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(via Tumbling)
1,000+ Followers Giveaway

I just wanted to thank you all for the completely incredible, unexpected journey (heh) you’ve gone on with me. It’s been an indescrible almost 4 months filled with fun, barduil, and hours of procrastination from my school work.

I never expected to reach this many followers in my wildest dreams. I feel like it was just last week when I was screaming to Carden about reaching 20 followers. Which, also, a HUGE thanks and shout out to nepetation, one of my best friends and platonic soulmate. Without Carden, I wouldn’t even have this blog. He set me up with everything and helped me loads along the way.

I want to thank all of you for following and supporting me. I hope I’ve done you all proud so far, and will continue to do so. I’m so happy all of you love what I post and reblog. I love all you guys so much. Know that if you ever need to talk, about ANYTHING, my ask box is open.

I’m sorry I haven’t posted this sooner, but I haven’t been able to get to the mall recently. And yet! Here I am. Better late than never, huh?
So here are the rules.
1. must be following me (I will check!) 2. must be willing to give out your address so I can ship it to you. 3. your inbox needs to be open so I can contact you if you win. You also need to be checking your inbox the day after I announce the winner- 24 hours and I move onto the next person. 4. no giveaway blogs please. 5. only reblogs count! 6. you need to be living in the US (unless you’re willing to pay for shipping)
I have four gifts I am offering. I’m not really sure which one people would want the most, so here’s what I’m gonna do. First place winner will choose from the 4 prizes the one they want most. Second place will choose what they want from the remaining 3, and so on.
Gift 1- Lord of the Rings Map poster 11″ by 17″ from etsy store DESIGNEDforCHRIST. Check them out, they’ve got some cool posters!

Gift 2- Leaf mask, adjustable band size. I got it from a Renaissance fair last year. Almost perfect condition, only used once. Can be used for elf cosplays, mask parties, etc.

pshhh look at that nerd (it’s me haha)
Gift 3- The Making of Middle Earth: A New Look Inside the World of J.R.R. Tolkien book, brand new

Gift 4- The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien, brand new

Good luck to you all! I love you guys! <3 Thanks so much!