Smg4 Oc Clove - Tumblr Posts
A little something I made for my friend @hyperbaguette :D

My Smg4 OC Clove interacting with 7 and 8! (They at her lab for some reason idk why)

This is my SMG4 Oc Clove! (Her real name is Enid)
I made her Smg3's assistant and gave her too much angst

She would be a secret Ghost and Pals fan lmao

Now we're done with the remaining asks
Here's a couple of doodles below

My villain5 au meeting @bear-boi-5 SMG5 lol

My kinsona lol

Human Beeg and Eggdog

My Smg4 Oc Clove just being Clove

And for my last doodle, Villain5 things
Anygays, I have to disappear for another week so I'll see you guys later lol

The Oc chart relationship chart thing I borrowed from @its-a-me-mango who borrowed it from someone else
The first oc is Smg5
Second is Clove
Prepare for trouble!
And make it double...

I had a silly thought lol
(fucking finally)

(Also a bit of a redesign since I kinda changed my style a bit lmao)
Meet Clove! (Enid) a 22-year-old "mad" scientist who has made the poor decision to be Smg3's assistant but who exactly is she? What's her lore? What are her goals? Why is she an Ex-villain? and all the other amazing questions you might have (or don't idk) will all be answered here!...hopefully...
"Enid Gadd" (Backstory)
Enid comes from a long line of talented and successful scientists (like her grandpa, E. Gadd more on that in a bit) but she was always seen as a black sheep of the family in short.
Ever since Enid could even talk, she has always aspired to be a great scientist just like her family but it seemed like everything she did, it meant nothing so she became E. Gadd's student when she was young (considering she was practically raised by the guy damn)
It seemed like everything Enid did though was still not enough for her parents so she said "fuck it" and decided to become someone else's assistant in hopes that she could be a better scientist than all of them and that is when Smg3 comes in...
"Clove" (assistant days)
Now, Bowser was a terrible assistant so Smg3 decided to get a new one instead so one day while Clove was just walking around the Mushroom Kingdom city; she saw a purple Mario recolor next to a stand on the side of the street with a sign that said LOOKING FOR AN EVIL ASSISTANT (WILL NOT GIVE VACATION DAYS) (why would look for one in broad daylight you dumb bitc-)
So she took her shot, lied to 3 about being "inherently evil" but she also added that she was pretty good at making bombs (which was also a half-truth) so she became Smg3's assistant from that day on.
She didn't really know what to expect at first and she thought that Smg3's main goal of being a villain at the time was kinda dumb but it was better than home so she stayed and she stayed for a long time.

She eventually became evil and she got better at her inventions and her scientific studies all for the goal of ruling the world with Smg3 and telling her entire family (not including E. Gadd) to suck it...which now brings us to the YouTube Arc...
YouTube Arc (this is where shit goes down)
Smg3 and Clove had just started on their goals of making Snitch Productions but after Smg4 destroyed it all for no damn reason (like wtf man?) they wanted revenge and they wanted it bad (Smg3 more so than Clove)
So they came up with the anti-cast and got to work but after that failed Clove said "fuck it" and started her own projects again but she found out about the YouTube remote while she was doing her research ("The World's Cursed and definitely Powerful Objects that would destroy the world if laid on the wrong hands" (great title I know) ) So they all came up with the plan to steal it.
Things had started to take a toll after they had successfully stolen the Remote per sae because now Smg3 was drunk with power to the point where it was kinda concerning Clove a bit and this is the part where Clove found out Smg3's true intentions of using the YouTube remote; It was so much more than taking over Smg4's channel, it was deleting Smg4's and his crew's entire existence. Clove knew it was too much, even for 3 but she kept quiet about her conflicting feelings (but put a pin in this later )
A big-time skip later where Clove had actually caught Mario trying to steal Smg3's phone (to hopefully get everyone out of the graveyard, you probably watched the Arc lmao) but she betrayed Smg3 by giving it to Mario anyway and freeing the entire cast out of the internet graveyard in order to stop Smg3; Everyone was confused why but they didn't ask.
WOTFI 2020 (redemption arc begins)
The final battle was here and after Clove was revealed to be a traitor and helping the Smg4 crew, it's no wonder that Smg3 lost but he was never expecting his assistant, no...someone closest to him like a friend to betray him like that.
Since Clove was the only one who really knew how to work the remote (and she was the one who had it in her hands at the time) she was the one who sent Smg3 to the Internet Graveyard for the greater good of everybody else but now that 3 was gone...she felt like she had no purpose anymore...
After she had gotten forgiveness from Susan, Smg4 offered Clove to stay with the rest of them at the castle but she declined and said she would just lock herself up in her lab instead.
Clove's lore goes on for I'll have to make a part 2
(update: there is a part 2)
Pspsps I am but a humble moot who is intrigued by Clove! That said, may I have sum Clove fun facts?/nf
I was going to do a big master post about Clove's fun facts but sure! I'll share some! (Also, ackkk-I'm so glad you like her, I was worried no one would)

Fun fact 1: Clove is a neat freak
She was always taught to have a clean work area as a scientist so she strives to do that...everyday...everything has to be clean, tidy, organized, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Fun fact 2: Clove is ambidextrous
This is a trait that she actually inherited from her grandfather (E. Gadd) although it makes it hard for her to choose which hand will be dominant that day and which hand will be semi dominant.
Fun fact 3: Clove is autistic
She actually hates this the most about herself. The reason why she is seen as black sheep to her family and "Nothing you do will ever be good enough" is because she's autistic. It took a loonnnggg time for her to finally accept her autism (like until the Genesis Arc)
I myself am a different kind of nerodivergent (The ADHD) but I chose to make Clove autistic because it just fits her character (I really hope I'm not misrepresenting autistic people when i use her...I know making her scientist is already kinda stereotypical)
Fun fact 4: Clove really loves the sound of old TV static
She doesn't really know either but it's a stim lmao.
Fun fact 5: She has a pet frog
She made her in her lab! She has little wings and can breathe fire. Clove sometimes calls her pet Frankie for short but her actual name is Franklin. Yes. Franklin...
Fun fact 6: Clove was originally a C. Ai persona...
Fun fact 7: Clove studies psychology, forensics, engineering, and memeology
Fun fact 8: All of Clove's family members have the initials E. Gadd
It's like a weird family tradition if you will. Clove's dad is named Edward Gadd while her mom is named Elizabeth Gadd
Clove normally goes by her nickname though; not wanting to be associated with her family at all.
Fun fact 9: Clove's ears are just a birth defect
It's called Stahl's ear or "Spock's ear" and it's actually pretty rare! (I have Stahl's ear lmao) Clove used to hate it when she was younger but as she grew up, she cared less.
Fun fact 10: Clove's voice claim is Sandra Bullock
Specifically, Sandra Bullock from Miss. Congeniality
And that was the last fact lmao
I have billions of others but that will have to be for another time
(We will be continuing on where we had previously left off on Clove Lore lmao)
Redemption Arc (The depression arc more like it)

After WOTFI 2023, Clove was just going to lock herself up in her lab and throw herself into her studies but then she realized that SMG3 had the keys to her lab last (dumbass) so since she had nowhere else to go (she literally lived in that lab so she was basically homeless) so what does she do? she decided to go live under the bridge of the SMG4 castle.
She was surprisingly never caught down there but one day Mario did accidentally catch her down there with her pitched tent and fire. The crew wondered why she didn't tell them beforehand if she needed a place to crash, but Clove still felt guilty after years of rivalry with them, after she was seen as a friend, no longer a foe, she decided to live in the castle for a while.
Remember the last post when I told ya'll that Clove felt like she had no purpose after she sent SMG3 to the graveyard? Well, this is where we go into more detail about that.
Living at the castle and feeling like she had real friends who just liked her for who she was, not whatever she made, was pretty wholesome but it also brought Clove to the realization that she didn't really know who she was, without 3 or without her craft. Luckily, she had good friends to try and help her move on past her traumas and her new journey of self-discovery (yippee, healing arc!)
(I already did a relationship chart between Clove and the rest of the cast btw, you can find it here )
Genesis Arc (oooooh)
Needless to say, Clove had mixed emotions when she found out that Smg3 was still alive but when the corrupted Morchu appeared, this sparked a new interest in her and wanting to do the study of Memes and their entire history!
I want to say Clove was mostly neutral for this arc but this did give her a new hyperfiction (lamo)
Oh yeah, at the end of the arc, Clove gets her keys to her lab back from 3. That was kinda the whole mini-story arc with her, asking Smg3 for her keys back but she couldn't at first because she felt guilty about what she did to him and their friendship technically (they become neutrals after this)
Revelations (Shit is about to go down)
It's no surprise that Clove had enrolled to Omnia Academy along with Melony and Meggy but the reason she enrolled is because of her new dream to re-open her lab and turn it into a school for people just like her (awww happy Clove!) so she joined a science club.
Her shit with God box is also important because she had also read up on that when she was studying the YouTube remote ("The World's Cursed and Definitely Powerful Objects that would destroy the World if laid on the wrong hands" remember that book?) so she was definitely a G in this arc too.
But with Clove prioritizing her friends and saving the literal world, she gets kicked out of the science club (it's hella strict) Clove is heartbroken but then decided that she can just open a school by herself claiming that she technically has all the knowledge she needs now.
(Also bonus small arc, Clove and Smg3 gain a new understanding of who they are now and what they used to be, this revelation has made them somewhat mutual now)
The End? (is it the end of Clove Lore?)
I don't think Clove's story will really end but here are some small bonuses and fun facts!
Fun fact 1: Clove does eventually open her new lab/ school right on the showgrounds! (had to bribe Smg4)
Fun fact 2: Clove and Smg3 do become friends again and they're in a partnership with Clove in charge of making Smg3's bombs for him (They still love creating trouble together)
Fun fact 3: After IGBP, Clove grabbed a sample of the Eldrich goo and studied it (Results came back unknown...)
Fun fact 4: Clove still catches up with her Grandfather
Fun fact 5: Clove found out she had a brother when she reconciled with her family...she's not very happy about that fact....but she loves him to death (His name is Eden "Olive" Gadd) (Btw, he's like 5)
Fun Fact 6: Most of all the science junk she has in her lab comes from the dark web or Bob
Fun fact 7: She actually designed and made the Spy Rizz watches in WOTFI 2023
Fun Fact 8: This is what her WS and WOTFI 2023 designs look like!

Fun fact 9: When Clove first met Mr. Puzzles, the very first thing she wanted to do was experiment on him ("HOW THE FUCK WAS HE ABLE TO "Cut off his face and put a T.V in his place"!? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT KIND OF MINCHERNIARY HE USED!"
Last fact....oh gosh...
Fun Fact 10: Clove x Smg3 real (or as I call it caffeinated chemistry...)
I wanna say Clove developed this crush on Smg3 way before the YouTube arc (so it made it extra dramatic for her to send him to the graveyard oooohh) It was mostly one-sided love and Clove had mostly kept it to herself (some days she was flirty and other days she was a wreak)
In the present time, Clove is fine with being Smg3's friend now but she never really forgot how 3 used to make her feel.
And that's all it for Clove Lore!
Thanks for reading!
A little something I made for my friend @hyperbaguette :D

My Smg4 OC Clove interacting with 7 and 8! (They at her lab for some reason idk why)