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I suggest we call him Omega Puzzles
Grgrgrrg something about Meggy keeping her gun just on her end table within arm’s reach when she’s just chilling at home.

She does not at ALL feel safe even in her own home and TV man proves her correct for this.
It’s always her getting more trauma how many near death experiences has she had? It’s ridiculous. How many ACTUAL death experiences has she had? Why is it always her?
SPOILERS FOR TODAY'S EPISODE: "SMG4 and SMG3 come up with an episode"
OH THEY KNOW. THEY SOOO EFFING KNOW. Timestamp 1:27 to 1:30.

Ima just drop a theory here, don’t mind me.
Everyone thinks that in WOTFI 2023, Marty strived for the perfect pizza recipe. In Western Spaghetti, Wren wanted the perfect opponent. In IGBP, SMG4 wanted the perfect video. In the PuzzleVision Arc, Mr. Puzzles wanted the perfect rating. What did everyone have in common? I’m pretty sure they knew where to stop. But due to the abuse (fan theory) that he got, he doesn’t want to stop. He wants to ‘prove’ his dad wrong and show we can be perfect and be the ‘best’, and he decided that his face wasn’t enough to replace, and he replaced his body to the machine, all to prove he was the best and he would get 5 stars. He only wants to be perfect, and he wants to be the best. He went far enough due to all the hate he got to replace his body to just get 5 stars and revenge. I feel like I’m WOTFI 2024, the Crew is gonna learn about everything he’s gone through and why he’s doing this, and they’re gonna try and help him belong while also trying to knock some sense into them and trying not to die to Mr. Puzzles.
in the end I feel like Mr. Puzzles had his trauma get into his head and he wanted enough revenge that he put his old identity away so much that he replaced his whole body now just to try and get rid of the pain and start a new identity and get revenge from everyone who doubted him.
Someone on Discord said deep down, Mr. Puzzles is suffering, and I agree!
This made me so happy zawg like if you’re one of my homies you know I’ve been having a piss poor week ,,, seeing him made me really really joyous ^_^