1 year ago

O-op I love every word you said do you mind if I-

O-op I Love Every Word You Said Do You Mind If I-

Professor layton needs a rat-- hold on one moment [types a code into the mainframe console] [tiktok computer woman voice booms "Lasers armed and at the ready for Ratatoille Jokes!"] [closes console] [smiles] that goes with him on adventures and sleeps between his popped collar and his neck, which is the only true reason he wears his coat that way. His emotional support animal and his best friend the rat. Maybe this rat is a temporally altered rat that has an extended life span that was gifted to him by Claire when they were phasing out using rodents as test subjects because they were too cute and it was making all the scientists really bummed out. This rat could tell Luke all of Laytons secrets but it wont because it is loyal to Hershel and no one else..... please consider layton's rat thank you. And remember my lasers while you do.

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