Sott - Tumblr Posts
i am thinking of having my crazed RMWT crossover mishmash Sunsets Over the Trinity evaluated for realness by BRstuck but i’m scared of backlash ;_;
fuck it, i might as well take the risk
November Comment Challenge
I double dog dare you, Tumblr, to leave some kind of comment on every story you read on AO3 this November.
You don’t have to compose a sonnet, or make offers of marriage, but I challenge you to take the minute of your time required to type one sentence of feedback into the comment field after you’ve read any story you didn’t completely hate, and tell the author something about what your experience of reading their work was. Two or three words is all it takes, if you’re feeling shy – “I liked this” or “This was good”
Something to let the author know that you recognize their efforts, that you are at least on some level aware that they entertained you, or at least kept you occupied for a little while, and that these comments are the only pay you’re ever going to be asked to give up for it. The only pay these authors are going to get. Recognition. From you.
When you think about how many hours of entertainment you get from reading fanfic every week, it’s not so much to pay, really.
So click the comment button. Use your words. Give a fan writer some encouragement to keep doing what they do.
I dare you.
I’ve decided after some thought (but mostly a complete and utter lack of response at all from more than one or two constant readers) to retire from fanfic writing on both AO3 and Superhero Thanks For Asking’s next chapter will be my last.
If you’re out there and you’ve read my fanfics, thanks for sticking around in the seats and - more importantly - I’m sorry I wasted your time.
These new meds must be working because i tore down my permanent writer’s block today. Special thanks to @silvisnilade for beta reading and proofreading.

@realmenweartights themed commission I did for @saintfrancisfire. This was so much fun to do, seriously. I don’t do dynamic poses nearly enough.
Detail shots
Commission | Patreon