Snowfall Fan Fiction - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Last updated: 8/2/2024

So I’ve decided to make a Masterlist so it could be easier y’all to read my story I haven’t come up with a title yet but I’m thinking a few titles but I’ll let y’all know when I think of one. But relax to take a look in to the lives of Alexia Johnson and Franklin Saint and how they survive the drug empire and to become one of the most powerful couple of rock coacine in the world

Frankie Saint x Lexi Johnson

Chapter 1👇🏿

Heyy y’all this is my first story sooo please be nice🫣I’ve been watching snowfall for the past month and I’m in love with Franklin Saint he
Chapter 2
hey y’all it’s been a minute but I’m back with Franklin saint and I just finished the show and I won’t spoil the show how haven’t finished t
Current Obsession: Franklin Saint 💸👑
Chapter 3 I’m back back back again LET THE DRAMA COMMENCE and Lexi is going to meet Karvel and Lenny (sidenote: I don’t think I want to add
Chapter 4
Summary:This takes place right after the last chapter, and Lexi has a convo with louie about what happen, and after coming up with a plan (I
Current Obsession: Franklin Saint 💸👑
Hiyaaa it’s me again and I’m with Ch.5 and I’m soo excited for y’all to read this, shit is about to go down(in a good way and maybe a little
Chapter 6
Summary:Lexi goes to Oakland to do a deal with Kev’s cousin with her homies and making it as a road trip, you all make a pitstop to have som
Chapter 7
Summary:Making it back to L.A. to start cutting and bagging the crack, when Lee and Kev go to projects to give it away,and while you and Fra
Chapter 8
Summary: you and Frankie walked from the station to home and just wanted to wash off the blood of you and go to bed. The next day Frankie co
Chapter 9
Summary:It’s been a couple of months since the business has started the air to becoming colder in South Central area and celebrating Frankie

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10 months ago

Chapter 6

Summary:Lexi goes to Oakland to do a deal with Kev’s cousin with her homies and making it as a road trip, you all make a pitstop to have some fun at the beach and finally getting to the party then having it be too much you and Frankie, and you both decide to leave,to see a old Black pantner Office and seeing a white girl in there and meeting the man who created crack-rock.

Warnings:afab-reader, n-usage, cursing, description of drugs(heavily), making crack, kissing, lying-lexi

Wordcount: 4.4k MDNI! (18+) happy reading

This takes place in episode 7

Chapter 6


The party is winding down with everyone leaving, you turn to him “Hey I’m thinking about leaving.” “Okay baby I’ll walk you home, aye Lexi is leaving.” Kev and Lee nod their head “Aight Lexi you have a good night.” Coming from Lee “Bye Lexi I’ll see you later.” You slowly crawl back into the attic and walking down the stairs with Frankie following you, you past everyone with saying goodnight to Louie and Jerome, he takes your hand and starts walking back to your house “Kev is gonna let me know when we should leave to Oakland, we’re probably gonna leave in a couple days.” “Okay Frankie, maybe I could tell my momma that I wanna sleepover at Shon-shon’s house for the weekend.” “You know you’re gonna have to tell your momma sooner than later about what’s going on about us.” “I know Frankie I just don’t wanna tell her just yet I want to have a back-up plan when I do.” he grips your hand “Well when you do, you know you’ll always have a place at mine.” rolling your eyes “Yeah right nigga, what about Cissy huh you think she’ll be okay with me in your bed.” “Yeah I’ll talk to her, you know how understanding she is.” you walk to the corner of your street, still see your lights turned off around the house, you both get closer to your house, seeing your front window slightly open, Frankie opens the window for you to climb in. You put your leg through the window and almost stumble in, he grabs your hips, steading you to get in your room. He bends down to look at you “I’ll see you later baby, I’ll call you when we leave.” you squat down to his level to look at him, seeing his beautiful chocolate skin, he looks soo damn fine in this moonlight, you lean in to kiss him, slipping your tongue in his mouth, he groans “Okay you need to go to bed baby. I’ll see you later baby.” “Okay baby, I’m excited to go to Oakland I’ve never been.” he smirks at you “Yeah me too baby, aight goodnight.” he gives you one more kiss “Good night baby.” Frankie walks away back to his place with a pip in his step. You changed your clothes into your pjs, slowly getting your muscles relaxed on your comforter going to your dreamland which always has Frankie in it.

A few days later

You hear the light right rain hitting your window, sounding like little taps on your house, painting your hands with a white nail polish, liking the contrasting color with your dark skin, look at your toes and see they dried on as well, you blow on your hands to dry them quickly, your phone rings, shaking your room, getting up from your bed to answer the phone “Hello.” “Aye it’s Frankie.” you smile through the phone “Hey Frankie, what’s up.” “So we were about to leave, come meet us at Cho’s, and Kev and Lee want to get some snacks before we leave though.” “Okay I’ll be there, and tell them niggas to don’t forget my snacks too.” you hear him smiling through the phone too “Aight I’ll tell’em. I love you.” “I love you too baby.” you make a kissy noise through the phone, hearing Frankie’s laugh on the phone, making you smile you hang up the phone.

You walk out to see your momma watching Good times again, ‘Doesn’t she watch anything else?’ “Hey momma, Shon-Shon just called me and she wants to go out tonight, it’s some party that one of her friends is throwing.” “Mhmm maybe, did you clean your room?” “I could clean it, and she wants to have a sleepover again, which will be fun too.” “Okay you can go, and only if you clean your room.” “Thank you momma, and you think I could borrow your umbrella too, I don’t wanna get my hair wet.” “Of course, sweetie it’s in my closet.” you give you momma a hug and walked to your room, looks like some clothes on the floor, stuffing them in your drawers and making your bed, you changed into a black long sleeve and black pants and putting on your shoes, you just pack light stuff like a change of clothes and some underwear, you walk out to your momma’s room to walk grab her yellow umbrella, walking to the living room to give her another hug and a kiss on her head “Okay momma I’m head out I’ll see you later.” “Okay baby call me if you need anything, love you.” “I will, love you too momma.” you walk out of your house to open the yellow umbrella to cover your body and started to walk towards Cho's.

You see your friends sitting patiently waiting for you to show up, it’s still sprinkling outside, see them all eating their snacks, lightly tapping on the window, slightly scaring them, Kev unlocks the door for you, closing your umbrella before you get in “Sup y’all.” them all saying hey back to you “Hey baby.” looking at Frankie “Sup baby.” he had on a light grey shirt with a silver jacket and some dark jeans with tennis shoes, he gives you a light peck on the lips “Y’all better be fuckin’ there either, we gotta long drive ahead of us.” Kev puts his car in drive “Mhmm and how far is it Kev?” “Well it’s about six hours away.” looking at you “What!” coming from you all “But it will be nice y’all, seeing the ocean driving up there, maybe we will take a break there to stretch out our legs.” “I’ve never been to the ocean before.” looking back at Kev “Really? you’ve been to the ocean before.” coming from Frankie “Nope but I’m excited to see though, hey did y’all did get me my snacks.” “Yeah I got 'em right here, I was waiting for you to say somethin’.” Lee hands you some starbursts and some nerds, you grab both of them to start eating the candy, with Kev starts driving off to Oakland.

A couple hours later

The sun is shining on your face, the window rolled all the way down, sticking out your hand to feel the breeze against your hand “Hey I see the beach, we can stop for a few minutes and then leave.” Kev pulls in a parking spot and stuffing off the engine, you all step out to stretch your legs and walking to the oceans, you’ve never seen so much water, it kept going and going, you move your feet through the sand once you reach to the water, you take off your socks and shoes and hold them in your hand and lifting your pants to your legs so they won’t get wet, you see Kev and Lee already have their shoes off and running towards the water, you step on the wet sand with the water touching your white toes “O my god! the water is sooo cold, ahh.” you run back to your friends and see Frankie hanging back, walking closer to him “Why are you not playing in the water Frankie?” “ I just want to get to Oakland.” you put your hand on his chest “Come on take off your shoes.” he groans, taking off his sock and shoes, putting them in his hand “Come on let’s see what they’re doing over there.” you both walk over to your friends, with Lee running to you, touching your shoulder “Tag you it.” and him running away, rolling your eyes, dropping your shoes on the sand, and looking for your next target, Lee and Kev are too far, you see Frankie not to far from you, you moved your feet towards him, getting closer to him your on his tail, he looks back and started running like if he was track star ‘Damn he was fast.’ you thought to yourself and came up with a plan. Faking your fall, making it seem like you hurt yourself badly, he comes back to you, perfect “Baby are you okay?, you’re not hurt are you?” you lift up and touch his stomach “Gotcha baby, you’re it now.” and running like you life depended on it, you hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to you, breaking to your left and running to your friends, he pass you to run towards Lee and touches his shoulder “Okay I’m done running man, I’m breathin’ hard as shit.” a shaky breath coming from Lee “Yeah me too, come on we should probably get going.” y’all walk back to the car and realizing you left your shoes “Oh fuck I left my shoes I’ll be right back.” walking back on to the sand, seeing right where you left them at, picking them up and walking back to Kev’s car.

More hours later

Kev parks the car in front of bike shop, seeing motorcycle’s out in the front, Frankie steps out first and hold the door for you, once you got out, he reaches down to grab his green backpack and puts it on his shoulder and securing the straps around him, you all walked to the the sheet metal door “Aye homie where the door at?” Kev looks around to see a handle and opens the door and opens it for all of you, walking in and seeing some many drugs every, people snorting, inhaling, smoking and drinking, you saw everyone wearing vest with the words ‘Murder Dubb Devils’ on the back and even saw a guy putting coke in his drink “Nicky the record is skippin’, Nicky!” some girl yelling over the music, the dj puts on a new record with hip hop beats coming in. “Family, huh? That’s your mama’s side or your dad’s?” Lee asked Kev, passing through the crowd “Mama’s. But I ain’t never really met him like that.” in the corner you see a bunch of niggas playing a game of dice with money in the ground, still looking for Kev’s cousin, not even knowing what he look like “He gonna be here man.” Kev looking back at y’all “The fuck you is so skinny for.” hearing a loud voice coming next to kev, they both laugh and embracing each other “Hey man, this place is amazing.” Kev tells his cousin “Shit nigga this motherfucking hub here.” Kev turns to y’all “Aye man these are my peeps-.” Frankie cuts him off “How long we gonna be?” Kev looks at him “Man we just got here.” “Let’s do the deal, get the money, and get the fuck out of here.” Frankie not breaking his eye contact with Kev's cousin, he steps up to Frankie “You refusing my motherfucking hospitality?” “Yeah I’m cool to party while we wait.” Lee breaks his silence, you nod your head in agreement “They’ll like him and her too. They both like to party, but you refusing my motherfucking hospitality.” Kev’s cousin put a hand on Frankie’s shoulder “Aight, Aight!” He nods his head in agreement to wait for the deal, some girl passing by Kev and touches his hand to signal for a sample and looking back at him while she goes up the stairs, he looks at Frankie, asking for a sample “We suppose to be sellin’.” “Come on man I just need a little come up, that's all for the tricks man.” He reluctantly hands Kev a small baggie of coke “All right, go find some place, last thing I need is these motherfuckers knowing I got this shit all right. You gettin in our samples man.” Kev snatched it out of his hand “Thanks man and I’m about to get in some coochie.” Kev passes through people to meet up with the girl upstairs.

The cigarette smoke going into your nose, that’s all you can smell right now, you kept following Frankie threw the party and walking up the stairs to see this homeless looking white guy getting a tattoo, drunker than shit “Hey man can y’all look at my tattoo, I just want to know how pretty it is, it’s suppose to be my girl?” you both look at the tattoo with wide eyes, you have never seen a tattoo so hideous, it looks like a child drew it on his back “Wow.” you both say, but really knowing what it actually looks like “Yeah I’ve always wanted to be an artist. But life derailed my dreams, man.” the artist looks up “Hey you wanna a tat? I could even do a two for one special for y’all I’m the best.” you both walked away from that crime scene to the main floor, he posted up on a wall and holds your hand “Where the fuck is this nigga at, we should be driving back by now?” you squeeze his hand “You know how black people are, we are always late when it comes to things like this. CP time you know.” Making him giggle at your joke, when the same girl was giving Kev fuck me eyes is now coming towards you “What’s up with this backpack cutie huh?” you see this touching on your man ‘oh fuck no’ before you could say anything, he grabs your hand and starts walking towards the door “Uhh we gotta do somethin’.’’ Finally having some fresh air in your lungs “I need to get out of there I couldn’t stay there if people start knowin’ I got this coke.” “Yeah I get it, I couldn’t stay there anymore either with all them damn drugs there, come on let’s take a walk.” grabbing his hand and taking a stroll.

Walking on inside of the sidewalk in hand with Frankie, he stops in front of a hardware store, he has this look on his face, he let’s go of your hand to walk inside of the store, on the floor the was a pamphlet of a Black Panther block party with the host of Cissy and Alton at there house, there was broken glass and trash everywhere on the ground and he turns to you walking closer towards you “When I was a kid this was my father store, when he was a panther and I remember coming here and spending time with him, he put me on a chair and put a beret on my head and told me what it means to have my dignity and my self-respect and make sure that other people respect me too.” you smile at him, knowing how Alton is now drunk and homeless and how he got lost with his addiction. “Thank you for sharing with me about that Frankie, I know you don’t talk about Alton that much, maybe talking about can heal your hurt and i’m willing to be there for you.” You walk up closer to him with no one around you, you kiss him starting with little pecks into something more, he pushes you up against the wall, hearing footsteps coming towards you “What are you doing?” you both separated to see a white girl in some raggedy clothes “My bad. Sorry we didn’t know anybody else was here, we can go.” Frankie grabs your hand to walk out of the store “Hold on.” from the white girl “Are you guys…okay?” you both nod your head “Yeah.” he walks closer to the white girl “Umm… Do you have any idea if this used to be a Black Panther office? I think it was.” you wanted to leave but the white girl grabbed his hand to pull him further in the back of the room “Come on.” and you follow.

The white girl in the back is looking for something, standing next to Frankie and she pulls out a small white rock of something, it intrigues Frankie “Wh-what’s that?” she held a pipe “This is my new favorite.” He walks closer to her, she sways her finger as no and starts giggling, he puts his hand up “I won’t, I won’t touch it, just hold it out for me.” she puts the rock in the pipe and lights her match to the pipe and starts inhaling, she blows out the smoke and stumbles back “I ain’t never seen that before, you on your way to space for sure.” you tell her, the white starts walking around in lala land and starts twirling in front of you “I wanna see what it is. Go get some more, huh?” the white girl breathing hard “I’ll buy it.” he tells her, the white walks closer to him “I like you star.” he’s playin’ her “I like you too.” she walks out the the back door to an alleyway, she stops to take off her shoes and walks barefooted “Well you’re not about to walk around here barefoot.” the white girl rolls her “Why not? It feels- it feels so good.” he stops her “Well, you’re gonna mess those pretty feet up.” really nigga, you know the only feet he like is ours, you walk into a park to see some dealers giving out some drugs to people. The white girl walks up to a dealer “Oh shit you back here already and not you walkin’ around barefoot with your feet.” she smiles “Can I get a rock?” Frankie hands the dealer a twenty swiftly grabbing it from him and hands her three rocks, she turns back to Frankie “Come on let’s go.” he smiles back at her “We’ll meet you back there okay we could have one hit each.” The white girl slowly smiles at him and starts walking back to the hardware store.

”Aye how y’all get this coke so cheap?” Frankie ask the dealer “Nigga I don’t know I just shit the shit man.” Frankie grabs a band out of his pocket “I’ll buy everything you got if you show me who cooked it.” The dealer puffs out his chest “Crossin’ a line here blood.” Frankie takes off his backpack and hands it to the dealer, he opens it open to see two keys of coke in there “Country motherfucker. What are you doing?” He walks up closer to the dealer “No tricks, no games man I just wanna know how y’all make what y’all making.” Pleading with the dealer “You wanna meet The Wizard?” He smiles “Yeah man.” He looks down to see that the dealer had on some fresh white adidas with some black strip on the side “Nice shoes.” he said, the dealer tells his homie to hold down the spot “Wait. You seriously gonna take him to Swim?” “This nigga got two keys of coke on him. Hell yeah.” you get into the dealer car to drive to see the wizard.

Stepping out of the car “Good lookin’ out.” you walk into this alley to see a door “Yeah yeah.” he opens the door for y’all, letting you both go through the door and locking it behind him.” the dealer walks in front of you “Hey Swim I gotchu someone to meet.” The Wizard was playing chess with himself “The fuck you want.” he steps closer to him “Aye this nigga got two keys and he wants to know how you make it… they from L.A.” the wizard stands up “Oh, why didn’t you say that in the first place man?” he looks confused “So who are you Micheal Jackson? no this nigga too dark to be Michael Jackson, He more like Sidney Poitier… I don’t know why this Bobby Womack ass-nigga brought you her in my business.” Frankie walks up “It’s my fault I asked I just wanna know what y’all makin’.” the wizard grabs a another bag of rocks and tosses it to the dealer “And don’t come back until your with that.'' The dealer catches the bag and walks out of the door to sell more rocks. Swim walks up to y’all “What’s your name?” “I’m Franklin and this is Lexi.” “They call me Swim ‘cause I’m either swimming in some money or swimming in pussy.” while doing a shake for y’all he was this light blue golden striped button up and a small fro growing on the top of his head “Now y’all ain’t fuckin’ with me now?” Frankie looks at Swim “I can’t tell you if my luck’s been running good or bad, man? But y’all doing something here and we tryin to get in on. Now I might be taking a leap of faith, shit I might be dumb as fuck but this shot… this shot it feels like it’s worth takin’. “Cause I got things I gotta do.” and looking at you, your heart stops “Things I want.” and turning back to Swim “You understand what I’m tryin to sayin?” Swim takes a seat look at Frankie “If you’re the man cookin this up it means you are an artist. In my experience artists create and they want the whole world to experience it,you an artist swim.” Swim say “Maybe?” “So teach me… us how to create the way that you do. We’ll take it back to L.A and spread the word.” Swim nods his head in agreement with Frankie to show us the way of making crack rock.

Walking up the stairs to a red light hallway, Swim moves the gate to let y’all in, to see a kitchen upstairs there was a cooker there named Angelico “Angelico we’re gonna cook up one more batch tonight.” Swim takes the two keys out and sets them on the table “Keep up now. Were gonna go fast you dig?” Swim cuts the key in half, pouring some out on a plate and smashing it with a sledgehammer “So these Peruvians, right, when they make their cocaine they got this paste. This cocaine paste at the bottom of the barrel, they call it “bah-say” Nasty shit.” Angelico takes the plate to move into the stove “But you take this “bah-say”, roll into a cigarette that shit gets you fuck up, Jack so I had some of my boys who flew down to Peru for the weekand.” Angelico turns on the stove to put the coke in a mason jar “Some of my niggas was smoking it with some bitches..and they love it… bitches love it too.” putting some water in it and in a small pot that they have, Angelico takes out some baking soda to the equal part of the coke and putting in the jar, a smoke puffs out releasing the toxins, the cooker walks up to Frankie handing it to him and signaling it to swirl it around “Those the only ingredients?” he hands it back to the cooker “It’s like bacon and eggs, Bert and Ernie, sometimes it only takes two things to complement each other.” “Like peas and carrots?” you say, Swim laughs “Yeah peas and fucking carrots.” As the coke hardens slowly forming into small white rocks, Swim picks up the jar swirling it around to show the both of you “See those rocks? They’re starting to swim like tadpoles” The rocks clinging against each-other “Can I get a high from breathing these fumes in?” Starting to smell the pungent order almost like burnt plastic, you back away from the smell “You get a contact, but you won’t get high. Y’all wanna hit shit when we done?” Frankie shakes his head no “Nah, I don’t use.” Swim looks at you “And what about you?… you wanna hit this?” Moving your head into a no “Nah I’m good, I don’t use either.” “Mhhmm you should consider it nigga, that shit open up dark places in your brain, these place ain’t never been touched before.”Coming to Frankie to touch his third eyes “Deep dark places.”

Angelico pours out the water out of the jar and puts the large rock on a clean plate and hands it to Swim, he takes out a razor blade to cut the rock into small pieces, he puts up the tiny rock to show you and Frankie “Thus creation is born, you get $50 for this rock man.” Swim hands the rock to Angelico “He's tweakin’ right now.” You look at Swim “You think we can make some more?” Swim looks back at you “Shit. How much more?” “All of it.” with Frankie looking at Swim.

Next Morning

You both walked to the biker gang shop in hand, seeing it in the morning was soo different, it was so quiet and peaceful. Frankie jiggles the doorknob is locked, you both look to see Kev’s car is still here, with Lee and Kev sleeping in the car, you both walk to the car he knocks on the window, waking them up out of their sleep “What time is it?” he smiles “What’s up man?” a sleepy drunk voice coming from the back “Saint?” “Did the boss man ever show up?” “Did he ever? fuck is wrong with you.” Kev still sleepy “Devon was mad as hell, man you almost got me killed man shit would’ve been better though I’m never drinking again.” Frankie felt sorry “My bad man. Sorry we left, we just had to leave, get my mind right.” Lee not believing “All night?” he nods his head “Got caught up.” they both suck in their lips and making a scoff “Come on, man Open the door shit.” “Yeahhh shotgun.” Coming form Lee, you both moved into the backseat “Hey we hit 7-Eleven before we hit the highway”said Lee and getting in the car “Oh, yeah sure you know soon as Franklin tell us why he blew the deal, we drove all the fuck out here for. And why he got me kicked out of my own cousin’s spot. And where he been out all night, then we can go to 7-Eleven Leon!” Kev says sarcastically, Frankie pulls out a large bag of 12 large rocks of crack and showing it to them, they are confused never seen anything like that before “The hell-“ “Fuck is that?” Frankie looks at you and then turns to look at them and say

“Our future.” they roll their eyes and sucking in their teeth and talking under their breath “Man.” “Nigga you crazy man, fuck you talking about man? I don’t want to hear all that. We’re going home.” Frankie puts the bag back into his backpack and zips it back up, he puts his arm around you pulling you in closer to him, relaxing under his touch,snuggling up closer to his body, he gives you a forehand kiss “Go to sleep baby I’ll wake you up when we get there.” you close your eyes, resting your head on his shoulder, Kev turns on the engine and drives off back to South Central to dream about once again Franklin Saint.


And that’s a wrap everyone, we finally meet the man who created crack and everyone will live happily ever after(not 👀) but I actually have a little break for myself bc I start a new job and i’m sooo excited to that god forsaken place, but enough about my real life. This chapter was alittle tame for me and i’ve been rewatching snowfall (big help!) but Lexi needs to stop lying to her momma, idk when i want to know when the momma’s in this storyline but the only thing I know is she ain’t gonna be happy 👀and did y’all see Damson’s look at the met gala, my man is fione like do you y’all ever get mad for when a nigga is sooo FIONNNEE (that’s me🧎🏿‍♀️) but thank you sosososo much for going with me on this journey, It’s been amazing.

Love, nazzy💕

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9 months ago

Chapter 7

Summary:Making it back to L.A. to start cutting and bagging the crack, when Lee and Kev go to projects to give it away,and while you and Frankie have a moment to get together, when Jerome agrees to give out to the people in the neighborhood, you both walk back to the projects to if business is booming to find out Lee got his shoes blood, Frankie not seeing eye to eye and getting into to a fight with each other, giving Frankie the silent treatment, the next day you hear gunshots coming from the outside.

Warnings:afab-reader, n-word usage, cursing, descriptions of drugs (heavily), descriptions of blood(2 scenes), smut, unprotected p-in-v, creampie, ass eating, spanking, kissing, squirting, oral (fem rec.), fighting

Word count: 3.5k mdni!(18+) Happy reading!

This takes place in episode 8

Chapter 7


Same Morning

Hands slightly shaking you to wake up “Baby we made it back, come on wake up.” you look around to be parked out in front of Frankie house, you groan “What time is it?” Kev turns around to look at you “It’s one-thirty.” Frankie nudges you “Come on let’s go inside, my moms is at work right now.” you all get out the car to walk inside, you also see your momma’s car is gone as well ‘I wonder what she’s doing right now’ to walk on the steps to have Frankie opening the door with his keys and opening for you three and closing it, you all walked to frankie’s room, he close his door and walks to grab his mirror on the wall and sets it on his made up bed and opening his backpack and sets the crack on the bed “Alright, Kev, Lee, and Lexi y’all are gonna cut it, I’m gonna bag it.” Lee opens the bag, takes a rock on the mirror, Frankie grabs two razor blades to give the boys to cut it.

It's been a hour since y’all been doing this and your fingers hurt, you kept cracking your knuckles, cutting the rock into smaller rocks and putting in a dime-bags, Frankie is sitting on chair next to his desk putting the small rocks in a large ziplock bag, Lee looking tired “Aye man can’t we get some bitches to do this.” Lee pointing at the crack, Frankie looks at Lee, smilinging “Already did.” you and Kev flips off at Frankie and Lee sucks in his teeth and continues to cut the crack, you turn to Frankie “So how much are we gonna sell these for?” Looking at the small rocks and putting them in a large zip lock bag “ Well we're not gonna sell it, we’re gonna give it away actually.” Frankie stops to look at you, Lee stands up “What? What do you mean we’re not gonna sell for how much crack we have.” Frankie stood up as well. “No one in L.A. knows what this is and we need to make a market for it, and when they do come back we’ll tell them to bring ten for the next day.” Kev looks at the rock “So what’s up you gonna let us try the sample this time?” He groans “Just tell them that is good Kev?” Kev looks back at the rock “Yeah I wanna know how good?” He rolls his and walks to the window and opens it all the way “Aight go ahead on you, but only for you don’t get an addiction to that shit man.” Kev looks for a pipe and holds it up “What do you think, this will work?” You stand up to look at Kev with him putting the rock in the pipe and cracks the lighter.

The three of you are standing in front of him, looking closely as he inhales the smoke, like in slow motion, he blows the smoke out in y’all faces, he falls back with his white bucket hat almost falling off, Lee grabs the pipe and lighter out of his hand, Kev slowly sits on the bed with stumbling back as well, he looks spaced out and starts giggling at the ceiling, Lee shakes his head “I’m good with that.” not wanting to try the product and Lee puts the pipe and lighter down “We gon make bank.” Kev is still dazed out, you walk to him and gently tap him on his face, slowly coming back to earth “Kev you there? Kev.” Once he was back to earth, you walk out the room to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for him, running the faucet and stop it and walking back to the room and closing the door and handing the cup to Kev and he drinks all of it “Aight we gonna finish the batch and once we’re done y’all are gonna go to the projects and give it away.” And it took a few more hours to finish the batch. Once the boys left it was just you and Frankie just sitting on the bed, he stands up to put the rest of the crack under his bed and sitting on the bed with you he rubs your knee, slowly “So what did you want to do now?” his hand reaches up closer to your thigh “I got somethin’ on my mind that I wanna do?”

You lay back on his bed “O my god Frankie you are a fein.” laughing as you say it “How can I not be baby with you lookin’ so good touchin’ your supple thighs and this fat pussy.” He pinches your ass “Ouch that hurt me, I think you have to kiss it now to make it feel better.” he smiles “Oh I can make it feel better, I’ll make you feel better all over, especially right here.” his fingers touching over you jean covered pussy, putting his hand against you, rubbing his fingers slowly, you spread your legs wide, he takes his hand away to start to button your jeans, taking your panties off as well, you sit up to take off your long sleeve off and Frankie takes off his clothes and climbs on top of you, scooting back to his headboard, he stops right in front of you, looking at you “Does that ass still hurt?” you smile “I still think so baby, I need to kiss it.” he grabs your hips to flip you over on your stomach and pull you up with your ass up “Mhmm baby you have such a beautiful ass.” he starts kissing on your ass, working up to your mark, he pecks all over it, he wraps his arms around your legs, you moan “I need you inside of me baby.” he pulls away “Patience baby, I’m a give it to you.” he inches closer to your pussy, feeling his breath on you, his lips touching your pussy, his tongue grazing over your clit “Fuck yeah baby.” he starts moaning into your pussy, feeling the vibration on your clit, wanting more, you push back against his face, he takes his hand to spread your cheeks apart “If you want that ass to feel better, let me eat it.” looking at your forbidden knot “Yes baby, please eat it.” he flattens his tongue up to your ass, he slides his tongue around your knot “Ughh Frankie fuck.” trying to put your hand on head, you keep moaning, he’s eating you from the back, having this new sensation feeling, his lips kissing right on your hole “Fuck baby even this ass taste good.” he keeps eating you, he slides his tongue down to collect the cum that was coming out of you, still working you out, eating you like you were his last meal “Baby I can’t take this shit no more I need you to fuck me.” pleading to him “Nut on my face and then I’ll fuck you baby.” The heat in your stomach, like a stretched out rubber band, pulling on each side and then it snaps, you cum all over his face “ugh-h fuckkk oh shit.” he sucking on your soul “That’s it baby, keep nuttin’ on my face.” and you did, releasing your enesence on his lips, eyes in the back of your head, shaking all over, your legs feel like jello he comes up and kiss your back up to your shoulder, you see his handsome ass all wet of your essence on his face kissing your lips “Fuck baby, you got me so hard right now.” slipping his tongue in yours, tasting yourself while you kiss him.

He slips in without hesitation stroking inside of your walls just hitting your spot over and over and over, he grabs your arms to put them behind your back, leaving you helpless and just taking it. “You are so tight baby…. baby you better take this fuckin’ dick, yeah you like this shit huh? yeah fuck back at me fuck.” moving your hips back to the force that he is giving you, he takes one of hand off of you, he rubs his hand on your cheek and slapping it hard, you scream and he smacks you again and again and moves down to pussy starting to rub your clit “Nut on my fuckin’ dick come on baby, you can do it. Do it for me, I’m right here.” you couldn’t stop moaning, even if you wanted to you couldn’t “Fuckk-k Fra-ankie I th-ink i’m gonna cummm-mm ughh-hh.” a wet splash was coming out of you, making Frankie strokes wetter and hotter “Ooohh shhhi-tt baby, yeah get this….fuckin’ dick…wet….” It’s becoming too much for you, how Frankie is fucking you and rubbing you, you try to jolt away from him “Were you think you goin’? stop runnin’ run me.” he pumps a few more times and releases his cum inside of you, forcing his hips deep inside so nothing would come out, he releases your arms and rolls over on his bed “Does your ass feel better now?” giggling at his joke, sitting up to look at him “Yes it does thank you for making it feel better.”

Same Night

While Kev and Lee are at the projects giving away the crack, you and Frankie change into some fresh clothes Frankie was wearing a red striped multi colored shirt with yellow and brown going across his chest, he grabs his backpack and straps it on and you changed in a light blue crop top and some jean shorts, you both walk to out of his house to walk to his unc’s house to show him a new drug he found, your hands are interlocked, Frankie walks into the house first then you “Wassup nephew, Sup Lexi.” Jerome sees you both coming in and Louie stands up to give you a hug and frankie as well “Aye I wanna show y’all somethin’.” Frankie takes off his backpack and opens the zipper and pours out small rocks of crack on their coffee table “Price point is right. We don’t have to sell it to the white folks or mexicans, off a single key the way we cut it we make fifty-selling nickels. But if it catches on and we set the market, we sell dimes.” Louie looks at Jerome “100,000 off of a single key?” you both nod your head “Uhh-huh. And people will come back, try it if you want to.” Frankie tells Louie “Oh, fuck that, nah I’ve been with fools into freebase that shit is nasty.” Frankie chuckles “All I know is, this will catch on and we could be makin’ seven figures a month.” pointing at the crack. “Allright. We’ll give away your little shit for right now and see how this goes.” Frankie claps his hands, you smile Frankie daps up Jerome and you give him a hug and louie of course and before y’all left Jerome wants to know what Frankie is gonna do when this shit starts poppin’ off, he tells him that he’s thinkin’ on it and Jerome wants he to keep thinkin’ on it and say your goodbyes and walk towards the projects.

“It’s great that your unc said yes, this will help us in the long run.” Frankie grabs your hand to kiss it “Yes it is baby.” you walked on the court to see Kev and Lee still there and waiting for the both of you “Sup man how’s it goin’.” Lee sitting on a table and Kev kicking the basketball with his feet “Told you nigga, some fat-ass hobo pulled a knife on me.” your eyes widened seeing Lee’s chucks had blood all of them “You okay though?” you asked Lee “Yeah goot his blood all over my fucking kicks man.” “Yeah but you good though?” Frankie asked him “Yeah. he ain’t stick me, but you gonna reimburse me for these shoes though.” Frankie lets go over your hand and walks away with a chuckle “Yeah man sure.” Frankie sounded sarcastic “I’ll give you fifty cents, you can walk your ass down to Goodwill.” Furring your brows together not liking how Frankie is talking to Lee and he stands up and walks towards Frankie “Man fuck you.” Frankie turns around “Wait you forreal right now?” Even Though Lee is shorter than Frankie he’s still standing ten toes down “Real as death nigga, and I want a little extra to pay my frayed nerves. Hazard pay.” Kev agrees with Lee “It’s fair Saint I mean we are putting our lives on the line for this thing man.” Frankie is not happy “You wanna talk about lives on the line? I almost died twice since I’ve started this shit.” Lee being fed up “Man, this is nigga full of excuse, but you ain’t but a cheap ass motherfucka.” Frankie laughs “You get poked one time by some junkie ass blade what about me? I’ve been robbed, beat, shot at. You wanna talk about hazard pay, where's my hazard pay, motherfucka.” Looking around you see a crowd forming in, everyone looking at y'all “You know what? Fine, you want some money? Here take some money.” Frankie takes out a band of money and takes some out to throw it Lee’s face. He steps up to Frankie and points his finger in Frankie’s face “Man who do all the fuckin’ killing for you, man?” You and Kev pick up the money on the floor so no one could get it, Frankie not breaking eye contact “Step the fuck back.” Lee keep pushing the issue “But now, you’re some king or some shit. You gonna tell me how to wipe my fuckin’ ass?” Frankie pushes Lee a few steps back “I said step the fuck back!” people groaning at the scene “Frankie stop it.” You tell him and Lee picks up a basketball throws at Frankie and hitting him in the face “Fuck” he yells and Lee picks up Frankie and tackles him, Frankie is hitting Lee on his back and Lee slams him on the ground there are wrestling eachother for the upper hand and just before shit gets out of hand you and Kev break up the fight.

Pulling Frankie off of Lee and pushing him away “You need to calm the fuck down now.” Kev coming into the middle to separate them apart “Hey, back- hey back up man! Cool out man y’all actin’ like some bitches! Fuck.” Frankie not done “We’re sitting on top of a fuckin’ goldmine and if you don’t fuck it up!.” Lee walks away “Man fuck you! and fuck all this shit man!.” and Frankie is still going “Leon Simmons is the man with the fucking plans, huh?” Lee walks away to grab his stereo and leave. You and Kev kept calling Lee to come back and he’s not listening. Now you’re piss at Frankie, not seeing where Lee is coming from and pay him some respect, You turn to Frankie “What the fuck was that shit.” he sighs “Baby, Lee is acting like a bitch right now.” You roll your eyes and put your hand in front of his face “No Franklin the only person that is a bitch right now is you.” and with that you walked back to your house without saying goodbye to them.

Next Morning

You heard your momma walk into your room dress up in her work outfit “Hey sweetie, your awake.” You didn’t get any sleep last night, reliving the fight between Frankie and Lee and Frankie even tried to see you up last night by tapping your window, and you gave him the silent treatment and eventually he left. “Yeah momma, after sleeping over at shon-shon’s I’m glad to be back in my own bed.” you smile at her “Well I’m off to work and I made some dinner last night I made fried chicken and mashed potatoes, it’s in the fridge.” nodding your head “Okay thank you momma, love you” “Love you too sweetie.” and with that your momma left to go to work.

You’ve been relaxing since this morning, not really doing anything and you open all of your windows to have the fresh air going in your room, your pink curtains are blowing in the wind and then you were wearing you pj’s and robe on top you hear Lee banging on the door of the Saint residence “Aye Saint, you home. Man come on, my bad about yesterday all right, open up if you in there let’s squash this shit man. Saint.” Tired of hearing the banging, you get up to your front door to tell Lee that he’s not there, and once you open the door you see Lenny shooting Lee twice, one in the leg and one in the stomach, Lee runs to the back yard to hide out. Lenny runs back to his car to drive off, immediately you close the door to grab a towel from your closet and running out the front door to Frankie’s house and going through the fence to see Lee bleeding out through his tan two-piece, putting the towel on stomach “Leon, your gonna be okay, okay keep your eyes open for me.” Putting pressure on the wound and the blood on your hands and you take off your robe to wrap it around Lee's leg to stop the bleeding, his eyes closing in with heavy breathing and Frankie comes running outside to see both of you bloody as shit “Motherfucka caught me slippin’ man.” Frankie takes off his light blue button up shirt to put it over your towel, with Frankie fast thinking he runs inside to call an ambulance and they need to hurry up “I don’t wanna die lexi, I don’t wanna die.” with tears coming out of his eyes “You’re not gonna die, I’m not gonna let that happen. just keep your eyes open for me.” Frankie says that they're on their way and with just a whisper Lee says “The crack, the crack, hide the crack.” You both look at each other “Fuck!” and Frankie runs back inside of the house to grab all the drugs in his room and stuffing it in his backpack and he runs back outside, looking for somewhere to stash it “Put it in my room Frankie hide it in my closet.” Frankie hops over the fence and jumps through your window, putting his bag away in your closet and putting clothes on top it and coming back. You both are putting pressure on his wounds “They’re on their way Lee.” Hearing the sirens coming closer to the house “I don’t wanna die.” you both say “You’re not gonna die.”

The ambulance stopping in front of the house and the paramedics coming with a gurney, they put Lee on it and run back to the ambulance and drive to the hospital. Two cops pull up to the house for questions, “So what happened?” one of the cops asked, ready to write everything down you looked dazed with Lee’s blood all over you, Frankie speaks for the both of you “We were just chillin at my girls house and then we heard gunshots. so I walked outside to see and then Lexi look at her window and we saw Lee layin’ on the ground and that’s when we came.” “And ma’am, what did you see?” the other cop asked, you look up at him “Yeah we were just relaxin’ in my room, and then we heard gunshots, it scared the shit of us, and looked out my window to see Lee on the ground.” “And did you get a look on the shooter, maybe see who it was?” you both said no.

Even though you both know who it was. “Alright let’s go to the station so this can be reported, you guys can change before we leave.” Frankie walks back inside to put on his red stripe shirt back on, he comes back to see your still standing there, he puts a hand on your lower back “Come on baby let’s get you change.” you silently nod your head and start walking to your house. Walking through the front door and leaving it open for him, he closes it, still walking to your room and sitting on the bed, Frankie comes in to your room and a fresh shirt and shorts for to change, he grabs your shirt to lift it up and over your head and puts the clean one on, still daze on what happen with Lee praying that he is still alive, he takes off your shorts and outs the clean one on “Okay baby we need to get our story straight before we go there baby?” you look at him, tears swelling up in your eyes and coming down on your face, he wraps his arms around you pulling you in almost like you couldn’t breathe “Let’s just say we’re in your room, just chillin’ and that’s when we heard the gunshots coming from my house.” you nod your head “Okay baby let’s go.” he pulls away and smiles at you, grabbing your hand to walk back to the cops.


And that’s a wrap everyone thank you to everyone who have been liking my story it means alot to me and I can’t help to add a little smut I believe that Frankie needs to get it in every night with Lexi(😏), I still have not came up with a title yet but I’m still thinking (irl: my life has been pretty hectic) And what is the tea? The boys are fighting?, I’m trying to put more dialogue with lexi, instead of trying to write what they only saying in the show, but thank thank you again for reading and now on to Chapter 8

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8 months ago
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Summary: you and Frankie walked from the station to home and just wanted to wash off the blood of you and go to bed. The next day Frankie comes by to apologize to you about the way he was acting the other night and you have a sit-down with Ray-Ray to come up a plan to get rid of Lenny, you met Rob and he takes you and Frankie to has lavished house and spend the night once the night comes you, Frankie, and Jerome drive out the desert to meet Ray-Ray

Warnings :afab-reader, n-word usage, cursing, crying, minor character death, description of blood (2 scenes) lying- ass lexi, unprotected p-in-v, creampie, oral(fem rec.), massive daddy kink(i’m a whore), squirting, ass-eating, choking, spanking

Word count :5.3k mdni+ Happy reading

This takes place in episode 9 and 10


You're walking down the inside of the street and Frankie's eyes are peeled open looking everywhere and a car slowly passes by you both, Frankie steps in front of you shielding your body as the car keeps driving, he takes a deep breath and touches your hand “I hope Leon is okay baby?” you look up at him, tears swelling up in your eyes and then you break down. You couldn’t stop crying, feeling your breath going too fast for you “Breathe baby, you need to breathe, Lee is going to be okay.” your gasp. “Seeing Leon in all of that blood, I couldn’t stop thinking about you if that ever happened to you.” he leans into you, putting his soft lips on you “That’s never going to happen, you know these little niggas know not to fuck with me.” your breathing starts slowing down finally breathing through your nose “We should probably go home I know your momma is waiting for you.” you kiss Frankie once more and start walking down your street.

Entering your house and seeing your momma sitting on the couch in her moomoo, she runs towards you and wraps your arms around you “O my god baby I was so worried about you Marla called me at work and I heard you were at the station because of Leon.” you put your head down, feeling your tears coming back and really start sobbing and you couldn’t stop, just tears streaming down your face “I think I should go take a shower.” “Do you want me to help you?” shaking your head no “It’s okay momma I think I just need to get clean and go to sleep goodnight momma.” “Goodnight baby.” you kiss your momma on the cheek and walk toward to your bathroom, turning on the faucet so the water can get hot and you took off your clothes off and grabbing your shower cap to put it on then stepping into the tub, feeling your bones aching under the pressure and looking down to see blood coming off you and draining into the sink. Not wanting to think about it again and grabbing your washcloth to get it wet and grab your soap and washing it together, washing you whole body including you feet and once you rinse down you turned off the faucet, drying yourself off and wrapping it around you, doing your skincare routine and brushing your teeth, you step out into your room. Closing the door behind you, changing into your pj’s and wrapping your hair and getting under the covers feeling your body relaxing under the sheets and opening your eyes to your closet.

You hear your momma leaving the house without saying goodbye to you and going to work, you continue to rest your eyes feeling yourself fall back to sleep and then a knock erupts on your window standing up to see who is knocking on your window this early in the morning, pulling you blinds a part to see Frankie smiling at you, he was wearing a light brown shirt with khakis pants and black adidas, his shirt is making his chocolate skin pop even more, you open the window “Nigga why is you knockin’ on my window this early.” He smiles even more “Good morning to you too baby.” he grips the bannister to steps into your room, stepping back to give him room “I was gonna go to the mall today to get Lee some new sneaks. And I want to apologize to you about the way I was actin’ last night it wasn’t right.” Nodding your head “I forgive you baby I know what you’re doing is a lot to handle, but you can’t be actin’ like that anymore.” “You right baby,thank you aight get dress we need to leave. I don't want any the shoes be gone because of you.” rolling your eyes “Whatever nigga.” you kiss his lips and Frankie walks into the closet to grab his backpack he’s just holding on to the straps and sits on the bed and you change into a blue crop top stopping at your hips and booty shorts and white shoes and you take off bonnet, grabbing your pick to push your curls up and out. “Aye let’s go back to my place so I can drop off my bag.” “Alright baby let’s go.”

Making to Lee’s house in the projects Frankie walks in first, seeing Lee’s siblings doing katare in the family room he busts in doing fake moves with the kids and fake losing with the little boy “Alright alright you win hmmm y’all want to get some candy.” the kids jump excitedly and scream, Frankie hands them a twenty dollar bill “Aye bring me some lemonheads.” Lee is laying on the couch with a bandage on his leg with boxers and a muscle shirt “You a lemonhead.” coming from the little boy “Sup Frank sup Lexi.” Frankie walks closer to Lee to show him a fresh pair of sneaks “Hazard pay.” Lee looks at him “What about my shirt?” Frankie looks confuse “I’m just fuckin’ with you.” you all giggle “Nigga you stupid.” you both sit the the smaller couch looking at this old Bruce Lee movie “How you feeling Lee.” he looks at you “I’m gonna need another hit of them happy pills soon. Then I ain’t gonna hear shit what yo nigga gotta say mmhmm so when we mackin’ our move?” Frankie takes a breath “Mhmm workin’ on it man.” Lee smacks his lips “I could still step to a motherfucka right now.” you giggle “Nigga you can’t even step.” they both laugh at your joke “Them niggas always riding together.”Lee sits up “Not when they rolled up on me, just Lenny .” “Nahh that can’t be right.” “Nigga don’t tell me. I was there.” “He’s right. When I went outside I only saw Lenny leaving in his car.” Seeing the gears turning in Frankie's head coming up with a plan “Man you gonna be able to do this shit without me?” “I can’t lie man having you on the bench ain’t ideal.” “Well look it ain’t about pay back alright? It’s about rep you gotta let these niggas know right here right now we offical ‘cause you don’t motherfuckas gonna be comin’ at us alright?” Nodding his head know he’s to come up with a plan to get rid of Lenny.

Large warehouse that the music bumping there was two guards standing out in front “We just need to talk to claudia.” the two guards give you both a pat down and one of them nods his head and let’s you in the building walking into section to see people dancing and doing drugs in the corner there was young women with tiny clothes on looking at the man to give them some money, walking up the steps to see a light-skin women with long locs out in a bun, she was wearing a long green and blue swirl dress with flip flops “Thank you Wayne and hmm what do we have hear who’s this Franklin?” the women walks up to you to object you “This is Lexi she’s my girlfriend.” the woman looks surprised “Girlfriend? If I knew you this was your girlfriend I would gotten her first my name’s Claudia.” he steps closer to you “Claudia I need you to set up a sit down with Ray-Ray.” she puffs “A sit down nigga you’ve been watch to many movies and if I do want do get in return?” he looks perpexled “What do you want?” she smirks “Mhmmm what do you think?” and turns to you, slowly backing away from her “What if you get Louie?” trying to make a deal without you in it “Mhmmm okay but I want her to come here tonight.” nodding his head “Deal I’ll let her know.” he puts his hand up to shake and she agrees.

You both were waiting for Ray-Ray to come in this old burger shack right down the street from you, sitting in a booth “What if he doesn’t show up.” “Ohh he’ll be here I know Claudia talked to him.” he arm extended on the armrest and he did, coming in and seeing you both and takes a seat in front of you “So Claudia laid it all out?” “Yeah she laid it all out, what you think was going to happen? beat down my homie, fuck up his place.” Frankie smirks and points at his scar above his brow “You see that I was beat down first and we weren’t the ones who did to him.” Ray-Ray scoffs “Yeah, well we took care of them HTB arcade niggas.” “You know matter of fact our next neighbor is a cop, said he saw two guys scopin’ out my place and he’s tracking them down right now.” Ray-Ray laughs not believing “That’s how it’s goin’ down? you snitch motherfucka?” and cop walks in to order his food Ray-Ray becomes uncomfortable “If you’re lookin’ for some type of truce, you’re in the wrong place.” ‘No, no, no, no no truce.” Ray-Ray looking confused “Then what the fuck is we doin’ here?” Frankie leans in “We gonna talk business. Because that’s what it’s about right? Money?” you all still continue talking about Lenny and thirty minutes after Ray-Ray left the burger shack, you and Frankie were looking at Ray-Ray's car driving off to the streets.

Frankie stops in front of the payphone and digs in his pockets to grab some quarters and puts them in the slot, picks up the phone and dial a number “Sup Rob what’chu doin?....huh..well I was calling you to see if we can crash at your place.” hearing another voice coming through the phone “Ohh well I was going to have my girl come over if that’s cool, oh shit really aight I’ll see you in ten minutes.” he hangs up the phone and turns to you “His parents are outta town this weekend, so we’ll kinda of have a place to our self.”

A blue pickup truck stops in front of you and the window rolls down and seeing a white boy with shaggy brown hair “Sup Frankie.” Frankie walks to the car “Sup man, come on baby.” you enter first and the white boy sticks out his hand wanting to shake yours “Heyy I’m Rob, nice to meet you.” and you shake his hand “Hiii I’m Lexi-” “Now baby why won’t you tell him your real name.” you roll your eyes “My real name is Alexia.” “That's a very pretty name Lexi.” Frankie closes the door in the backseat with you and Rob starts driving off to his house.

Rob pulls up to a gated community and enters in the pincode, passing through gates you duck your head to look at the beautiful mansions with palm trees and large front lawns “Woow, look at the one Frankie.” pointing your finger at a large all white house and a dark green double doors he ducks his head next to yours “Yeah it is baby, coming home to you in a house like that with little minis me and you together.” Rob pulls up to his long driveway with large bushes leading up to the house he parks in front of his house, the lights were still on. Frankie steps out first and holds the door for you, stepping out as well to seeing little peeks coming from you, Rob walks towards the house and unlocks it and goes first and you look all around you from the large chandelier hanging above you, to the sexual art hanging on the wall and a large a tiger rug running across the family room “Rob is this house is amazing, what do your parents do for a living?” Rob chuckles at you “My parents work in adult entertainment, like they do porn.” whipping your head so fast with your eyes bulging out Frankie is touching his neck and rubbing it slowly “I’m guessing Frankie hasn’t told you about that side hmh?” “No he didn’t. Not that I’m not judging at all, I'm just surprised.” “Your good Lexi here let me show y’all your room.” Rob walks up the stairs, you both follow and enter to a large hallway with multiple doors and entering a bedroom and turning on the lights to see with a large king sized bed with dark sheets and white pillows, plants roaming in the corners of the room and a full length mirror in the corner facing the bed “There’s a bathroom in here and fresh towels and clothes too.” Frankie daps up on Rob “Thanks man I appreciate it.” Rob pulls him in and pats his back “Anytime brother, my room is across the hallway, y’all have good night.” and that Rob had left.

You both step out of the shower and drying your body on the shelf was a bottle of lotion, starting with your arms, to your chest, to your legs and feet Frankie grabs the bottle and squirt some in his hand and rub it together, he starts at your shoulders, rubbing it in your skin and to your mid-back and finally to your ass “That feel good baby.” his fingers digging on your ass, you nodded “Fuck baby yess.” his hands move up to your waist “Bend over for me baby I wanna see you what I do to you in front of this mirror huh.” you look up to see Frankie staring at you, he grabs your thigh to lay in on the counter he squats down to be eye level with your pussy and feeling your lips being spread open “Mhmm your pussy is soo perfect you drippin’ for me already.” His lips latch onto you his tongue spreading you everywhere, gripping the counter and your eyes back “Frankie fuck oh shit baby.” feeling your leg falling asleep and slowly putting it down, a large hand grips the back of your thigh “Don’t you fuckin’ dare, put that fuckin’ leg back up.” groans coming out your mouth “Frankieee.” you look back at him seeing him on his knees, he gives you an assuring smile “You be aight, let me just make you feel good.” and goes right back to your pussy and holding your thigh up, laying back down on the cool countertop hearing Frankie sucking at your clit, pecking at your lips he drags his tongue up to your crack, his hands grabbing at your globes to spread them apart, you jolt up when you felt hot spit touching your rim passing down to your pussy, Frankie collects the spit and push in your pussy, fingers working you in and out over and over and over, Frankie returns to your ass eating you like it’s your pussy your moans erupting out of your mouth “Ohh baby fuck daddy, I feel so good.” “You feel so good babygirl, why do you feel so good babygirl?” you groan “YOU it’s be-cause of yo-uu.” “Then show me how good daddy makes you feel good.” his tongue working down to your pussy and flicking your clit back and forth “Oh fuck.” your thighs were shaking screaming out your groans “Fuckfuckfuck baby ughh.” “That’s it, baby nut on my face.” feeling yourself cumming and wetting all over his face, his pulls out his fingers and still kissing your pussy “I could eat you all day.” he stands up and puts his hips to your ass and grabs your chin to look at him and puts his fingers in your mouth. Frankie dick sliding in between your cheeks, pulling his fingers away from you to your hips and pulling your back, he leans forward to pull you up to look at yourself “Look at me when I slide it in baby huh, can you do that for daddy?” nodding, wanting to feel him inside of you.

The stretch always felt different for you feeling Frankie sliding inside of you, you both moan when Frankie hips touch your ass and sliding out and back in “Fuck baby I got you this wet huh.” you rest your head on his shoulder, kissing his neck “Yes daddy fuck you’re fucking me soo ughh fuckkk dad-dyy.” his hand slides up to touch your breast kneading so rough, grunts coming from him “You so fuckin’ tight, suckin’ me in babygirl.” he smacks your ass “Mmhm you like this shit don’t you huh you gettin’ wetter by the second mm-mmhm.” he moves his hand up to your neck, his large fingers gripping the sides of you, you start to lose yourself with your breath being cut off and your eyes rolling in the back of your head and biting your lip, feeling the wetness running down “Open your eyes for daddy, babygirl.” opening them to see Frankie smirking at you,a tear rolling down your face “Why you cryin’ babygirl?” you moan in his mouth and grabbing his neck to pull in for a kiss, it was nasty feeling his tongue sliding in your mouth his lips overpowering you like he was taking your soul “Dad-dy I’mm-m gonna cumm.” he kisses you while stroking your cheek “You need to look at yourself first babygirl, you need to see how good you mackin’ daddy feel right now.” your eyes drift down to look at yourself, you look a mess. You start to close your eyes and Frankie leans down to your ear “You open your eyes. right. fuckin’. now.” his strokes hitting with every word, screams coming out of you and eyes move to Frankie seeing him in all his glory, like looking at a king he nods his head and smiles at you “What’s the matter baby? Are you about to nut babygirl? You wanna nut on big daddy’s dick, don’tchu you wanna get me wet huh.” you feel your pussy gush to the words of Frankie “Oh fuck daddy.” he smacks your ass “You like this nasty shit, I know you, you about to nut aint’chu.” Your leg has completely fallen asleep, but you didn’t give two shits about that right now your stomach tightens feeling yourself to cum “Yesss I-I doo dad-dyyy.” “Then do it then babygirl nut on this dick right now I know, babygirl I know.” and you do and you look at your man the whole time, Frankie was biting his supple bottom lip, his sexy brown eyes and his scrumptious chocolate skin then pumps a few strokes in you then explodes inside of you “Oh-hh fucc-kk bab-ygirl, I can’t get enough of you fuck.” he leans in close to grab your cheeks and gives you long wet kiss. “I’m sleepyyy daddyyy.” he nods his head “Okay babygirl, let’s get you to bed.” slowly pulling out of you and cum oozing out of you “I can’t feel my legs I feel like a noodle.” Frankie lifts you up in his arms, picking you up like a feather. “Then I did my job then huh.” He walks over to the bed and move the sheets back then lays you gently on the bed and kisses on the head “Good night babygirl, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” you smile and crank your neck “And if you do, get your shoes and you wack them until there black and blue.” he giggles “I didn't know there was a part two to that.” Frankie climbs in the bed with you, pulling you into his strong arms “Good night baby.” “Good babygirl.”

You get dropped off with Frankie, Rob parks his blue and black pickup truck in front of Jerome's place and you grab the door handle “Thank you Rob for dropping us off.” you open the door and taking a step on the sidewalk “Yeah thanks man, for letting us crash at your place.” he pats Rob on the shoulder “Anytime brother and give Leon my best.” Frankie steps out the truck and closes the door “Oh don’t forget, up there to the left it’s the freeway, don’t get lost again.” Rob pulls off to drive up to the freeway, you both walk inside to see Jerome counting a table full of money “Ayee Good morning nephew and good morning Lexi.” you both say good morning Jerome and Louie walks in with her with her teacup and takes a seat “Still going good huh?” Frankie askes Jerome “Better than good nephew, and I don’t know why you sleeping at that white boy house like we ain’t got a perfectly good couch.” Louie smirks at his statement “I think you answered your own question.” You tried to hold in your laugh as Frankie chuckles and your both take you your seats “Look we need to re-up on this powder.” Jerome still counting the money “No problem.” “You got any idea where we gon’ cook up this next batch.” Frankie eyes shift to look at the kitchen, Jerome takes a double take “I know you ain’t just look at my kitchen like you plan to use it, we gonna rent a place some place we can store it and cook the product.” and Louie gets a few hundred dollars “Louie I’ma put you on that.” Louie put the money in her bra “Boy we need to talk turkey.” “I feel the product’s price is right.” Jerome lips pull in a grin “I ain’t talkin’ bout the product. Now when you first came to me you said wanted to split this down the middle fifty-fifty.” Frankie scoffs at Jerome “Then what do you do huh? You turn me away, I ain’t given’ half away now.” Jerome laughs “Now I’m earnin’ if not them knuckleheads that y’all be runnin’ around with.” Jerome points at the both of you “And I can set your narrow ass straight.”

Frankie did not breaking his concentration “It’s my connect, my product, my process. I've already got Lexi, Lee, and Kev to take care.” he grabs a stack of cash and start counting “I’ve can give y’all ten percent.” Jerome haggles for forty percent “Twenty percent and that’s even pushin’ it.” Frankie smiles at his unc, Jerome chuckles “Twenty-five percent then we straight.” “Deal.” Frankie shakes hands Jerome “Ayee that’s my family right there! Move that. I’ma take a shit y’all keep countin’ that.” Jerome stands to walk to the bathroom Frankie turns to Louie “Ray-Ray thinkin’ on it, should know soon.” Louie sits up “Either way you gon’ take care of me right.” he nods his head “I gotchu you.” Louie looks deeper at Frankie “What about you? You alright? You juggling a lot of shit, you doin’ okay.” he lays his head on his hands and gives Louie a quick “Mhm.” and stares of into the distance.

You goes home and sees her momma’s car parked outside on the side driveway, you walk inside of the house to see your momma watching an old black exploitation movie “Where have you been Alexia? I’ve been waiting for you to come home last night! I thought you were hurt or killed somewhere.” you put your head down “I’m sorry momma I went to the hospital to go see Lee and I just got lost at the time and then I just stayed at Shon-Shon for the night.” she stands up to hug you pulling you in her arms “Well next time you wanna do something like that, you call me, don’t keep me in the dark I even bought you a pager for you, so don’t try not to lose this one this time.” “Thank you momma and Shon-Shon wants me to sleepover over at her house again and I’ll page you if something happens I promise.” Looking down at black pager with a sparkly pink case and a clip bend it, you kiss your momma on the cheek and thanked her walking to your room to pack a bag and changed into a white shirt and washed out jeans then before you left you saying goodbye and walked to Jerome’s house.

Pulling up to Avi’s place it had a tall gold gate that covered the front of the mansion it opens, Jerome pulls in to park in the corner of the driveway you, Frankie, Jerome, and Kev step out of the car, Frankie grabs his backpack “Okay y’all be cool, aight this motherfucka is crazy.” there was four men with all slicked back hair and large guns and you all spread your arms to get your pat down once your cleared you walked inside of the house everyone had ak-47’s and glocks on their hips. Avi wearing a versace tan shirt with khakis and gold shoes walks up to Frankie to give him a hug and shakes Jerome and Kev's hands then kisses your hand “Come, let’s go sit by the pool.” proceeding to the pool, there a large fountain in the corner and even a massive pool and a big slide on the side of the pool, you and Frankie take a seat with Avi, Frankie opens his backpack to hand Avi twelve stacks of money. Avi starts counting the money and since they were smaller bills he had to start over and over and over. It was so comical to you seeing Avi getting frustrated with money, Jerome is looking at everything “What’s up with these crates?” Avi looks up “What crates?” Jerome points down “These crates?” and Avi realized he lost his count “Motherfucker! YUDA!” and hands the gunman the money “Did you know Franklin saved Yuda’s life.” “No.” you and Jerome both say “It’s true..yeah he’s a good boy, so everytime he comes here. I offer him a drink, some snort, some pink he always says no.” You turn your head to see Kev putting his hand in the water, you take your pointer finger to say ‘come here’ to Kev, he walks up to the table “Shiit I’m good with any of those.” picking up the champagne bottle “Well I didn’t offer to you did I?” Avi turns to Frankie “The fuck you bring them here for?” “Told you. Business is ramping up. Means we’re gonna buy more, pay upfront that also means I might not be here to be making these runs.” Avi shakes his head “Noo it’s you I like, I trust, you put on the vest.”

The gunman says something in hebrew and Avi agrees the gunman walks away “Y’know Avi since you know we buyin in bulk, how do we do bit better on that price.” you and Frankie sit up “What?” coming from Avi, Jerome takes a seat next to Avi “I know you started the boy at twelve and how about how you shave a little off that price.” Avi’s realizing “Oh ohh maybe or maybe I’ll shave your eyebrows off your face and tell you to eat a donkey’s dick.” Frankie sticks out his hand “Come on Avi.” Avi grabs Frankie “And from now on it’s going to be thirteen a key.” the gunman comes back with two keys in his hands and sets them on the table Avi gives Frankie the two keys, he puts them in his backpack and closes the bag “Now get the fuck out.” Walking down the driveway “I told y’all to be cool.” Frankie walking in front with his hands in his pockets “Hey man it ain’t our fault the dude is crazy.” Kev says “Hey man he’s more than crazy, motherfucka racist.” Frankie stops and turns “It doesn’t matter unless y’all know where I can get pure product then Avi’s our guy.” Jerome taps Frankie shoulder “Look he has to be getting it somewhere and it’s much less than twelve a key and we get someone to scope out his place, get right to the source.” Frankie turns to walk to the car “Can’t just sit out and scope out his place, we’ll be arrested in five minutes.” “You right we can’t, but you know someone who can.” Rob can easily scope out Avi’s place.

Louie unlocks the door to an empty house with wood floors and a lamp in the corner with archway to the kitchen “Hey man this place is dope, I mean a few couches, some lava lamps and a big screen tv, hey we could have a waterbed in this motherfucka too.” Kev claps his hands “This ain’t no bachelor pad, it’s a good damn cook house, just calm yo ass down.” you put your hand on Kev’s shoulder and smile at him “Maybe we could a couple couches Kev.” Frankie walks in the kitchen, turning on the stove “We need to get the gas on, right away the stove is the whole point.” “Can get it done as early as tomorrow.” Frankie pager goes off and looks at it “Ray-Ray.” You, Frankie and Jerome walk to the car.

Jerome parks his car next to a oil well and leaving his lights on and few minutes later Ray-Ray pulls up and step out the car “I didn’t know y’all were bringing somebody.” Frankie steps forward “Just my uncle, hold up your end, you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about.” “Just be clear, I’m not the bitch here, whatever the fuck y’all did to Lenny really fucked him up, would’ve got us all killed.” Frankie nods his head “We know , you’re doin’ the right thing….get him out.” Jerome walks up to Ray-Ray “I’ma help you.” As Jerome walked away, you see the nervousness coming off Frankie. He puts his hands on the car and you pull him in for a quick kiss “You can do this baby.” Frankie told you what him and Lee talked about taking care his family his kinfolk and most importantly you. “Get yo ass up..Get up.” Jerome and Ray-Ray carry Lenny to sit him down in between the cars so he can see you and Frankie, Jerome holds Lenny in a chokehold “Motherfuckin’ Judas’s.” Ray-Ray looks at Frankie “All right we good?” Frankie walks closer to Ray-Ray “Afraid we ain’t, need to know word of this shit never gon leave this spot.” Frankie opens a switchblade “Nah man fuck that-man you told me to bring him here.” “Either you do it so I know you’ll keep your mouth shut or you’ll both be dead.” Frankie throws the blade to Ray-Ray “That wasn’t the deal.” you spoke “Well it’s the deal now.” Lenny is pleading with Ray-Ray “Come on Ray-Ray.” Frankie smiles “Hey man I understand this ain’t an easy ask..I know.” Frankie tosses a stack of cash to Ray-Ray “Plenty more where where that came from, we can use men who know how to handle theyself. Future could be bright.” Ray-Ray picks up the blade and walks towards Lenny “Hey man don’t you do this shit man, come on man.” Ray-Ray grips the blade tighter “I told you to let this shit go.” “Man you ain’t never gonna forget this shit, you won’t and you know it nigga.” Jerome opens up Lenny’s neck, Ray-Ray is still not moving, Frankie pulls his gun and pointed at the back of Ray-Ray head “Come on Ray-Ray.” Lenny is begging for his life “Look at me Ray-Ray, please look at me.” Frankie screams “Do it mothfucka!” Ray-Ray yells “Alright! Alright!” Ray-Ray walks up to Lenny and slices his throat, Jerome steps back to not get blood on his clothes. Lenny’s blood is running down his shirt and spilling on the dirt he’s became silence then the light leaving his eyes and becoming a lifeless soul.

“For Leon motherfucka.” Frankie whispers, he puts his gun under his belt “You ever wanna make some ends, you know where to find me.” and walks back to the car and opens the car for you to get in, once you got in, you share a quick look with Jerome and you both just look at Frankie, seeing in that state that he was so angry and relieve to be getting Lee’s lick back then Jerome drives off to leave Ray-Ray to dig for Lenny’s body.


Another one thank you 🤣🤣 THE BITCH IS DEAD (FINALLY) thank you to everyone still reading this it really means a lot to me (side note irl: this has been a hard chapter for me to finish because me and partner are broken up and I had no desire to write, but the breakup was very mutual between us and after having closure with our relationship is much better now and she is my friend now☺️) but back on this story Lexi needs to stop lying’ to her momma 🫣 you know she ain’t gonna sis especially for that dick, it’s too bomb 😜 especially at Rob’s when he was fucking her from the back giving Lexi that dumb dick and making her to look at him, bitch you cannot tell me otherwise that you would not be dickmatize 🗣️🙋🏿‍♀️ speaking on that sis, that daddy kink Frankie new nickname is Snowdady, you can’t change my mind. Thank you again for taking the time to read this. See you on chapter 9💋

Love Nazzy 💕

Chapter 8

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7 months ago

Chapter 9

Summary:It’s been a couple of months since the business has started the air to becoming colder in South Central area and celebrating Frankie’s birthday and one gift he will cherish forever, one day getting a call from Avi saying he wants to meet and with lapd breaking into Avi’s place then arresting Avi and Lee, Frankie wanted him out that day and had to cough fifty gs for the lawyer and that raises a couple of eyebrows at y’all. And now the coke is all officially gone then Frankie comes up with a plan to drive down to Oakland to meet Swim to end up finally meeting the man that we all were looking for…. Avi’s connect.

Warnings:afab-reader, n-word usage, cursing, minor character death, kissing, oral (female & male rec.),  sneak-peak of dad!frankie, making crack-rock, slight fear of heights

Word count:8.6k mdni+ Happy reading

Chapter 9

This takes place in Season 2 ep. 1 and 2

Four Months Later 

The business is going good, really really good. You and Frankie were the only ones that was allowed back to Avi’s place from now on, walking into the cookhouse to see Louie stirring the mason jar, you grabbed a black bandana and wrap it over your nose then tying it behind your head and grabbing kitchen gloves, then pouring equal parts of the baking powder and coke in the mason jar with a little bit of water and stirring in the water. Lee and Kev were breaking up the large rocks into smaller rocks then bagging them, Jerome, Peaches and a couple of other guys were  bagging the rocks in chip bags. Once your shift was done, you went to the ice cream truck, had ice cream for the kids and rock for the adults. As the kids were coming up for the ice cream and the adults would walk around back to get their rock 

Peaches is tying up the bags of money in the truck, while you and him were sitting on the car waiting for everybody to finish up, getting back to Jerome’s house  he unlocks the backroom with two deadbolts behind it, Frankie opens it to show the back wall is in containers of money and Jerome dumps bags of money on the table, Jerome leaves to grab more bags of the money and left you and Frankie to count it.

Couple weeks later

Today is Franklin Saint's birthday. The man is turning the big 20. He wanted to do something small with just his family, friends and of course you. The gift you got him was a gold chain with the word ‘Saint’ in the middle and a fresh pair of white sambas with light blue stripes going on the sides. You had them both wrapped in birthday paper sitting next to you.

Once he enters to Jerome’s house seeing Lee making out with Wanda, he takes of his dark blue jacket, showing off his white shirt, blue and green shoulders and the color going across his chest, he sees you in the corner and Kev stops in his tracks “Ladies, I would like y’all to meet Franklin Saint aka our savior aka the big black apostle.” He smiles “Franklin’s fine, alright, nice to meet you ladies.” all the ladies smile at him, and one of them is staring a little too hard. Frankie walks away to greet Jerome “What’s up unc?” Jerome puffs out some smoke “Sup nephew.” He grabs some chips and starts eating them and sees you sitting on the couch “What you doin’ here alone?” you couldn’t wait to show Frankie what you got him, you pick up your large gift first and you handed it to Frankie “Happy birthday baby.” he looks down at the gift and takes the large gift and takes a seat next to you, opening his gift of a red adidas box carefully to see a pair of white sambas with a light blue stripes going across “Holy shit baby, you know I can never get enough with these shoes.” Frankie has been collecting sambas shoes for a while, the boy has a damn near obsession. He gives you a kiss “Thank you baby.” you smile “Your welcome baby, but I have one more gift.” you bend down to grab the smaller gift, your back was exposing to him showing your purple waist beads, you were wearing a black backless dress and black wedges with your necklace on display. 

Suddenly you find your next gift, you handed it to him he opens the gift to see the gold chain with the words ‘Saint’ written on it, he holds it in his hands not saying anything “Do you like Frankie?” he turns to you “Of course baby I love it thank you really.” you kiss him on the lips “Your welcome baby.” Louie walks into the family room wearing a red long romper, Jerome slams his hand on the table “Goddamn! I don’t know how you got the energy.” Louie takes a couple twenty’s in her bag “If I got to spend my time my days in that cookhouse. I sure as hell ain’t spending my nights in here.” Jerome yells and takes a sip of his drink “Hey Peaches! Hey hey make sure she get to the club aight.” “Bye Jerome.” “Give me a kiss.” Jerome smacks her ass “Give Claudia a kiss for me too.” Louie looks back “I will if you want to.” “Tell her to come see my tree!” Louie laughs “She ain’t wanna see your tree, but she do like pie though…. I tell her that y’all said hi too.”  you smile at Frankie “Come on, put it on.” he open the clasp and lock it behind his neck, as it lays there resting on his second button “What’chu think?” You rest your fingers to touch his necklace the smooth golden in cursive of his last name “I love it on you baby, the jeweler did a really good job gold is definitely your color.” he smiles at you showing his pearly white teeth he grabs your hand “Come on let’s go to our room.” 

As you enter to the guest room Frankie starts kissing your neck feeling his gold rubbing against your neck, he spins you around to take you in his lips he slips off your dress and takes off his shirt to only have his necklace on he pulls down his khakis pants to show his red plaid boxers you push him on the bed you climb on top and makes out with him he grabs your ass and flips you over slowly takes off his boxers and starts to stroke himself he lowers himself on his stomach to face your pussy he leans down to kiss your soft inner thighs “I should be givin’ you head today it’s your birthday.'' he looks up “You right it’s still my birthday and one of my wishes is to eat you out.” he dips his head his tongue sliding all over your pussy he moans all over it. Loud banging was coming from down the hall. It sounds like Jerome is yelling “Open the gooddamn door! The fuck is wrong with you.” you put on your dress and Frankie puts on his boxers to see what the hell is happening Frankie opens the door first to see Jerome busting through his room to Kev with two girls in his bed Jerome grabs his shoe and smack one of the girls ass “Oh you wanna fuck in my house nigga.” and start smacking Kev he was naked to only have his bucket hat to cover himself he runs out of the room and down the stairs and Jerome chasing him “Grab his ass!” they both pass you, Frankie, Lee and you all laugh “Is that your birthday Franklin?” he smiles “Yeah and I was showing Lexi how thankful I was.” you smack his shoulder Lee sticks out his tongue out in disgust “Leon what’s taking you so long?” coming from Wanda inside of the room Lee touches his shoulder to say good night to him and Frankie copies “Good night Lee.” “Good night Lex.” 

You both get undressed to get back on the bed you rest your head on the pillows spreading your legs “I think you want to finish what you started, birthday boy.” he smirks “I ain’t no boy, I'm older than you now.” He climbs on top of you his necklace dangling in front of your face your eyes switch back and forth to his face and neck “Well if I’m the birthday boy then I’m about to make to make one of my wishes come true.” you rise on your elbows “Can you tell me one of your wishes?” He pulls closer to your face grazing your lips “If I tell you. Then it won’t come true and one of my wishes will definitely come true.” kissing your lower stomach moving down to your pussy dragging his tongue to touch your clit and down to your lips and your softest walls gripping the sheets his hands grip your thighs to hold you in your place, your hands find their way to his hair your fingers touching his tight coils “Fuck baby oohh ughh shit.” Pants and moaning coming out of you he moans into your pussy feeling the vibration “That’s right baby you fuckin’ nut on my face.” Frankie slips his hands to your knees bending you in half seeing him admiring your pussy and let’s a long drop of saliva on your warm pussy before you could realize he is deeper in your pussy getting your juices all over his face the wetness leaking out of you then you try to fight back with closing your legs but there was no use you couldn’t win even if you wanted to. You continue to grind against his face  he ate you up like you were his last meal he kept moving his face to rhythm of your hips your waist beads were riding up  to the middle of your soft tummy once he felt you relax under grip he slowly rise to grab a small washcloth to clean up the excess of you and throws it in the dirty hamper “Thank you for my wish baby.” he kiss you “I’m still not tired.” you rolled on your stomach to crawl to where he was and opened your mouth to take him in your mouth “What do you say to the birthday boy baby?” you mumble ‘Thank you’  you look up to him to see that he is already looking at you “Stretch that throat baby I wanna fuck your throat.”  you relax your throat  to take him deeper feeling his slighty over gown bush touching your nose “Fuck-kk baby you’re taking me soo goo-od.” his chest is puffing out taking deep breaths and even deeper moans “I wanna see your eyes baby, let me see your eyes baby.” his hips strokin’ out of your mouth his necklace catching your eyes resting on his chest with his new accessory he fo’real could be a male model with the looks he was givin’ you, he grips the back of your head you grip his ass to bring him closer and cumming in your  throat “Fuckkk baby I’m bout to nut baby ohh fuck.” there was so much sliding down your mouth tasting his musky and clean nut you take one more swallow to taste all of him “I’m glad to spend your birthday Frankie.” he grabs your face to pull you in a sloppy wet kiss “I’m glad too baby.”

A few days later you get an unexpected call to from Avi saying he wanted to do a another pickup “Just sayin’ a little heads up would be nice.” he’s holding a duffle bag of forty-two thousand dollars and Avi puts his arms up “But I like seeing you Frankie and the beautiful Lexi…eve-even  Leon here is growing on me.” He pats on Lee’s shoulder “You know how stressful it is to ride through Encino with this much fuckin’ coin in the car?” Avi walks over to his bar “Okay, maybe Leon is not growing on me show much. I got a few ounces lying around somewhere so you don’t feel like you wasted your time. Muir go to the stash see what you can find for Frankie.” the gunman walks away “You got it.” Avi takes a sip of his drink “You know not too long ago you were happy with just a few hundred dollars.” “How we grow huh?” “Like weeds. Hey, on Friday both of you  come over for shabbat dinner, wear a nice coat.” Avi pulls on his jacket “Come on Franklin and Alexia, you both  have money now, get yourself a nice coat and flowy dress to match.” He puts his hand on Avi’s shoulder one of the gunmen comes back running back “Avi! Avi!” the men are scattering around trying to hide the drugs and the money “Hey what’s goin’ on?” you turned to look at Frankie “What did he say?” Frankie asking around Avi is speaking in hebrew to the gunmen to calm down “LAPD! HANDS UP LAPD.” He pats on your shoulder to run from the cops one of them starts chasing you “Right there! Don’t move!” you run around the house to see a fence blocking you Frankie throws the duffle bag over the fence and hops over it effortlessly you climb the fence and Lee pushes you over the fence to escape you run to Frankie and see Lee getting handcuff “You thought you can run from me punk ass kid.” Lee puts his hands on his head “Shut the fuck up.” and gets dragged back to the house.

Frankie finds a payphone to make a call to Jerome “What’s up nephew, you heard anything from Avi.” Frankie hands you the duffle bag “Hey unc and Avi got raided the cops came and they got Leon.” Frankie kept nodding his head and listening to Jerome and hangs up the phone “Jerome wants us to meet Tyrone, he's a lawyer.”  Jerome was already there waiting for the both of you he walks up to Jerome and Frankie opens the car door setting it on the ground, walking into the office there was a lightskin man in a suit named Tyrone and a darkskin man named Biscuit and sitting on the table behind him “Apparently your boy’s  in business with a babe ruth motherfucker, that dude Avi? Hitting him with possession with intent to go along with a hefty gun charge?” Biscuit spoke up “intrems y’all lame-asses can understand. That boy fucked” your eyes shift to Tyrone “What about Leon?-”  you get cut off by Biscuit “Hit him with a 69-PC.” “The fuck is a 69PC?” Jerome turns to Biscuit “Felony evading.” Jerome puts his hands out “Why the fuck you ain’t just say that then?” Biscuit kept looking at Jerome “Cause I’m a fuckin’ professional J-rome.” “No you’s a moron Biscuit.” Tyrone trying to calm them down “Now the bad news is your boy got priors and because it’s a felony bail is fifty.” Jerome looks in shock “Thousands?” Biscuit looks fed up “Ain’t fifty hundred nigga.” Jerome looks at Biscuit “I want him out.” “Gonna need ten percent down cash, collateral, whatever.” Jerome sucks in his teeth “Shit fifty thousand ain’t shit.” Biscuit and Tyrone make quick eye contact “Yeah it is, it’s a lot Jerome actually I’m need a minute to get that for you.” “Aye ain’t my boy on there, do what you gotta do.” You all walk out of the office to Jerome’s car “Nephew you got the fifty gs right now, let’s get this shit done.” He turns around “Avi and Leon are locked up and we spent the whole day running around Enico with forty-two gs in a duffle bag, trying to find a cab or a bus before the cops found the both of us.” Getting in the car “So yeah maybe I’m a little on edge.” Jerome takes his cigarette out “Well with Avi in the clink you know where we can find some more coke?” Frankie just stares off into the distance as Jerome pulls off to the courthouse.

It’s been a few hours since Lee has been locked up and Frankie decided to get him out that day you were sitting on the rail with Kev in front of the courthouse with Jerome and Frankie “Aye he still ain’t out?” Jerome was pacing back and forth “Any minute man Tyrone is in there now-” Kev cuts off Frankie “Where was I?” Kev was wearing a red adidas tracksuit “Uhhh, you was getting ready to ruin the rest of the fuckin’ movie.” He puts his hands in his pockets “Damn right and he go ‘Say hello to my little friend’  doing finger guns imitating gunshots “Yo he bad, I seen this shit twice” Jerome still pacing around “So he lived?” you look at Kev for his answer “What nah man, everybody in that motherfucka died. What’s up Jerome you got crabs or something?” he flinging his arms around “I don’t like being around this motherfucka gooddamnit.” Lee and Tyrone walk out of the courthouse “Ahhh this fool.” “So when you drop the soap, do you bend over to pick it up or do you squat? Like how does that work?” you all go into a fit of laughter filling up in your tummy Lee shakes his head “This motherfucker.” “Hey y’all make sure this little nigga don’t run, you hear?” “Who the fuck you talkin’ to?” Lee deepens his voice “Aight playa. Look y’all need me again and it sounds like you will, you know where I’m at.” Frankie shakes Tyrone hand and walks away you walk up to Lee to give him a hug “Thanks for pushing me over you know I can’t hop no fence.” “Yeah no probs I wasn’t gonna let you go to holding.” Frankie wraps his arms around Lee and starts walking “They sweat you hard?” “Some.” “You give them my social?” “Name, number address.” “Appreciate that, man. So what you want, huh? Drink? Lap dance?” Frankie pushes Lee to the front “Wanda didn’t wanna come with y’all, huh?” “Oh nah man, she was havin’ a little trouble walking spent a little time with her while you was gone.” you all laugh at his joke “Oh, you wanna to fuck with me after I just got out, huh?” “Nah we wanted to fuck with us.” Pointing at all of you “Oh really? So I have to beat all y’alls ass huh?” 

It’s late in the night and you were sleeping with Frankie in the spare room you had a his red and white baseball shirt on and some panties with your bonnet Frankie his arm over your tummy pulling you closer in his dreams he was wearing a undershirt and blue boxers to cover you both in a yellow blanket that you took from your house. Two loud bangs ring through the house and the sound of smash glass hitting the floor screaming  to the extent of your heart exploding “AAHHH!” Frankie jumps up to grab his gun from under his pillow and runs to the family room you quickly chase after him to see as well “HEY WHAT THE MOTHERFUCK!” coming from Jerome and “WHAT THE FUCK!’ from Louie you all see each other in the room Frankie running in front of you to shoot his target, there were two bodies laying on the ground with ski masks. Peaches has his gun pointing down to the ground “There we go, Peaches.” Jerome cheers to him and walking to the window “What the fuck happened?” you looked at all of the broken glass “How they get in?” “Back door.” Peaches says it sarcastically “Somebody didn’t lock that shit. Somebody left that shit unlocked.”Louie runs back to the back door and Frankie went to go check the windows “They jimmied the shit.” Frankie yells “And Peaches you aint hear it? And so what you just kill some motherfuckas in my house, you ain’t wanna scare them first?” Louie getting louder and louder by the second “What you gonna do that for?” Jerome yells at Louie “I ain’t asking you!” Louie waving her hand in Jerome’s face “Well I’m answering you!” you put your hands out the to hush them “Stop! Fucking stop. Keep your voices down. Who the fuck are they?” you step back to see the faces of the dead men Jerome lifts up the mask “It’s motherfuckin’ Biscuit.” your heart drops to your stomach almost feeling nauseous Frankie lifts up the mask “That ain’t Tyrone.” Jerome walks over to see “That’s Jamal, that’s Biscuit older brother.” Frankie walks closer to Jerome “Biscuit’s older brother, who’s paranoid now, unc? I told you not to mention that fuckin’ money!” Jerome snaps his fingers at him “They wouldn’t even thought twice about this shit if you ain’t make a big deal of it, goddamn!” you walk up to Jerome “Jerome why did you even bring it up? you should of never said anything!” Louie steps in front of Frankie “And I told you not to keep that fuckin’ money in our house!” “Wanna talk about this now!” Frankie yells in Louie’s face “Hey if nosy-ass Shirley heard the shots, then the cops is probably on the way now, so now what you gonna do?” Frankie slams his gun on the table “Fuckk.” There was silence not knowing what to do you try to turn your wheels but you were still tired “Me and Jerome go load up the bodies, drive ‘em out, bury ‘em, you three stay here and clean this shit up. Sun rises, this never happened.” Peaches says it with a calming voice and there was another silence “I’m with that shit. Come on.” Jerome walks into his room to go get dressed “This shit is fuckin’ crazy.” You and Frankie go back to the room to put on your clothes.

Frankie comes back inside from throwing the last trash bag away and washes his hands in the sink then comes into the living room to clean the last piece of the glass and throwing it away then taking a seat a the table Louie folds her arms “Why they ain’t back yet?” “Gotta dig. Shit takes time.” he takes a seat with you “How you know?” Your thoughts traced back to Karvel the way your bones were shaking after burying him and how you all had to take turns to dig deep enough for a his body he gives you a quick glance “This house ain’t never gonna be the same.” Louie pulls her chair out and sitting on it “You know, we should probably get some bars on the windows.” “And some new doors.” A knock on the door breaks everyone’s thought and looks at a figure at the door  “That them?” Frankie sits up “Nah, they wouldn’t knock you expecting somebody?” “At eight in the morning?” Louie looks at Frankie crazy. He walks closer to the door and peeking through the window “Aw shit.” “Who is it?” you stand up and  ask Frankie he puts the gun in the couch and grabs a jacket to cover his blood stain undershirt “One second.” He opens the door and see Melody “Mel what’s up?” “Hey Franklin I wanted to wish you a happy birthday even though I couldn't see you on the actual day.” Her eyes look straight a you “And I wanted to give you this.” Melody pulls out a light blue card with his name on it. “Thanks Mel, I wanted to ask you if you or Andre talk to my mom’s at all?” “She and my dad spend some time together, I see her here and there.” Frankie leans more on the door “How she doin’ ?” Melody look in disbelief “How she doin’? Her heart is broken, Franklin. How you think she’s doing?” Frankie slams the door in front of  Melody’s face and walks to the side yard and throws the letter away.

Back at the cookhouse everyone was there even the bodyguards  “Coke is officially gone, we got enough of rock maybe another day or two but that’s it.” Louie puts out her cigarette Frankie is getting frustrated “What about you Rob?” “You know how hard it is to find someone to get you more than two kilos a week who isn’t full of shit. He’s trying to rip you off, he’s trying to kill you-” you roll your eyes, sitting next to Jerome  “Yeah yeah whatever, man. Anything for you two?”  Lee says “Nigga, you want a chopped up key for twenty-five grand? Guy just a motherfucka.” Kev looks at him “Nigga it was your connect. I mean it’s like the white boy, Rob say.” Jerome laughs “There’s a lotta bullshit out here, Frankie.” He puts his hand behind his head and puts them on the table “Okay. First thing in the morning, we head up to Oakland. Visit Swim get enough rock to tide us over. Maybe even talk our way into they connect. Set up a pipeline south. That’s what we do.” he taps on the table “I’m down.” Lee nods his head “Same.” Kev lights his cigarette, he looks at you and you nod your head “Good, get some rest man. We’ll link up at Jerome’s in the morning.” He pats on his unc shoulder you stand up to walk with him to his  1982 Silver Toyota Celica he opens your side first to let you in  and rounds to his side and gets in the car pulling out to slowly drive back to Jerome’s house the radio filled up the silence between you too the groovy music playing he taps his fingers to the beat of the music you sway your head to the beat as well his fingers grazed over your pink adidas  tracksuit moving his fingers to your inner thigh when he had to turn on a street he uses both hands to turn the steering wheel hearing the music to keep say ‘Keep on doin’ it, Keep doin your thing.’

Hearing another car screeching on Frankie’s side and hitting you both, your body moves with the crash thankfully you had seatbelt on your head hurts feeling groggy from it then some white man comes out of his car and walks up to him “O my god dude I’m so sorry hey how’s your neck?” “It-s’s good.” a taser coming to  him tase in the neck and putting a cloth over his nose to him to sleep you unbuckle and try to get out of the car the white man see you and puts the cloth over your mouth and puts you to sleep as well then fading to darkness.

You were dreaming you slowly raise up to see him sitting on the patio and reading the newspaper wearing nothing but a long gray robe you slowly rose from your bed and see tall skyscrapers next to you looking down to see your two beautiful kids both of them was a copy of him and you their were sleeping peacefully and holding there stuff animals you  grabbing  your matching short gray robe off the hanger in your walk-in closet and wrap around your body  and as you walk to him saying in your morning voice “Good morning baby.” he sets down his newspaper and poke his lips out for a kiss uncontrollably you do “Good morning sweetcheeks.” you giggle “Sweetcheeks? Nigga you know you’ve never called me that?” you sit on his lap and give him an another kiss softly resting your fingers on necklace and you hear a another voice in your head “Lexi wake up, come on baby just wake up for me. Leon come on Lee.” It was Frankie. You pull your lips back away from Frankie and you heard it again “Fuckkk come on Alexia wake up please.” You slowly open your eyes and you look to see that you were handcuff with your hands behind you to a pole “Lexi is that you, you okay?” Seeing Frankie handcuff and craning his neck to look at you “Yeahh my fuckk my head hurts, where the fuck are we Frankie?” “I-I don’t know baby?” and another groan coming from the front of the basement “Hey Leon…Leon is that you?”  “Yeah man what the fuck is goin’ on? Aw hell nah I fuckin’ pissed my pants.” You tug on the handcuffs “Hey where were you grabbed?” Lee groans “I was walking home and some white dude asked me for directions but… I don’t know man?” Your throat was dry you didn’t how long you were out for “Did any of you get a good look you at him.” “No Frankie.” “No not really my motherfuckin’ head hurt.” You hear whistling and someone coming come the down the stairs “Hey how many out there?” “I -don’t know, I only seen one.” the man comes to the tall gate and locks it with a key and enters then emerging the same white man that hit you with his car “You punk motherfucka. On my momma, I’m going to kill you when I get loose. You hear me, you fucking worm? I’ma kill you!” Leon yells at the white man he waves his finger in a no and leaves and to go come back with a long taser stick “What the fuck is this? What the fuck are you going to do with that?” the man walks to Lee and tase him with it “What the fuck -ow fuck!” the electricity runs through Lee’s body. You and Frankie begs for the man to stop “Hey man please stop.” you try to kick your feet at him “Hey hey! Stop man.” you stuck your feet out to trip him he stumbles almost catching his balance “Bitch.” you say to the man and the man walks over to you to tase you as well your muscle tighten up you couldn’t do anything but scream and groan.

“Tell me about the bust.” “What?” Frankie sounds confuse “Tell me about the bust.” “The bust?” “Tell me about the bust.” “What bust?”he looks down at the taser “Oh fuck.” “At Avi’s.” “It was nothing man, we showed up at Avi’s to buy, fuckin’ cops showed up, we ran. That’s it.”  “It’s the truth he’s not lying.” you groaned out  “Oh yeah, that’s right, right and you too got away.” “Yeah that’s right.” “Right.” the man walks in front of him “But he didn’t.” “Right?” “He didn’t get away. And yet, somehow… twenty-four hours later, he’s out. Free as bird. How?” “What you think we lyin’ to you?” “He didn’t snitch man.” and Lee yells “Hey kiss my ass I ain’t talk to no motherfuckin’ police.” “All right check with the courts, you don’t belive me just check with the courts man. He charge with felony evading, man and I bailed him out and he didn’t snitch he’s got a lawyer. A court date, it’s all legit.” the man nods his head and taps the taser on his shoulder “I’ll check, we’ll see okay?” as the man pass and and Lee he kicks his feet out to try to trip him, the man moves his feet out of the way “Best to back the fuck up with that shit.” the man steps closer to him “Oh, I would love it if you do that one more time, do it.” and points the taser in his face “You are the stupidest person I’ve ever met.”  and then the man leaves and lockes the tall gate

It feels like it’s been hours the man comes back “Your right, Leon Simmions was arrested for evading and resisting, Out on bail.” “We already told you that, dumbass. Now let us the fuck go.” your shoulder were aching to the point you were couldn’t even feel them anymore the man leaves to go grab something “Where the fuck is he going? Hey just be cool, man just relax man, we gonna get out this shit. ” the man comes back with putting a clip in a gun and walks towards Frankie “Hey! Hey, what are you doin’, what are you doin’ man?” “We’re not fucking lying.”you look at the man  “You said we were telling the fucking truth!” Lee craning his neck to look at him “Yeah, no, I believe that you’re telling the truth. That’ll help me sleep… but now you three have seen my face.” “I-I can’t see you fuckin’ face.. Huh we still don’t know who you are. Won’t tell a soul about this shit.” “Come on, you have to think I’m pretty stupid to believe that, wouldn’t you?” Frankie takes a breath and begins to smile “Okayy…. I’ve got a ton of fucking cash huh, I’ve got a lot of money I could offer you-”the man shakes his head “That’s not worth it to me.” “Then what is?” “See if you knew the answer to that question, you might be of some use to me. But seeing as how you’re not even smart enough to figure out who I am, I’m afraid there is no benefit to me letting you live .” the man is pointing the gun at him “Do you work for Avi?”the man shakes his head in a  “No.” “Man, if you don’t work for Avi then why the fuck do you care if we snitched?” “Hey man, fuck it Franklin. Piece of shit going to put us down like dogs, fuck him.” “Shut the fuck up Leon!” you both say “You’re trying to stay alive, that’s not the way.” the man cocks the gun back and puts the gun under Lee’s chin and grabbing his hair “Fuck you fuck you fuck you.” “Come on, Franklin. Think about it. I’m gonna shoot him.” you try to move your arms but it was no use “Gonna put a bullet in his brain. Who am I, Franklin? Who am I!” you see a light bulb go off in his head “You’re the connect!” The man lets go of Lee and stands up walks over to Frankie and gives him a smile “You’re the plug. The guy we was looking for.” the man pulls out photo of Rob sitting in his car “You trying to cut Avi out?” “Avi’s a crazy person, and he upped the prices. It’s stupid to want to pay less and deal with somebody sane?” “No Franklin, It’s stupid to trust a stoner kid to get it done.” Lee turns to say “Whitey got a point.” “Shut up, man. Look, you’ve lost a buyer and I’m out of my supply. Why don’t we help each other out.” the plug laughs at Frankie “Come on you were selling dimebags on the street corner six months ago. You’re gonna take Avi’s place?” Frankie not breaking his concentration “I’d like to try. How much you sellin’ to Avi?” the plug stands up “A lot more you can than you can move, kid.” “At the right prices, I could move six a week, easy.” the plug shakes his head “Eh, six won’t even make a dent.” Frankie thinks “Ten, then.” you lift your head to look at him “ten a week. Hmm that will help you out?” Frankie looks at you quickly “How are you going to move ten keys in a week.” He looks at the gun “Put that away… and iI’ll tell you.” the plug turns “Convince me and I’ll put it away.” 

“And once we figured out how to rock it up and sell it for cheap, we were sellin’ more and more. We got dealers spreading out all over my neighborhood, we expanding every week.” he talks to the plug “ “What do you do with your cash?” “Storing it for now. I’ve been growing a business.” “Security?” he nods  “We got plenty.”  “Fuck is this? A job interview? You got a supply, we want to buy. What more is there.” You roll your eyes “He’s just being careful. Wants to know if we foreal. Which we are.” “What’s the high like? This rock?” “Short and intense then you need more right away.” “You speaking from experience?” “Nah man I don’t deal with none of that shit.” “You’ll never turn me down, now excuses, no bullshit. I show up with ten keys every week. Do you understand?” “Yes.” “And you see what happens to people who fuck with me?’ “Hey we good? Because I’ve got to use the fucking  bathroom or I’m piss my pants.” The plug pulls out a switchblade  and cuts Lee loose. Once he got out of the bathroom he lets you and Frankie loose, your shoulders finally relax and you slowly got up the plug hands you black bag “Put that on, I trust you three understand why this place needs to be kept secret.” he squats down to grab something and said “What’s your name?” ”Richard Nixon. No I’m kidding it’s Reed Thompson.” he stands up “Reed Thompson and how do I get in contact with you,  Reed Thompson.” he stuffs something in his pocket and walks towards you and pulls you to follow him “You don’t. I contact you.” as Reed walked out and you all followed him “Well that don’t won’t work for me.” Reed puffs out some air “I’m sorry?” and put his arms out and keep walking “We talkin’ a lot of money and product, man you know everything about me, I don’t know shit about you.” As you kept walking through the underground facility with pipes everywhere “Yeah, that’s because you don’t need to know anything about me except that I can supply you.” to seeing a tall and long hallway it was dimly light with tall windows at the top of the ceiling. “Where’d you get your product?” Reed raises his eyebrows “Why?...So you can cut me out now?”  “Come on, man. Put yourself in my shoes, you get T-boned, electrified, thrown in the shithole, gun in your face and now what?” he walks right next to Reed and looks back at you and back at Reed “You’re supposed to go along with some crazy-ass deal? How am I supposed to trust you?” “trust is overrated.” “Not to me.” Frankie side-eyeing Reed “Are you always going to be this big pain in my ass?” you nodded your head “Yeah, he is.” “Look, you can’t afford to walk away from this deal, you don't have any leverage.” Reed stops in front of a door  “Right, but I will if I have to.” Reed smiles at him his thick mustache resting on his thin lips “Help me sleep at night, Reed Thompson.” “Put your hoods on.” he tells all of you to do Lee puts it on first then you and Frankie, looking through a black bag and you can’t see shit. Hearing a car opening and having him push you in and closing it.

 It’s been twelve hours since anybody has seen any of you and everybody was trippin’, Rob was all calling every south central hospital and emergency room and Jerome was loading up his pistol gettin’ ready for war, Kev and his little cousin Delory comes in with his friend Victor saying “There’s the mexican lady that wants to know how to make a whole sale with Franklin, her name is Lucia Villanueva she’s from Pico-Union.”Jerome perk up and wanted to know why was they selling to the mexicans, Jerome puts his foot down with them “You know what tell all you fuckin’ corner boys to stop selling in Pico-Union!” and grabs Delory by the shoulder to push him out and screamed “Fuck you lookin’ at fat boy.” at Victor, Jerome checks Kev to get the boys out of Pico-union eventually Lee was drop off to go back to Jerome’s house and tell everybody the news, everybody was in a frenzy when they saw him, asking him if he was okay and if he was hurt, he tells them “I just need to take a shower and change my clothes.” Kev touches Lee's shoulder “Where the hell you been at him? You smell like piss, aye Jerome we need towels or something.” Louie is anxious waiting for you and Frankie to show up, she turns to Rob “Franklin and Lexi, need to walk through this door right fuckin’ now.” 

Pulling into a airport that was reserved for private planes, Reed parks and steps out of the car, Frankie is seating in the front seat and you are in the back seeing a jet  parked in an aviation lot walking closer and seeing somebody working on the plane “Hey Matt. I want you to meet one of our new customers.” a another white man steps of the plane and cracks a beer open takes a swig of it and  walking in the lot and get closer to the jet “This is Franklin and Alexia, Franklin and Alexia this is Matt he’s my pilot.” Matt walks to him and shakes hands with him “Nice to meet you both.” you get closer to Matt and shake his hand as well “Same here.” you nod in agreement “You wanted to know we bring it in.” Reed staying back “This your own plane? How far does it fly?” Frankie looks inside of it seeing all of the controls and buttons  and back at them “Well, with the weight stripped out, and the auxiliary fuel tanks and about twenty-two thousand nautical miles…give or take? Far enough.” you turned to Matt “How y’all two know each other?” then looking at Reed “Uh, we met at this bar of this little cafe up near the Agua Dulce Airport. You’ve ever been up there? Antelope Valley?” he starts walking closer to all of you “Have any of you ever been up in one of these small planes?” “Nah man, we never ever been on a plane.” Matt puts hands out “Hold on for a second! Y’all have not experienced the greatest thrill a man or woman can have besides, obviously, banging a regional cocktail waitress, well shit’s about to change.” Matt takes off his sunglasses to look at him and you, Matt walks away to grab his jacket and his beer.

You sat in the back of the jet behind Matt with Frankie sitting in the front seat, Matt gets in and takes a another swig of his beer “You always drink when you fly?”he looks at  Matt close on his side of the plane “Always.” “How’s this thing stay in the air?” you heart was beating a little too fast for you, taking deep breaths to slow down your heat rate “Uhhh ...luck? mostly?” you turn to see headsets for the plane, you put them over your ears and squishing down on your afro “It’s actually physics.” Matt puts on the headphones and so does Frankie “Ever crashed?” “Oh yeah, all the time.” Matt smiles sarcastically “He’s kidding.”Reed talks over the radio “Listen kid, relax nobody does anything better than I fly.”Matt cuts on the jet and starts driving it runway, he slowly picks up speed and once he got to a certain speed the jet started to lift “Hold on boys and girl and here we go.” Once Matt got in the air a voice was coming through the headphones “Tower to forty-one Foxtrot, radar contact. Fly heading two three zero. Climb and maintain two thousand.” Matt talks over the radio “forty-one Foxtrot to tower, heading two three zero climbing and maintaining two thousand feet, thank you tower. Forty-one AMF out.” Frankie turns back to Reed “Aye-. who he talkin’ to?”he looks back to Reed “Hawthorne Tower, but we get far enough out, and we check in with someone else.” looking through the glass and down at the ocean, seeing it at this height the waves went so far “Yup, you are never alone when you’re up here Franklin.Don’t ever say this country doesn’t have it’s moments” Matt says in the radio, you see him leaning over the glass to see more of the ocean, a little smile going across his lips “So are they tracking us the whole time?” looking over to Reed “Yup….but there are ways around it if need be.” Reed looks back at you “Yeah, going low is the mainway.” Matt forwards the steering wheel down and drops the plane down and heart falls straight down to your ass, you clench your fingers to a handlebar squeezing it so tight that they almost turn a different color, you couldn’t help yourself but to laugh in this moment “Please don’t do that again. What the fuck man?” He says in a shaky laugh “So after you pick up the product, how you bring it back to the country?” Frankie looking back at Reed “Hey Franklin, ask me one more question?” Reed pulls the headphones back off of Frankie head “I’m going to throw you out of this fucking plane!” Frankie belts a hearty laugh “I could do this all day.” Matt taps on Frankie’s leg “Go ahead and take a yoke.” Matt lifts his hands up “Nahhh.” Frankie shakes his head “Yeah man grab that fucker right now.” he lifts his hands closer to the steering wheel “Not that!” Matt screams over the radio he jumps back “I’m just kidding, grab that, grab that. Come on and fly this plane pilot.” Frankie turns to look back at you and gives you a small smile and turned back to the front and grabs the wheel “All right, all right I got it.” he steadies the plane, your heart swells in tenfolds the smile that Frankie had was easerable from your memory “We got a pilot here boys!” Matt takes a swig of his beer “Yeah, running South Central baby!” Frankie yells “Stop yelling, stop yelling I got you over the headset.” Reed says through the headset and they both yell to having your ears pop “Oh man I can’t  believe this shit, I’m flying this motherfucka! You see me Lexi? You see me Reed?” He flies  over the ocean looking at the beautiful skies and clouds, thinking one day you would be in the front seat of your very own plane with him.

“Here’s good man.” He tells Reed to park around the corner of Jerome’s house “You don’t want me to drop you off at the house?” Reed trying to crack a joke “Nah man it’s fine.” “So, a couple of days, you’ll be ready?” Reed turns to look at him “Mm-hmmm, ten keys. Ten grand a key.” He looks at Reed “And, I’ll uh I’ll pay to fix the car up.” “No, I don’t need it. Just need your product.” he steps out of the car and grabs your door to let you out and closes your and his door then dips down his head to look at Reed with the both of you looking at him “Hey man, I understand why you did what you did today I do. From here on out, no games, no tricks, no bullshit you be straight up with me, And I’ll be straight up with you. But if you ever fuck with me…or anybody that I care about, then it won’t be good for you. You understand that?” Reed nods his head “Yeah I do Franklin.” He smiles at Reed and taps on the car then digs in his back pocket to pull out a screwdriver and throws it on the seat “Reed Thompson.” He grabs your hand to walk to Jerome’s house.

He walked through the backdoor first and you close the door following him to the front porch with him walking in first then everybody stood up Louie jump on Frankie and gave you a hug too “God damn y’all where the hell y’all been at?” you gave Jerome a hug as well “We got a story for y’all.” Louie backed up “Yeah Leon told us.” He pats on Jerome’s shoulder  “Yeah that’s just the half of it we about to move into the big leagues.” Kev flicks his cigarette into the bushes “By trusting that white guy that kidnapped y’all ass, huh?” you both take a seat on porch rail “Yeah, something like that.” He groans as he lowers himself on it “Guess that mean I’m going to be cooking a lot more, huh?” Frankie lets out a soft “Mm….It means we all gotta step up.” he looks at everybody and then lastly at you he leans forward to grab your hand “Me and Lexi flew on  a plane together today.” everybody was asking questions from left to right “What was it like?” “Where did you go?” “What did it look like?” “Who flew the plane?” You both answer all of the questions and once everybody was satisfied they all relax in their chairs you squeeze his hand “I should go home.” He nods his head “I’ll walk with you but let me change first.” you whisper “I wanna take a shower with you Frankie but no funny business huh?” he cracks a smile “All right Lexiboo I promise.” sticking out his long and slender pinky to intertwine with your smaller one “Okay let’s go.” you both swiftly pass everyone to go into the guest bedroom and grab a extra towel for the both of you and Frankie kept his promise on the funny business then you both step out of the shower and Frankie opens the medicine cabinet to find your and his tooth brushes you both silently brush your teeth and walk into the guest room used the lotion all over your body still keeping his promise and put lotion all over his body and once you both got changing into a dark jeans and lilac sweater and white forces to keep you warm from the cold breeze of South Central, he changes into a knitted sweater that was a dark blue on top and darker green on the lower half then a red stripe going in the middle and to tie it all together with khakis and white sambas. You grab your backpack to stuff your old clothes in there zipping it up and putting your arms through them “I’m gonna talk to my moms once I walk you home, tell her about meetin’ Reed.” your eyes shift “I still haven’t told my momma about us Frankie, she thinks me and Shon-Shon are besties I know I’m gonna have too.” he steps closer to you and slowly grabs your face with two hands “I don’t think I ever told you how much I appreciate you being in this with me and I know I was very apprehensive about you being in this shit with me at first, but right now I wanna make you officially as my partner like if something goes down with me and I want you to run it for me and carry on my legacy.” you nod your head and kiss him on the lips..

Walking down the street to see your house light were off ‘Thank you Jesus’ silently going off in your head and continue to walk to your house stopping right before it “I’ll see you later baby.” you groan while putting your arms around his shoulders pulling him in a soft hug, his strong arms around you pulling you in closer you give in for a lazy kiss slumping his firm hold kissing his full lips “I lo-ve you-u bab-by-.” he pulls back to smile at you “I love you too partner, I’ll see you later maybe I can come cuddle with you.” you lean in “I’ll leave my window crack for you.” giving him a final kiss to walk up the steps and grabbing your keys to unlock the door, you wave to Frankie and waves back then puts his keys back in his pocket to ring the doorbell. Going inside the house completely dark just hearing your momma tv going off in her room, you swiftly go into your room and setting down her bag, then taking off your pants grabbing your bonnet securing it on your head slowly closing your eyes to dreamland, you had your window crack for Frankie to come and which he did, just leaving him in a boxers and white muscle-shirt  to cuddle you in a deeper sleep, not knowing that a war was about to happen because of Delory and Victor going back to sell in Pico-Union.


I feel like I just ran a marathon by finishing this chapter and I feel like I just couldn’t stop cliffhanging when Frankie and Lexia got in that accident with Reed anyways we finally get to meet Reed, y’all that whole integration took me out I was trying to incorporate Lexi-boo in this chapter like her arguing with the Saint family after Biscuit and Jamal broken in and her tripping Reed and then calling him a bitch but in the next chapter is a very iconic scene in the snowfall community 👀👀👀👀and Frankie made Lexi as a partner which was obviously going to happen in this fanfic but one thing I need to talk about is Lexi’s momma THIS BITCH HASN’T BEEN HOME IN WEEKS I feel like something is  brewing at the Johnson’s residence and shit’s about to get angsty but anywhore adding the little smut from the show bitch when I watch that seen for the first time seeing his chocolate skin I was like this nigga is soo fuckin and the peekaboo bootycheek I was gripping my sheets okay one last thing Frankie’s birthday of course Lexi had to be there like duh and not this bitch wearing a backless dress in the winter time and Lexi is the type of girl to wear waistbeads and the sambas you know Lexi had to get him some and finally the necklace I was actually debating on what the necklace should of been but I’ve decided that is Saint I just love the last name I couldn’t help it but thank you sososo much for reading it was definitely a rollercoaster for me to write this but I’m glad to knock down a another stone I love y’all so much 💞💞💞💞💞

Love Nazzy 😻 😻 😻 ps. I just bought a brand new laptop and I’m so excited to work this baby and of course it’s pink.

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