Sorry Fellas - Tumblr Posts
NO MORE HIATUS!!!! 🗣️‼️🔥
What’s up Tumblr Community? 😃

I didn’t get to host it in November like I was supposed to- so here, with some delay, is the official post for the next
Freed Justine ’Weekend’.
Like the last years this blog will host it and it it will take place on the 23rd & 24th of February this time. Again it’s split up in two parts but your entries do not have to fit the prompts; you are free to contribute whatever you want to appreciate this amazing character. However, if you’d still like some inspiration, here are some prompts that may or may not strike inspiration:
Weekly Sorcerer
Écriture of Darkness: Darkness
‘Now I can fight to my heart’s content’
Guild Mark
The Man The Legend
Casual Clothes
Fights you wish had happened in the manga
Angry eyebrows
Bonds within and outside of the guild
Sense of humor
When this gets posted you know I’m hella looking forward to the episode that’s gonna air on the 26th/27th January hah. At the same time though it brings out the frustration again that he didn’t get involved more after the Battle of Fairy Tail/Tenrou Island. He’s so complex and powerful, he should have gotten more screen time alongside of the other two Raijinshuu babes! But well - that’s what fan content is there for now?? So let’s celebrate and appreciate this man!! (I’m doing that 24/7 and 365 days a year but sssh)
Feel free to message me if there are any questions regarding this event or this blog. The rules have remained the same as last year but make sure to read them again please!
1.) As mentioned above, the prompts are not binding and only possible inspiration. You can submit whatever idea/topic/theme you want for this weekend! 2.) Almost no limits as to what you can post/submit/contribute! Fanart, fanfictions, any sort of edits, colorings, headcanons etc. 3.) No romantic ships! These two days are dedicated to Freed and his amazing character so please keep it about him majorly! The same goes for nsfw stuff - I’m sure no one has something against sexy Freed, by all means post it (wink wink)! But overly nsfw stuff should be avoided. 4.) There are two ways you can contribute: Either you submit your posts to this blog if you are more comfortable like this or you post your contributions for this weekend. If you post them on your blog please make sure to leave at least one of the following tags in the first five tags of your post: freed justine weekend, freedjustineweekend, freedweekend 5.) Have fun and give him all the love he deserves! Anyone who wants to can participate!
I am looking forward to these two days and it would be great if you could spread the word by sharing this post and reblogging it as many times as you like! <3

Judgement Boy Gold stimboard!
Master grade strike rouge gundam dun

Isn’t she so handsome?!?!