Slowly Becoming A Red Robin Fan Acct And Thats Ok - Tumblr Posts
Bruce sat in front of the bat computer, pinching the bridge of his nose. A dead end.
He’d been on this case for weeks now. He’d found a hundred leads, and every one had led to less answers and more questions. He could probably make a sweater with all the grey hairs he’d been getting, and his hairdresser could probably buy a bike off of the dye costs alone.
He was the greatest detective in the world. And yet he had no clue who this guy was.
He really only had his instincts to thank for him noticing Tim approaching. If it weren’t for his frankly absurd levels of over preparation over the years he would have jumped out of his seat when the boy leaned over him to squint at the screen.
“Hey B.”
Tim sat down next to him. His body language was relaxed and casual, but Bruce didn’t miss the glint of concern in his eyes.
“Hey Tim.”
Bruce opened a new folder. All of them were starting to look the same.
“…this case is giving you a lot of trouble, huh?” Tim looked at the screen, glancing over the text. Bruce had missed so many dinners that he was pretty sure Alfred was going to drug him to drag him to the one tonight. He wasn’t surprised his children had picked up on it, too. “Do you need a second opinion?”
Bruce bristled a bit before meeting Tim’s eye. But Tim was just concerned. Not judgmental.
Bruce wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to his kids being that gracious with him. Or with anyone being like that.
“…it may be helpful.” Tim seemed surprised at Bruce’s admission. “Especially because all of this happened while I was… gone.”
“Oh.” Tim grew silent. The two had discussed the events and effects of Bruce’s disappearance into the time stream before, but it was still a tough topic between them. Between everyone. “…so. What’s the deal?”
Bruce sighed, pulling up his original files. “While I was gone, this person appeared. His case would be unalarming, but… this guy was everywhere. Tens of countries, none of them legally, all within the span of a few months. He ended up on several government wanted lists. He seemed to be everywhere. So many organizations locked onto him, but he just… kept getting away. No one could track him down, and… I’m starting to think I can’t either.”
Tim frowned, scooting closer to the screen. “And we didn’t look into this guy sooner?”
Bruce shook his head. “He seemed to slip through the cracks. But this guy… he got places no one should have been. My current working theory is that he’s a meta, or some sort of magical entity. I’m considering sending John some of this to get his opinion.”
Tim blinked. “That bad, huh? What’s this guy’s name?”
Bruce sighed. “I’m not sure. There were a couple I found, and I’m not sure if any of them are even the true name. There was one that got noted down a bit more often than the rest.”
Bruce pulled up his first document.
“Alvin Draper.”
Tim fell very quiet.
Bruce looked over at him. A bit of worry hit him. Had Tim met this guy before? Why hadn’t he said anything? Was everything alright?
Who was this guy?
“Okay, B? I’m gonna hold your hand while I say this.”