Sorcerer Rogier - Tumblr Posts
Hello there! I really want to ask you for some proposal fluff with Rogier from Elden Ring (x fem!reader pls) Omg there is practically no appreciation for this fine man in eng fandom:(
Bite-sized Imagine
Marrying Rogier

Plot Summery: some general headcanons for marrying Spellblade Rogier This Contains: Angst (major character death), fluff, self-doubt (not receiving). Note(s): this was cute. Decide to just do some regular stuff and not some yandereness this time! Not sure about this, but I'll try again in the future if I feel like it.
Rogier didn't know why, but he found you comforting. It was a nice feeling, especially with how distorted and corrupt the Lands Between were. It's no wonder that eventually you two wind up in a relationship together.
If he's the one who proposes to you, he'll be very causal about it, mentioning it in conversation before digging deeper. He's especially prone to doing this if he knows his end is closing in, such as having deathroot sickness and such. He'd like to have a few more memories before he passes, especially if you've really wanted this yourself.
If you're the one who proposes to him, he's surprised but very...happy, at the idea. He's scared, but any reassurance you give him will calm his nerves slightly. Besides, he loves you a lot... and he isn't sure how long either of youse will last. So, he'll happily agree to the proposal.
When it comes to the wedding, the event won't be that glamorous, sadly. This is the Lands Between after all, there isn't much beauty to be found. Still, he tries to make it as charming as possible for the both of you. It'll be a simple ceremony, likely not many people being there. But youse have each other, and that's all that's needed. The night is beautiful, and the moment is wonderful. His heart has never felt so light, so...hopeful.
"I love you" Rogier says, smiling so gently. So warmly. This is a moment he'll never forget, never once in his life. The Lands Between is a harsh, cold world. No matter how hopeful and how light he feels, Rogier knows that this won't last forever. Not in a world like this.
So for as long as you'll let him. For as long as you love him, and for as long as he lives. Rogier will hold you deeply in his heart. His fair maiden eternal.

Wow, sure hope nothing bad happens to this Fromsoft NPC!

Ranni: I am also in need of a new sorcerer for my last one was laid off-

Also when finding references for Rogier’s outfit I noticed this-- It’s definitely a funny coincidence but also think of the story potential-

We know there are prosthesis in the game c’mon let us save him--

devin moment
(original image under the cut)