Sonic Bad Guys - Tumblr Posts
Happy Birthday, @star-critter
Words: 1,274 Time Taken: 4 Hours and 2 Minutes
Part 1 because Tumblr couldn't handle how long this fic is. Dr. Starline was suspicious of his team. Well — colleagues. He wouldn’t call them a team just yet; there were still many things the ragtag group of villains must work on before they could be considered a fully functional team.
Back to the issue at hand, the platypus was growing wary. For the past month or so, not one person dared to speak a word to him. They were always a mile away from him, at best, and not even the loud and obnoxious Rough and Tumble came to annoy him. Starline found it odd that everyone has decided to keep their distance — it was good for the work, yes, but why now of all times? The doctor couldn’t figure out the reason and it was driving him mad. Perhaps a stakeout would wield results? Starline was good at being stealthy, yes, but not as good as Mimic. That octopus could sneak up on anyone, and if he were to find Starline stalking the team, things may get a little out of hand. But then again, Mimic was also avoiding him, so there really wasn’t any risk, was there? Oh, who was he kidding; Starline still had to calculate all of the other factors and variables before starting this observation.
… Honestly, though? Starline just wanted answers. And that’s how the platypus doctor found himself squished between the pipes and the roof, his maroon eyes glued to the hallway below. He swore he would get to the bottom of this — but he sure had hoped he changed into something less pristine. “Hello, Doctor. Fancy seeing you here.”
Starline whipped his head around to spot Mimic, disguised as a child mobian, sitting on the pipe beside him and wrapping what seemed to be red ribbon around the mental tube. Just as he was about to question the octopus, Mimic did a double take, his black eyes wide with shock. He leapt off the pipe, changing into the streamlined form of Sonic the Hedgehog and racing down the hall, calling out to the rest of the Deadly 4 to lock the warehouse. Starline grumbled, climbing out from behind the pipes. Activating the flight powers in his Tricore, he landed on the floor with ease and grace before chasing Mimic down with the speed powers. Mimic flew into the warehouse and the door slammed behind him. Starline stood at the door, brushing his perm away from his face and knocking on the door.
“I know you’re in there,” he announced, “open up.” Zavok’s broad shoulders just barely squeezed out from the slim opening in the door. He groaned, mumbling something under his breath before addressing the doctor. “Starline, why so hasty?” He asked. The Zeti crossed his arms. “This behaviour is unlike you.”
“Would you like to explain to me why you and the rest of the group have been avoiding me for weeks?” Starline glared through his orange-tinted glasses, pushing himself onto his tip-toes in an attempt to match Zavok’s height. “And what are you doing in there? There’s delicate projects in the warehouse.” “We’ve been, um–” Zavok stuttered. He never stuttered. “We’ve been…reorganising the warehouse. Between you and me, I believe the team has been on one too many raids, as of late, and there’s been too much loot. We’ve taken the liberties of rearranging the warehouse, so you can focus on your work. Leave the rest to us.” Starline raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. Zavok gulped quietly as a single bead of sweat dripped down his forehead. He cleared his throat. “Well then, if you could please leave us to our work?” Starline sneered as he turned and walked away, glancing back at the warehouse every few steps to check for any other clues. Zavok simply stood in front of the door, obstructing Starline’s view to the inside. The doctor eventually gave in and left the warehouse, returning to his laboratory. Not enough clues, not enough details, but only more suspicion. What was the group hiding from him?
Part 2 :D
“I have concluded the Deadly Four no longer want my involvement,” Starline ranted to his video camera after hours of contemplating. “How else would you explain their suspicious actions of late? Zavok lying to me, Mimic running away, Rough and Tumble not acting like…Rough and Tumble! It all makes sense! They don’t want my help, so they won’t be getting any of it! So HA!”
Okay, maybe he was being a bit dramatic…but he had a point!
The Deadly 4 does not want him around anymore, so that’s that, right?
“Hey, Doctor.” Mimic opened the door. “You forgot to lock the door– Are you talking to yourself?”
Starline spun his chair around to face the octopus. He crossed his arms, pouting as he glared at Mimic.
“No.” He answered. “I don’t do such primitive things.”
“Okay, whatever.” Mimic shook his head with a sigh. “Come on, there’s something I need to show you.”
“Forget it.” Starline waved him off, spinning the chair back around. “I don’t have time.”
The platypus yelped in shock as the chair was suddenly pulled away from the desk, with him on it. He turned to Mimic, yelling at him to stop and that it was dangerous, to which the octopus ignored him.
“Zavok sent me to get you, so you’re coming with me!” Mimic growled, pulling the chair from the lab to the warehouse on the other side of the base. “Whether you like it or not!”
Starline rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair. He still had a pout on his face.
Mimic shoved the chair through the warehouse door, dusting himself off. Starline looked around the dark room with a glare. “Why did you bring me here–?” “Hold on to your hats!” That was Rough. “Get ready to rumble!” And Tumble. “YOU’VE BEEN SURPRISED BY ROUGH AND TUMBLE!” Starline almost fell off his chair. He gripped the handles, backing away in shock as he digested the situation. Red eyes darted around the room, scanning and studying the streamers and balloons that decorated the space. He glanced at the table, staring at the red tablecloth and the cake that sat on a plate. He blinked. “What is all this?” The platypus asked, slipping off his chair. “Duh, your birthday party!” Rough responded, a party hat hanging loosely on his head. “Don’t tell me you forgot your birthday.” “Well, I–” Starline stammered as he walked around the room. “I just–” “It was all their idea,” Mimic shuffled past him and stood beside the skunks, “after scrolling through our profiles on the Eggnet, they found out your birthday and decided to plan a surprise party for you.” “Yeah, we stole a cake too!” Tumble interjected. Starline scoffed. The group went quiet. A strong, deafening wave of nervousness flooded the room as the Deadly 4 waited for the doctor’s response. “So,” Starline turned to the group. “You all avoided me, ignored me and lied to me for months, because you were planning a surprise party for me?” Everyone nodded. Starline looked around the room again. “Well. It’s… fancy, I suppose. I like it.” The doctor brushed his perm aside, pushing his glasses further up his face. A small blush formed on his bill. “Thank you.” Rough and Tumble cheered with joy, tossing confetti into the air in celebration. As they ran off to get the music started, Starline settled into a more calm corner of the room, watching the festivities for him take place. He got a small bite of cake — black forest, interesting — and hummed in delight. Maybe the team wasn’t all that unreliable after all.
Happy Birthday, @star-critter
Words: 1,274 Time Taken: 4 Hours and 2 Minutes
Part 1 because Tumblr couldn't handle how long this fic is. Dr. Starline was suspicious of his team. Well — colleagues. He wouldn’t call them a team just yet; there were still many things the ragtag group of villains must work on before they could be considered a fully functional team.
Back to the issue at hand, the platypus was growing wary. For the past month or so, not one person dared to speak a word to him. They were always a mile away from him, at best, and not even the loud and obnoxious Rough and Tumble came to annoy him. Starline found it odd that everyone has decided to keep their distance — it was good for the work, yes, but why now of all times? The doctor couldn’t figure out the reason and it was driving him mad. Perhaps a stakeout would wield results? Starline was good at being stealthy, yes, but not as good as Mimic. That octopus could sneak up on anyone, and if he were to find Starline stalking the team, things may get a little out of hand. But then again, Mimic was also avoiding him, so there really wasn’t any risk, was there? Oh, who was he kidding; Starline still had to calculate all of the other factors and variables before starting this observation.
… Honestly, though? Starline just wanted answers. And that’s how the platypus doctor found himself squished between the pipes and the roof, his maroon eyes glued to the hallway below. He swore he would get to the bottom of this — but he sure had hoped he changed into something less pristine. “Hello, Doctor. Fancy seeing you here.”
Starline whipped his head around to spot Mimic, disguised as a child mobian, sitting on the pipe beside him and wrapping what seemed to be red ribbon around the mental tube. Just as he was about to question the octopus, Mimic did a double take, his black eyes wide with shock. He leapt off the pipe, changing into the streamlined form of Sonic the Hedgehog and racing down the hall, calling out to the rest of the Deadly 4 to lock the warehouse. Starline grumbled, climbing out from behind the pipes. Activating the flight powers in his Tricore, he landed on the floor with ease and grace before chasing Mimic down with the speed powers. Mimic flew into the warehouse and the door slammed behind him. Starline stood at the door, brushing his perm away from his face and knocking on the door.
“I know you’re in there,” he announced, “open up.” Zavok’s broad shoulders just barely squeezed out from the slim opening in the door. He groaned, mumbling something under his breath before addressing the doctor. “Starline, why so hasty?” He asked. The Zeti crossed his arms. “This behaviour is unlike you.”
“Would you like to explain to me why you and the rest of the group have been avoiding me for weeks?” Starline glared through his orange-tinted glasses, pushing himself onto his tip-toes in an attempt to match Zavok’s height. “And what are you doing in there? There’s delicate projects in the warehouse.” “We’ve been, um–” Zavok stuttered. He never stuttered. “We’ve been…reorganising the warehouse. Between you and me, I believe the team has been on one too many raids, as of late, and there’s been too much loot. We’ve taken the liberties of rearranging the warehouse, so you can focus on your work. Leave the rest to us.” Starline raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. Zavok gulped quietly as a single bead of sweat dripped down his forehead. He cleared his throat. “Well then, if you could please leave us to our work?” Starline sneered as he turned and walked away, glancing back at the warehouse every few steps to check for any other clues. Zavok simply stood in front of the door, obstructing Starline’s view to the inside. The doctor eventually gave in and left the warehouse, returning to his laboratory. Not enough clues, not enough details, but only more suspicion. What was the group hiding from him?
What if.....
What if.....
What if......

What if they work at pizza Hut🤨....
Did little art too

Thank you Ai role play ❤