Soleilandkana - Tumblr Posts

The last one is giving me diabetes! True relationship/family goals!
What about f!mu and her s/o(maybe takumi,leo,kaden, or laslow?) taking their kids out for trick or treating?? Would they wear matching costumes??
Takumi: It’s a cute idea to him, but he doesn’t really say it out loud. He lets you pick out what to wear, and smiles when he sees you all dressed up. He’s a little embarrassed, but you convince him that it looks perfect. The entire family is a pack of kitsunes (to Kaden’s amusement), with Kana on his shoulders, and Kiragi on yours.
Takumi’s cute face and Kana’s combines garners a lot of candy—not that little Kiragi is to be underestimated either. They turn it into a little competition that ensues in a lot of giggling and candy trading in the end. It’s heartwarming to see them all have fun—and even more so when the three of them compile all your favorites and hand them to you.
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