Southparkstan - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

give Stan his coat back 2018

Stan: Dad

Randy: Yeah Stan

Stan: Can I have my coat back?

Randy: No you need to help  advertise my weed business 

Stan: But I’m cold.

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6 years ago
Style Week Day 2 : Headcanons

Style week day 2 : Headcanons 

Kyle would probably be upset when people make him to be a nerd and Stan the jock, so he tries his best to hold up Stan and show ppl that he is strong!

He drops Stan afterwards 

Also Stan and Kyle are like the same height but Kyle is taller by a few inches


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6 years ago

south park characters at raisins

Raisins girl: Hey cutie! What would you like to order?

Stan: I guess chicken wings

Kyle: Okay lemme see *takes out a list of food already picked*

Cartman: Yeah I want the chicken soup, chicken sandwich, and a coco cola and-

Kenny: Just give me food I’m fucking hungry

Craig: Hmm lemonade

Clyde: How bout you ;)

Token: Yeah I’ll order this I guess

Jimmy: Can I g-get f-fr-free p-p-pussy?

Tweek: Oh GAH! I don’t know what to order! There are too many choices!!!

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6 years ago

I pretty much like ALL the main 4 bois but here are my rating cus yeah

Stan :  baby boi. I rlly like him. Idk I just find a nice character and I hope his fucking dad wont drive him crazy. Sad, really should just be besties with Wendy cus I think their just SOOO much better as friends like omg (pls stop making Wendy to be just a big bitch pls btw) probs the most love drawn boi. Seems to still care about his dad and grandpa and feels the need to fix what they did  :0 (examples; Bloody Mary and Cash for gold to name a few) (animal lover, has dog go YES) (I FEEL HIM WITH SIBLING PROBLEMS .) 

Kyle: He’s good too. Kinda a smart ass (like me kinda) angry child, IS NOT WEAK (KHAL IS TOP AND Y CANT HE BE TOP AND NOT A NERD?!? HE PLAYS BASKETBALL FOR GODS SAKE!!!

Kenny: funny , really fun to draw (I wish ppl would draw him with his hoodie on cus he just looks so cute) best bro, good friend overall (but perv but whatever)

Cartman : funny as hell (still evil) but all the bois can be little shits so yeah (weakling, his cries are rlly funny) was really cute in the first 3 seasons like omg he was sooo cute 

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6 years ago
Im Gonna Finally Finish Style Week

I’m gonna finally finish style week 

Style week day 3 : AUS

This is my au for a fanfic I am writing, more on that later..


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