Soft Ghost - Tumblr Posts
Tattoos Tell A Story part 2
Part 1 here, Part 3 here
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Summary: You decide to give Ghost a taste of his own medicine
Warnings: None?, Some kissing??, FLUFF, Ghost being bby gurl
A/n: This was requested by @v1naco . I hope I did your wonderful idea justice! Also how the heck did this end up so long??

You would like to make one thing clear.
You love watching Simon get tattoos.
Not only is his deliciously huge arm on full display, but the way his muscles flex when the needle hit a particularly sensitive part of his arm?
Oh you were down bad.
Yes you know he’s technically in pain but come onnn-
He had wanted to get the date of one of his most recent victorious mission tattooed on the inside of his bicep.
What kind of mission was it? You weren’t sure, you know, with it being “classified” and all.
He told you in secret at home
Once told of his plans, you had immediately accepted to tag along and boy are you glad you did. Originally it was for the purpose of just spending as much time with your boyfriend as possible, but you didn’t realize it’d be such a sight.
“Enjoying the view there sweetheart?”
You startle slightly, flicking your eyes away from his arm to Ghost’s masked face. You know there’s a smirk hiding under there somewhere.
Cocky bastard
You clear your throat, repositioning in your seat slightly ,”Uh, no I-I was just….. admiring Jackson’s handiwork.” You claim.
Simon looks you up and down,“Mhm, whatever you say love.”
Jackson, the tattoo artist, just chuckles at the couples antics, eyes never leaving his work.
Ghost knew Jackson pretty well due to him having worked on most of his arm sleeve. He was the only artist in the area that would agree to the service of a scarily large man in a sketchy skull mask and hood, the others immediately declined as soon as he stepped through the door, some even reaching for their phone in a concealed panic. Not that they could really be blamed for their hesitance. He is pretty intimidating if you didn’t know him.
Your eyes now purposefully wander anywhere around the parlor except Simon. You would not be giving him the pleasure of catching you gawking again.
Your gaze skims over a variety of stencils hung on the walls. You never minded the idea of getting a tattoo yourself, you were just too indecisive to ever settle on one.
But maybe one of Jackson’s will stick out to me, you think as you exam the references pinned to the wall
Maybe a bird?
Or a moon?
Possibly a flower?
Oo, that bunny’s pretty cute.
Maybe a-
Is that-
You squint your eyes to see it clearer, before they quickly widen again
It is
You can’t help the slight maniacal smirk that overtakes your face
That one’s perfect
It had been about a week since the tattoo parlor and honestly? You had almost forgotten about the whole thing. Simon had still yet to notice your skins new…..addition. You’d think a military man would be more observant.
Although, in your boyfriends defense, it was so small and in such a hidden place that even you yourself had a hard time seeing it.
You and Ghost were in the kitchen together, him in charge of the noodles while you made the sauce. Normally y’all would just order some take-out, but you both decided to try something new. Neither you or him were five star chefs by any means, only able to follow along to a recipe. A very detailed recipe.
You were leaning over the stove just trying to stir the ingredients though your hair obviously did not get the memo. No matter what you did, tucking it behind your ear, blowing it back with your mouth, it just would not get out of your face.
You pull a strand in front of you, eyes almost crossing from it being so close, and glared at it as if it had personally offended you.
I swear to gosh, one day I’m just gonna freaking shave all of it off-
“Here,” comes a distinctly deep, British voice from behind. When had he gotten over here?,”Let me.”
You feel the strands of hair get pulled gently from your grasp as he gradually gathers it all into one extremely large hand. He gingerly rakes his fingers through your locks, eliminating any knots or lumps. Using the hair band from his wrist, where did he get that from?, he joins all of it into a ponytail.
You’re kinda sad to feel his fingers retreat from your scalp.
You run a hand over your head, examining his work. You’re fairly surprised to feel that there’s only a small hump or two.
“Hm, not bad for a man with sandpaper hands.” You jest with a smile.
You don’t get a response
The sound of breathing coming from behind tells you he hasn’t moved either.
“Simon?” You question, turning to look over your shoulder.
The man in question was standing stock still, you’d think he was a mannequin if not for his chest moving up and down. His gaze zeroed in on your ear.
You instinctively raise a hand to the spot in question, and that’s when it finally dawns on you.
He’s not looking at your ear.
No, he’s looking behind it.
You smile
So your little game of spot the difference was finally over.
“You like it?” You ask smugly
Simon doesn’t know what to say, just eye’s the nape of your neck in bewilderment. This was absolutely not here before. Where your skin was previously unblemished, now contains a tattoo about the size of his thumb.
A skull tattoo.
“When did you get this?” He asks instead, finger coming up to rub over it, almost as if he thinks it’s fake, thinks that the ink will smudge under his thumb.
“‘Bout a week ago.” You admit with a shrug, trying to be nonchalant about it.
His eyes finally shift to your face,”And you didn’t tell me?”
You shoot him an unimpressed look, grabbing his arm that contains the tattoo of your name and pushing it in his face,”Hypocritical much?”
He looks from his arm, to your tattoo, then to your face, as if he was putting together a puzzle.
“Is the tattoo an expression of love or a ploy of revenge?” He asks with suspicion.
You shrug, a smile gracing the corner of your mouth,”Can’t it be both?”
He eyes you for a moment, shaking his head in exasperation, but you could of swore his eyes lit in amusement.
You about forgot something!
“Did you notice any details about it, a letter perhaps?” You question coyly.
No he hadn’t
He gently grips your chin to turn it to the side, dipping his head a little to get a closer look.
He can see it now.
There’s a few cracks on the side of the skull and , if he looks close enough, he can see that they join to make a letter.
“Does tha-does that stand for-“
“Simon? Yeah, yeah it does.”
He stands there, just silently rubbing your tattoo again for a moment. You’re not complaining though, you’re just soaking in his touch. His fingers feel good.
You clear your throat, gently taking a hold of the hand rubbing your neck,”So? You like i-“
You’re cut off by him surging forward, capturing you in a kiss.
Definitely worth the pain of the needle.
You were both laying in bed after supper, your stomachs full. Full of take-out, not home cooked pasta because you may or may not have gotten distracted and singed the noodles and turned the toast to basically charcoal.
You were in a spooning position, his large arms wrapped around your waist, mask finally taken off in the darkness of your room.
“You know,” He breaks the silence,”I really do appreciate it, the tattoo.”
“Thought it was only fair. You know, with you getting one for me and all.” Your voices are soft, just whispers in the night.
“You know you didn’t have to do it, right? Not just cause I did.” Anyone that didn’t know Simon would judge from his gruff voice that he was bored or uninterested, maybe even irritated. But you did know him, which means you easily pick up on even the slightest hint of hesitation in his voice.
Your brows furrow,”That’s not the only reason I got it.”
When you receive only silence you look over your shoulder at him, “You know that, right?” You ask as if it was obvious. You thought it was.
Once again, you receive only silence. You really wish it wasn’t so dark so you could read his expressions.
You shift your body so that you’re fully facing him.
“Hey,” you reach for the hand around you’re waist and hold it to your chest,”You know I love you right?”
“Yeah?” You don’t like that he sounds so hesitant.
“Simon,” you make sure he knows you’re serious,”I love you. You’re the only person I ever want to love, and I don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon, and I sure as heck ain’t planning going anywhere anytime soon. So why wouldn’t I want evidence of you on my body?” You use your other hand to cup his cheek.
The breath he lets out sounds shaky, letting you know your little speech hit him right in the way you wanted it to. You can’t see anything but the outline of his figure, though you swear you can feel his gaze piercing you.
He brings the hand you’re not holding to rub the spot behind your ear where you know his initial lies.
“I love you too,” He confesses on a quivering exhale.
You slowly lean in for a kiss, not quite sure where his lips are in the dark but somehow hitting them almost perfectly the first try, almost as if it was second nature to you now. That’s something you never really felt before Simon. Sure you had locked lips with other guys but you never knew there could be such emotion in just a kiss. With him, it’s almost like your minds, as well as your lips, are closely connected for that moment. You can feel the love, the passion, the joy, all of it with just a touch of mouths.
Ghost is the one to break it first, breath fanning over your face as he speaks,”I just have one question.”
“Hm?” Your mind is still frazzled by that short intense make out session.
“Was it when I went to the bar with Johnny that Friday?”
Your mind slowly catches on to what he’s saying, letting out a small giggle. That’s confirmation enough for him.
“And you said you were just gonna have a lazy night in?” His fake anger makes your giggles worse.
“You went to the stinking parlor instead didn’t you?”
You don’t even know why this has tickled you so badly, but soon Simon’s own deep chuckles join yours.
He pulls you into his chest, “Sneaky girl.”
You two just laugh harder
I just read your tattoos tell a Story and I got a random idea (also i love your writing) but I can see reader being friends with soap and while ghost is out on a mission (maybe solo or something) the two get a classic best friend tattoo
if you wanna use this go ahead just thought i would share
also, you dropped this 👑
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader, John “Soap” Mactavish x reader(platonic only).
Warnings: Short intense make out session at the beginning, other than that?, fluff?, some swearing but it’s sensored.
A/n: Your comment honestly made my day🥰 thank you so much for this wonderful idea!

“Mm, I missed you.” You admit, pulling Ghost in for another kiss not caring that your breath hasn’t caught up from the last.
“Missed you too darlin’. So much.” He breathes in between pecks, grip firm on your waist. Pulling you in as if no bodily contact was enough for him. And that’s saying a lot considering how much bodily contact was occurring between you. Almost no part of your entire being was deprived of his touch at the moment. Thighs pressed against thighs, stomach against stomach, chest against chest. Not even a hair could fit in the space your bodies do not fill.
Your hands hold tightly to the short locks of his hair, black balaclava being removed in the privacy of his room in the 141’s base. Simon is starting to realize just how much he loves your hands there.
His kisses begin trailing downward, first your neck, somehow immediately hitting that pulse point that makes you squirm, before trailing lower, down your shoulder, bicep, inner elbow, forearm. He’s so thorough you’d think he was trying to memorize your whole anatomy, he probably is. Until abruptly, he stops.
You slowly blink away the haze your mind has been trapped in, confused by his mouths disappearance. “Si?”
He slowly lifts your arm by its wrist, straightening up from where he was bent slightly over.
“Whas’ this? Wasn’ here before.” And that’s when you realize what he’s looking at, the tattoo, placed towards the bottom of your forearm. You don’t know why, but for a quick second you’re worried that he might be mad about the change you made to your body without his permission. Past trauma you’d guess. But a quick look at his face and a survey of his tone tells you he’s not irritated at all, just curious. Of course he wouldn’t be, it’s Simon.
With the now known knowledge that he’s okay with it, you start to get giddy. A huge toothy smile overtaking your face. All heat from the rather intense make out session completely forgotten in the face of your excitement.
“I forgot we hadn’t told you about that!”
“We?” He questions with furrowed brows, though you ignore him.
You grab the balaclava from his bed, “Here put this on.” You shove it over his head, earning a huff from him as he had to adjust it from where it awkwardly covered his eyes, “It’d be easier if I just showed you.” All of 141 has already seen his face, though you know he’s more comfortable with it on.
You grab his hand, not allowing him time for any more questions before dragging him out the door and down the hall, until you reach the door you were looking for.
Simons head turns towards you,”Why are we at Mactavish’s room?” He asks in suspicion. What had you two idiots done?
You give him a mischievous smile and knock on the door, receiving a distinctly Irish “come in.”
You waste no time in busting through the door. Soap’s sitting on his bed watching some kind of cheesy cooking show, to which Ghost gives a slightly amused smirk under the mask. He’ll definitely be hearing about that later.
“Lt., y/n. To wha’ do I owe th-“ You don’t even let him finish the sentence
“You haven’t showed him?” You hold up your arm for emphasis.
He immediately knows what you mean,”Would’ve, if he wouldn’t of bloody left all of us for his “solo mission”.”
You both know he’s just poking fun, though it still earns him a glare from your boyfriend. Soap glares back, buts it’s all in good nature. At least you think it is.
You roll your eyes, “Alright boys, lets stop comparing sizes shall we?”
You’re not sure about Ghost, but Soap blushes and turns his head away sheepishly. Ghost does too.
“Now, back to the important stuff.” You turn towards Johnny,”Arm, now.” You demand, giving him a “come here” motion.
He leaps off the bed, rolling up his sleeve as he walks up to you with a slight childish skip to his step. He holds out his arm as if it’s show and tell. You do the same with yours. You look at each other, a sh*t-eating grin on both your faces as you try to contain your child-like giggles, before turning to gouge Simon’s reaction.

He stares at your conjoined arms with that same expressionless look to his eyes. He looks back up, flicking his gaze between you two.
There’s a tense silence.
“What the f*ck is that?”
And that’s the drop of water that breaks the dam. You and Soap absolutely loose it, laughing so hard you can’t see through your tears. Forced to lean on each other for support when your knees become too weak.
“Come on Lt., ya know it’s f*ckin’ funny.” Johnny wheezes in between belted laughs, lightly patting your back.
“Yeah Si!”
He completely ignores your taunts, shaking his head as if scolding children,”Idiots, the lot of you.” He says it light enough to where you’re not worried he’s actually annoyed, before turning to leave, closing the door behind him, successfully cutting off Mactavish’s, “Ah come on Ghost, live a l-“
And if he lets out a little amused huff when he shuts the door, well, Johnny never has to know.
Later that night, in the dark safety of your own bedroom, in which Simon is staying the night, you hear a slight rumble from his side of the bed. Your eyes snap open, afraid he’s having a nightmare of some sort. Wouldn’t be the first time. Slowly, as to not startle him, you turn towards him with practiced ease, prepared to gently calm him from his panic as you always do. Until you see his expression in the dim moonlight coming from your window, eyes catching on the white of his teeth.
“You’re laughing.” You state incredulously.
“No I’m not.” He defends as if you can’t see him chuckling right in front of you
You can’t help but smile, his joy infectious,”Yes, you are. Why are you laughing?”
For a second he just continues on, not answering, until he calms himself down enough to get out-,”That d*mn tattoo.” Before desolving in deep chuckles again.
His explanation gets you tickled, so, you join him in his amusement, your laughter making his worse and vice versa. It goes on for several minutes. Just as one of you start to quiet down and you think it’s over, the other will start again, setting them both off once more
Finally, you both quiet your laughs into something softer, catching your breath.
“I knew you liked it.” You both bust into booming laughter again, even louder this time.
Heads thrown back against your pillows, your laughter descended on into the late of night.