Some Of Them Are Bigger Than Indie - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago
Because polls get the most engagement I’m making a poll lol
(For the sake of this poll: a collector is anyone who *currently has* a collection of things either physically or digitally that they intentionally acquired which can be grouped together)
Please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase tell me what you collect and optionally why!!!! (This is doubly true if your collection is related to a regulatory/“special” interest!!!!!!! That’s honestly the only reason I’m making this poll, I am begging youuuuuuuuuuu
Neurodivergent related tags are for reach as I know a lot of neurodiverse people are collectors. I do try my best not to clutter those tags, if anyone has an issue with it please tell me and I’ll remove them
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i collect limited print webnovels
though I’m not sure id that counts because I only have limited prints from (2) webnovels
and yet they’re probably my most expensive collection (shipping from asia is hell)
and they’re REALLY REALLY nice books
i also collect signatures from indie(?) artists.
some of them are bigger than indie
but I buy merch from artists I like
and ask them to sign it so I can keep them somewhere special
they’re so nice!!! all i ask is in like a note if it would be okay and most of them do!!
i also collect their buisness cards
hmmm i’m a merch collector but I don’t know if that counts since I’m pickier with what i get
i’m starting a weird-print button up collection tho!! thrifting them
not my art
i also collect rusty tools
tools in general