Songs Are Cool - Tumblr Posts
Did you also hear about this show from Animaniac? Because, yes, I, too, first heard about it from him.
Then I went to read the comments, and there people were criticizing the show and saying that it had good songs, and gave example "Rooting for the enemy". I watched the clipping on YouTube and liked it, I was wondering what exactly led to Milo rooting for the enemy.
After looking at which episode this happened in, I thought: “Hmm... Second episode. Only 40 minutes, it’s not that long, I can check it out with just one eye."
Aaand, I watched two seasons in one gulp, lol...
I read fanfiction on ficbook, fanfictionnet, and ao3, looked through fanart, even registered on Tumblr and DiviantArt for the sake of this fandom
I was especially surprised by Animaniac's nagging about the fact that Milo has an endless backpack... Yes, it would be much better if the show was limited to everyday problems *sarcasm*, because there is a little more danger and - oops, you have a corpse, or several
Well, thanks to Animaniac, otherwise I would never have known about this show
Lol man, this is my first post on Tumblr, this is what a feeling of injustice means хD
Sorry for the crooked English, not a native speaker o(╥﹏╥)o
First time I learned about Dakavendish was the day when I decided to watch a review from a videoblogger I like. He said that MML is a failed and boring show and these "pistachion guys" are similar to each other and have zero chemistry ("Even Carl and Major Monogram have more chemistry", said he). And despite I like (well, liked!) this dude, I was aware that he loves to search for weak spots and often can't say anything good about media he talks about. So I thought that MML is a decent series and wasn't opposed to idea I might watch it.
Second time I learned about them was when my bestie who is a fan of PnF decided to watch MML. She began to watch and to tell me things about the plot and The Gay Timetravelers. I thought this is really nice show, these timetravelers really are gay and I want to watch it.
Third time I learned about Dakavendish is when I watched the series itself. And literally no one said I will be so insane and not normal about them!!!
Now I can say that this blogger IS STUPID AS FUCK. Not get me wrong, I can understand that some people are just too heteronormative, but that doesn't excuse ANYTHING he said about Dakavendish! I don't know how it is possible to say they have zero chemistry and they are similar to each other! WHERE WERE YOUR EYES AND BRAINS ANIMANIAC
He had absolutely no respect for MML. I can understand that not everyone can ship homosexual ship that is not (explicitly) canon or at least see them as a ship that someone might like. I can understand that someone can dislike some media, it's perfectly okay. But this doesn't give you an excuse to seek out for weak spots and pretend that are no good spots. This doesn't excuse you to say that two characters have "zero chemistry" when one of them literally sacrificed himself thousands of times to save another (of course, there are a ton of other signs they deeply care for each other, but this is Animaniac we talk about). This doesn't excuse you to say they are similar to each other, when it's absolutely obvious they are so different. If you are doing this, you have no right to name yourself a "critic". You are someone who enjoys to hate media (for no reason) and the video you made is not a "review". Because when I watched his "review" I thought MML is... just okay, I guess, nothing good, nothing special.
/I watched that shitty "review" for a long time ago and I still can't get over it!/
I will fight for Dakavendish, Milo and the plot itself, I love them with all my heart. And I glad that I didn't believed Animaniac. First - because I am an independent human and tend not to blindly believe someone's opinion. Second - I already knew that this dude likes to mock and put down decent medias.
/Shio when will you calm down just let him go.../