Sorry XD After Our Chat Hte Other Day - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Blitz was excited. There was no denying that. Everything about this was fun for him. He was finally going to the aquarium, he was going with a new friend, and that new friend was gorgeous. He kept looking up at him as they walked along--not to the point of distraction, the assassin was more or less aware of everything happening around them, but shit, how could anyone walk next to Angel Dust and not just look at him whenever they could? The guy was magical--even if he was also sad.

Because he was, Blitz thought. At least, some part of him was. True enough for everyone, but for a moment there, he thought he saw something in those eyes that was probably reflected in his own, the kind of shit that made sure nobody ever ought to look too deeply into the mirror. Self-loathing could take a person down a lot farther than any suffering Hell offered.

As he listened, he walked quickly to keep up with Angel; as they got close to the line, however, Blitz's excitement got the better of him. He hopped up onto a bucket to get a better look at what was going on. Had it just been a bucket, he might've been fine, but apparently there was someone in the bucket; with an angry shriek, some little Sinner burst out of the overturned bucket and raced away, dragging a large bottle of liquor.

Blitz faceplanted on the concrete.



It was inevitable, he thought with a little grunt of irritation with himself. At least once a week. Everybody needed a fucking hobby, right? He picked himself up, brushed himself off, and turned to look after the Sinner whose fault it was.

"Fuck you and your mom!" he shouted after the guy, like the elegant, polite, refined gentleman he was. "I heard her nickname's Lucy! Fucker." Grumbling under his breath, he turned back towards Angel Dust... and Blitz's cheeks immediately started to burn.

"Uh. Sorry. You... we... yeah. I have a daughter. Adopted. Her name's Loona. She's almost twenty-four now and she's, I mean, basically fucking perfect? And hey, any answer you want to give is fucking fine by me. Cooking's fun, I'm into it, too. Maybe not a very good cook, I uh... made black-bean cupcakes the other day. I thought they were great and that hot sauce icing was, you know, a fucking win and a half, but my palate is apparently 'lacking refinement' or some shit." Blitz wasn't actually half as annoyed as he sounded, and the amusement showed in his eyes. His mood wasn't dampened in the slightest, and now that they were in line to look at fish, his smile was coming back full-force.

"You think they have trout? I've heard they're lake monsters." He hopped up onto the curb to try and see over the crowd once again, but to no avail; this deep into Pentagram City and most of the people were Sinners, who very often were taller than he was. At 5'6" Blitz was tall for an imp--short compared to just about anyone else.

"Yeh' Have A Daughta'?" That Was The Thing That Had Stood Out The Most At This Imp Was Talking To Him,

"Yeh' have a daughta'?" That was the thing that had stood out the most at this imp was talking to him, Angel blinking mismatched eyes. He only knew a few hellborns, such as Charlie of course, so it was rare for him to even think about people having families in Hell. He didn't even think about people having families outside of Hell, because it had never really come up for himself. Of course there were his siblings, one of which was stuck in Hell with him and one that was in Heaven, but never children. He was too gay for that.

"Huh. Guess ah' surround mah'self with sinnas so much that ah'....tend tah' forget people can have kids and stuff. The closest thing ah' have is mah' pet pig." He didn't know why his mind was already whirring with this - he had literally just met Blitz. And maybe he was excited about the concept of going on his first official date, that wasn't sex related for once (yet), but he knew he shouldn't be thinking so far ahead. He wasn't planning on becoming a step-spider any time soon, if ever.

He had barely even acknowledged what had briefly gone down as they had left the coffee shop, if only because it was something he was so used to. Being cat-called on the street happened constantly, and he wasn't even turned off by the other pulling out a gun. If Blitzo hadn't, then Angel probably would have had his own out easily. Or six of them. He simply smiled, taking the others arm with one of his lower ones, if only because it meant he didn't have to bend.

Walking alongside the imp, his eyes took in all the signs. Earth fish? He had seen plenty, considering that 'swimmin' with the fishes' was a big say for the mafia. He didn't know if seeing a trout would be all that exciting, but his thoughts were cut as the other asked him about himself, Angel blinking. "Uh....honestly? Ah' don't get inta' much that ain't fuckin' or fightin'." He thought that sounded a bit ridiculous, recognizing how worthless he genuinely was. Getting high as a kite and being part of a gang bang weren't exactly typical hobbies.

"Yeh' Have A Daughta'?" That Was The Thing That Had Stood Out The Most At This Imp Was Talking To Him,

"Ah' Ah' like jazz music. And ah' really like tah' cook, though ah ain't do it all that often. Ah' like spendin' time with Fat Nuggets - that's the pig ah' was tellin' yeh about. Is that, uh, a better answer?" Really, he had never had much time to explore his interests. In life he had been forced into the mob at such a young age, using drugs to handle being a gay man in the twenties that was hated by his father and brother for being so. And in Hell, he had been addicted to sex and drugs as long as he could remember. It wasn't until recently, being at the hotel, that he started to explore other things that weren't tied in to debauchery and sin.

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