Someone Buy Me Some Velvet And Duchess Satin And I'll Sew This - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

👑 Loren P. Cabral as royalty? c:

 Loren P. Cabral As Royalty? C:

I got, I got, I got, I got Loyalty, got Royalty inside my DNA

Ah, I like it when people unconsciously choose my most extravagant characters, and I end up doing the most ostentatious costumes for them ♥ So yeah Loren is a bit of a show-off and I took my time to honor that (a little too much, I need to take less time on doodles if I want to sleep haha)

Thanks for the ask dear dragon♥

I had fun drawing this, and to be honest I wish I had an occasion to make this outfit in real life :D 

You can always send me an outfit and one (or more) oc, I’ll draw it! 

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