Speed Skating - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

The Summer is Magic - Orange

Next up, the orange wisp.

@scot-tf was walking through the city when a bakery opened its front door. A lovely scent wafted into Scott’s nose and he closed his eyes, revelling in the smell. It was mostly sugary, but it also smelled like vanilla. Even though Scott didn’t have the time or the calories to spare, he just had to go in and buy the treat. His trainer would probably kill him, but he’d find a way to deal with him.

The bell above the door chimed, alarming the baker that a customer had just entered. She laughed sweetly at Scott, who was looking around, trying to locate the source of the scent. After looking for 5 minutes, Scott gave up the search and decided to just ask. “Hey, when I walked past your shop I smelled something delicious and I’d-” Before Scott could finish his sentence, he smelled the treat again. “I’d love to buy it. It smells like sugar and also a little hint of vanilla, any idea what that might be?” The baker looked at him and pulled a pedestal with a lonely pastry into his sight. “I think you mean this? It’s supposed to be a stroopwafel, but the syrup is a little light. I guess one of the apprentices made it cause I found it laying on one of the counters in the back. You can have it for free I guess, I wouldn’t feel right charging you for it.” Before she could say “thanks for stopping by”, the waffle was snatched out of her hands, the bell chimed and as the door was slowly closing, she could hear the man shout “Thanks!”.

Scott found a nice bench in the middle of a nearby park. He looked at the free pastry and took another deep whiff. Hopefully, it tasted as amazing as it smelled! He looked around and saw he was almost alone, a couple was picnicking in the sun and a family was enjoying the small ice rink. It was about 25 degrees Celsius and not raining so the weather could be described as tropical by Scottish standards. He felt something drip on his finger and he saw that the syrup was starting to drizzle out of the waffle. It felt surprisingly cold to the touch and quickly licked it. If the scent was a 10/10, this was a 15. Scott was in heaven. He quickly started to devour the whole pastry and wiped away the crumbs. It wasn’t his most elegant moment, but he didn’t care. It was a shame that that was the only one, he would have bought a shitload if he had the chance.

It was at that moment that Scott realised that the cold not only was on his hand, but he felt it inside him as well. It was a little odd, seeing a Scot shiver in this kind of weather, but Scott felt like he was slowly freezing to death. The cold trailed down towards his legs and they started to feel numb. Scott slapped his calves a few times to see if he had any sense left in them when suddenly his body decided to stand up and walk forward, leaving behind his bag full of groceries. Scott knew that he couldn’t do anything against it, at this moment so he decided to hang loose and let his feet decide where he’d end up. As if he wasn’t cold enough, his body ended up at the ice rink. There was nobody in the vicinity which on one hand sucked, cause he couldn’t ask for help, but on the other hand, Scott was glad that nobody could see him fall on the ice. It had been a while since he’d even been near skates, so he mentally braced himself. Instead of walking towards the rental place for the skates, Scott’s body dragged itself towards the ice.

Scott fully expected to fall, but the second his shoes hit the ice, they became expensive skates. After standing around a little, trying to maintain his balance, Scott slowly started moving around the ice. He kept on picking up speed and his quads slowly grew in size. A gust of wind hit him in the eye and he lifted his hand to his face, but his fingers bumped against a plastic pair of glasses. At least the wind couldn’t get to his eyes anymore, but his fingers also left a smudge on the glasses. He rubbed against it with his sleeve, using the cotton to make sure that he could see normally. Suddenly his clothes started to tighten and his sleeve turned dark blue. The skintight fabric wasn’t any help to clean the smudge but luckily it apparently was already gone. When he brought his arm back down and looked around, he realised that he wasn’t at the rink anymore. Thousands of people with orange stuff were cheering for someone, and it took him a sec to realise that this someone was him. After a few more hauls he heard the crowd cheer and he stopped racing. Scott looked up at the screens and saw himself and the announcement that he’d broken another world record. He got pulled towards the side for an interview, but he didn’t understand a word that was said to him. He opened his mouth to say something about it, but all he heard was a husky voice speaking the same strange language back at him. Apparently, he cracked a joke since the interviewer laughed at him. He got a slap on the back and walked to the stairs to do a cooldown. He walked past Sverre Lunde Pedersen who looked a little salty while doing his own interview. As Scott reached the stairs he heard another interviewer say to her camera that this was another great achievement for Sven Kramer, but she had no idea why Sven suddenly started wiping his eyes in the middle of the race.


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