. You felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist. It took you a second to recognize the familiar feeling of the man behind you but as soon as you did, a big smile crept on your face. You turned in his arms slowly, careful not to wake him up. You realized it was the most well rested you've felt in a while. You saw a really small smile on his face too, like he was having a really good dream.

You knew it was creepy but you couldn't help but stare at his peaceful face. Hair messy, chest going up and down in a slow rhythm, he was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

Your train of thoughts was interrupted by a series of knocks on the door of your motel room. You tried to ignore it and continue staring at the beautiful man in front of you until you were completely awake. Your eyes widen when you realized it was Sam. "Dean, wake up." you said in a hushed tone trying to get attention of the sleeping hunter beside you.

"Alex." you finally heard Sam's voice coming from the other side of the door. "Dean.." you whispered again but he was still sleeping. The knocks got even louder.

You knew for a fact that Dean id a light sleeper so you had no idea why he wasn't waking up right now.

"Alex, if you don't open up I'll have to pick the lock myself, you're worrying me now." He said and you quickly shouted out. "No.. I mean, I'm naked, don't come in." you said and the hunter beside you finally woke up. He was about to say something but you put your hand on his mouth and gestured him to keep silent.

"oh... Ok. I just got worried because you weren't answering."

"well, what do you want, it's 5 in the morning." you asked as you removed your hand from Dean's mouth knowing he wouldn't say anything now. He pecked your lips slowly before listening clearly to Sam.

"Well I needed to show you guys something but Dean didn't come to the room last night. Did he tell you where he is? He's not picking up either." he said and you took a look at Dean's phone laying on your nightstand.

"yeah, no, I mean i don't know, he didn't tell me." you said, not sure how to answer him.

"ok, I'll try calling him again." this time even a bigger 'NO' left your mouth. You know if Sam called Dean his phone will ring inside your room.

"i mean, it's Dean, Sam. He probably went to the bar last night and found 'some girl' there." you said, emphasis on 'sone girl' with a little smirk on your lips. Dean pouted at your before pressing his lips to your neck and you bite your lip to fight back a moan.

"Yeah, Yeah, probably."

"you know what? Why don't you go to your room, I'll join you there in a few." you said successfully without making any weird noise.

"ok. By the way I bought breakfast and coffee too, Be quick if you don't want it to get cold." he said.

"Be right there." you said and heard his footsteps walking away. Just to be sure your you got up from the bed any opened your door and poked out your head to make sure he was gone.

"God, never have I ever thought that I would be hiding away from my little brother, like this." He said as you pulled out your jeans and shirt from your duffel bag.

"Well, as they say, there's a first for every thing. Now close your eyes, I have to change."

"seriously?" he asked.

"Yes. Seriously." you answered and he sighed before closing his eyes. "And no peeking." you said before turning around and changing into your today's outfit.

Once you were done you turned back around. "Ok, so I'm gonna go to your and Sam's room. You'll wait here for 10 minutes and then you'll come too." you explained your plan to him, sitting beside him on the bed.

"What!? What are we, 19? Oh wait.." He said grinning at you and you hit his arm.

"Ha Ha very funny. Just do what I said." you said and got up and took your bag before walking out from the motel room. After you walked out dean didn't know why he was still smiling to himself, looking at the door at the door you left from a second ago. He closed his eyes, waiting for 10 minutes to be over.

"Hey." you said as Sam opened the door you looked around the room pretending to be genuinely curious. "Dean still isn't here?" you asked as if you really didn't know where he was.

"Nope. Still hasn't picked up either." he said as you put your bag beside Sam's bed and sat on it. He handed you your coffee and a bag of donuts

"Ah, donuts. Thanks, Sammy, maybe I could forgive you for waking me up at 5 in the morning." you joked and started munching on the sweet treat Sam got you for breakfast just as you took your first bite, Dean walked in from the front door of the motel room. As soon as he walked in, you glared at him so hard that its surprising that your eyes didn't pop out.

"what are we having?” he asked and sat beside you.

“Dude where have you been since last night?” Sam questioned his brother putting both of his hands on his hips. “Yeah, Dean. Where were you?”  You repeated  his question with a little smirk while you sipped on your coffee. 

“I-I........I went to the bar. And after that i went home with this chic. she was really hot by the way.” he said returning your smirk.

“you could have at least called. you weren’t picking up either. i gotta show you guys something.” Sam said.

“Dude, its only 5 in the morning.” Dean complained.

“I know, but we got to check this out.  Anyways I’m gonna go load the impala.” Sam said while doing something on his phone as he walked out of the room with yours and his bag. 

“I told you to wait for 10 minutes before coming in.” You hissed as soon as Sam was out of the room.

“It hasn’t been 10 minutes yet?” Dean asked innocently. “No. it has been only 4.” you said and he looked a little surprised. 

“Damn, time runs slow sometimes.” he made a remark sipping his coffee.

“Time doesn’t run, Dean. you are impatient.” You said and he bit his lip while looking at your face. 

“Can you blame me though?” he asked glancing at your lips and you turn your face so he wouldn’t see you blush. You started playing with your hair, a habit you didn’t know you had until Dean started making you blush. 

“Shut up. Let me finish my coffee.” you attached the cup to your lips, hiding the smile behind it. 

It didn’t take very long to get back to Zach’s house. Dean pulled up at the backside of his house.

“So what are we doing here at 5:30 in the morning?” You asked stepping out of the car.

“I realized something. the videotape shows the killer going in but not coming out.” 

“So he came out the back door?” Dean asked.

“Duh.” You said making him glare at you.

“Right, so there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police never pursue.” Sam said.

“Because they think the killer never left, they caught Zach inside.” you said.

“Duh.” It was Dean’s turn to mock you and you hit him in his arm. 

“I still don’t know what we’re doing here at 5:30 in the morning” He said leaning against the hood of the impala as you followed Sam to look for any evidence.  You saw something with the corner of you eyes and walked toward the telephone pole beside Zach’s house. 

“Hey, look at this.” You said catching attention of both the boys and Sam quickly walked over to you. “Blood.” you said touching the dried red blood that caught your eyes. 

“Some body came this way.” Sam said turning to look at his older brother. 

“Maybe the trail ends. I don’t see anything over here.” Dean said. Suddenly you heard sirens wailing and an ambulance passed by you and the three of you looked at each other before following it.

You stopped in front of a house and watched as a man was led outside ion handcuffs and pushed inside a police car. “What happened?” Dean asked a bystander.

“He tried to kill his wife. tied her up and beat her.” she said and Sam looked at you with a knowing look on his face. “I used to see him going to work. He’d wave, say hello. he seemed like such a nice guy.” she continued, shaking her head, disappointed in her neighbor, or whoever he was. 

You waited in the for police to clear out. You and Sam went looking around the back of the house while Dean went to the police station. You were looking around for any kind of evidence or clue, Sam was  checking inside the garbage cans when Dean came back, you turned when you heard him say.

“Hey, remember when i said this wasn’t our kind of problem? Its definitely our kind of problem.” Dean said enthusiastically. 

“what’d you find?” you asked as Sam walked up to you and Dean. 

“I just talked to the patrolman who was on the scene. He heard this guy Alex’x story, all Alex’s are mean.” He smirked at you proud of his little joke and you glared at him as he continued. “So apparently the dude was driving home when his wife was attacked.”

“So he was two places at once too.” Sam said. “Then he sees himself in the house, the police thinks he’s a nutjob.” 

“Two dark doubles attacking the loved ones in exactly the same way.” Sam said.

“could be the same thing doing it too.” Dean replied.

“Shapeshifter?” you suggested and the boys looked at you. “Something that can make itself look like anyone?”

“Every culture in the world ha a shapeshifter lore. Legends of creature who can transfer themselves into other animals or men.” Dean said agreeing with your idea. 

“Right. skinwalkers, werewolves.” 

“oh, yeah. Two attacks within a block of each other. I guess we got shapeshifter problem in neighborhood.” Dean said. 

“Let me ask you guys, in any of all this shapeshifter lore, do any of them fly?” You asked.

“Not that i know of.” Dean replied following you as you walked around him. 

“I picked up a trail here. Someone ran out of the back headed of this way.” you said. 

“Just like Zach’s house.”

“Yeah and just like Zach’s house the trail suddenly ends, like whatever it is just.......disappeared.” You added.

“Well there’s another way to go.” Dean said. “Down.” You all look down to see a manhole cover right beneath your feet.  

“Fuck me.” You mumbled and both the boys looked at you with an raised eyebrow. “Its a metaphor.” You said making them chuckle as Sam removed the cover and you bend down to look inside. “No, nope, nope. Not going in there.”  You said, standing up as a fowl smell hit your nose. 

“Come on, sweetheart. You don’t back out that easy.” Dean said wrapping an arm around your waist, resting it on your butt, but removed it as soon as Sam looked at with an raised eyebrow. 

“Yeah, you’re right. let’s just go in.” You said before climbing in, Sam was the last one to get inside as he closed the manhole cover behind him. 

“I bet this runs right by Zach’s house too. The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around.” You said as the three of you walked further inside.  “I think you are right. look at this.” Dean said as Sam and you crouched down to where he was. You almost threw up as you saw he was looking at a pile of human skin and it was all slimy and gooey and just gross. “EW” you exclaimed as Dean picked up the transparent slimy substance with his knife.

“Is this from his victims?” Sam wondered out loud.

“I just had a sick thought.” Dean said examining the thing in his knife and then looking at the two of you. “When the shifter changes shape....maybe it shreds.” He said throwing the skin back in the pile. “That is sick.” You commented

The three of you climbed out of the sewer and ran back to impala. Dean opened the trunk of Baby and pulled out the silver bullets “Now one thing i learned from dad. No matter what king of shapeshifter it is, there’s always one sure way to kill it.” Dean said.

“Silver bullet to the heart.” Sam and you said in a sync and then looked at each other with a smile. Just then Sam’s phone started ringing and he picked up. 

“This is Sam.” he said to whoever it was on the other side and the  walked away from Dean and you. He looked a little upset when he hung up so you walked over to him, and leaned beside him against the impala.

“Hey, what happened?” you asked putting a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it slightly for comfort. “Beck found out Dean’s not a real cop.” He said and dean walked up to both of you. 

“I hate to say it but that’s what I was talking about. You lie  to your friends because if they knew the truth they’d be freaked. Its just......It would be easier if-”

“I was like you.” Sam completed his brothers sentence. 

“Hey man, like it or not we are not like other people. But I tell you one thing, this hole gig, its not without perks.” Dean said, pulling out his gun, Sam grabbed it tucked in the back of his jeans. 

The three of you made your way back to the sewer and climbed in. The three of you walked around the sewer holding up torches looking for the shifter or his lair. Dean was walking in the front and Sam as behind and you were in the middle. You didn’t fight about it because you knew they were just trying to protect you.

“I think we’re close to its lair.” Dean said and scrunched up your nose when you saw what he was pointing at.

“Why’d you say that?”

“Because there’s another puke-inducing pile next to your face.” You said lighting your torch at the pile of skin. Sam turned and immediately backed off with a loud groan. “ Oh, god.” 

“Looks like it lived here for a while.” You said pointing at another pile of skin and clothes.

“Who knows how many murders he’s gotten away with?” Sam said and turn toward you and Dean. 

“Dean!” Sam  yelled and you turned as well to see the shifter standing just behind dean. Before you could pull out your gun he punched and he fell on the ground and then the shifter ran away. You and Sam shot at him but was a little too fast. 

“Dean you ok?” you asked helping him up.

“Get the son of a bitch!” Dean exclaimed and Sam made a run after him but you hesitated for a second. “Alex, seriously I’m fine. Let’s get him.” Dean said and you nodded before the two of you took off after the shifter and Sam. The three of you climbed out of the sewer but the shifter was nowhere in sight.

“Alright let’s split.” You suggested.

“Ok. You’re coming with one of us.” Dean said.

“No Dean. Its better if we separate. We don’t know where he went we’ll cover more ground.” you said and it took a sec to get them convince. “Alright, I’ll meet you guys around the other side.” With that the three if you separated ways. 

You ran toward a dark alley with your gun raised up. A few people walking here and there, some of them were giving you weird looks, some look scored because of the gun. After a few minutes you put your gun back in your jeans standing where Dean told you he would meet you, waiting for either of them to show up. 

You felt a hand on your butt and you turned immediately to punch whoever it was but stepped when you saw it was just Dean. “Dean! you scared me.” You complained and pushed him slightly. “You found anything?” You asked as he pulled you closer once more. “No. He’s gone.” he said putting one your hip, grabbing a little more rougher than usual. 

“Alright let’s get back to the car.” Dean said and you frowned.

“Sam’s not here yet, let’s wait for him.” You said.  

“He’ll meet us by the car.” He said holding your hand and leading you hand and leading you across the road. 

“You think he found another way underground?” you asked as you reached the car.

“Yeah probably. oh shoot.”

“What?” You asked as you both stopped by the trunk of the car.

“Sam has the keys.” 

“Guess we gotta wait till he comes.” 

“Or.....we could do something more fun.” He suggested as he licked his lips and looked down at your body, eyes lingering a little longer on some parts. You felt a shiver ran down your spine, you don’t know why. You’ve never felt creeped out around Dean before, he always made you feel comfortable, even when he looks at you in not so innocent way.

Before you could say anything his lips were on yours. You hesitated for a few second but kissed back eventually. He picked you up and sat you on the trunk of the car. He stepped between your legs and kept kissing you roughly. one of his hand reached under your shirt but you stopped it right before it could touch your breast. He grabbed your waist harshly and pulled you closer. His lips trailed from your jaw line to your neck, he bit down there and you hiss.

“Dean stop. I don’t wanna do it.” You said and tried to push him away but he was a little to heavy. You started feeling weak, memories coming back to yo, you felt trapped and you couldn’t breath. “Dean, I said stop, I don’t like it.” This time you tried harder but he still didn’t stop. His hands were on your thighs and lips on your collar bone. You knew you could fight him, you could push him away, you have fought monsters for god’s sake but now he was like you were shut down. 

“I said stop.” This time you pushed him away with all your force and he stumbled back. At that moment you knew it wasn’t your Dean, it could’t be, he would never do that to you. You heard footsteps and you saw Sam was approaching you guys. “What the fuck is wrong with you!” You yelled as you jumped off the  car and slapped him right across the cheek. 

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s happening here.” Sam said running toward both of you. When he reached you subconsciously grabbed his arm tightly. When Sam looked at his best friend he saw tears streaming down her face as she clinged into his arm like a lost puppy and a look on Dean’s face that he never saw in his life. Sam’s heart broke a little at the slightly of his best friend. Even though none of them answered his question he immediately knew what his ‘brother’ has done and he also knew that it wasn't Dean he was talking to. Dean would never lay a hand on a woman without her consent.

“You got the keys?” Dean asked after a minute of silence. 

“Hey didn’t dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?” Sam asked and Alex understood what he was doing. 

“No that was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter. It was a thought form, a psychic projection, remember.”

“Yeah.” Sam said and then threw the keys at him which he caught with his bad shoulder. Right then you guys were confirmed that it was the shifter. 

As the shifter opened the trunk you and Sam slowly pulled out your guns and pointed at him. “What have you done to him?” Sam yelled as he pulled the safety off.

“Dude chill, its me alright.” The shifter said

“No, I don’t think so. Where’s my brother?” Sam asked.

“You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt.” You argued, not putting your gun down. 

“Yeah, its better. What do you want me to do, cry?” 

“You’re not my brother. He’d never lay a finger on Alex without her consent.” Sam said gritting his teeth, the mere mention made his blood boil.

“Why don’t you pull the trigger then, hmm?” He asked walking closer to Sam.”Because you’re not sure.”  

“Don’t.” Sam said and before you could do anything he knocked him out with a crowbar and pulled his gun on him.

“Now sweetheart, if you don’t want to scrap his brain from the road, put the gun down.” He said looking at you while pointing the gun at Sam’s head. You knew if anything happen to Sam, Dean would never forgive you and neither would you, so you put the gun down. You slowly reached for the knife on the waist of your jeans without him noticing.

“Ah, ah, ah, hands where I can see ‘em.” He demanded and you put your hand up in the air. “Now about what happened back there, I just couldn’t help myself, I’m sorry. And I’m also sorry about what I’m gonna do now.” Before you knew what he was talking about he hit your head with the back of his gun and everything went black around you. 


Part 3


@rach5ive​ @hobby27​ @greenarrowhead​ @paintballkid711​ @colie87​ @puppies-make-me-extra-happy​ @colie87​ @iilooveereadiingfiics​ @spnchick1996​  @for-a-brothers-love​ @deanw-is-pretty​ @slytherinrising​ @seninjakitey​ @that-winged-rat

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