Sometimes Ill Just Click On A Fanfic And Its Just T E X T With No Breathers And I Just Click Off Immediately Because Its Just Too Much - Tumblr Posts
7 months ago
i don’t understand why some fanfiction writers will put all of their work in one giant paragraph. i am constantly abusing a paragraph break. i use it every five seconds. new subject? new paragraph. slightly different angle? new paragraph. any sentence that holds any amount of weight? boom new paragraph. i will use one word then do another paragraph break. you can’t stop me.
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okay but I absolutely agree with this.
sometimes I’ll just click on a fanfic and it’s just T E X T with no breathers and I just click off immediately because it’s just too much
and some of the best fanfics I’ve ever read use paragraph breaks every 2 sentences or less.
easier to digest and easier on the eyes when I’m trying to finish off a 210k while fighting off the urge to pass out at 2am